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Saturday, May 09, 2020

Obama blasts Trump's handling of coronavirus pandemic as 'an absolute chaotic disaster' and blames the president for America being more 'selfish, tribal, and divided' in leaked call

The Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been an ‘absolute chaotic disaster,’ former President Barack Obama said on Friday.

President Trump’s predecessor blamed the current occupant of the Oval Office and his allies for exacerbating ‘tribal’ tensions around the country, which he says has hampered the effort to reduce total number of cases nationwide.

Audio of the web call in which Obama spoke was obtained by Yahoo News.

‘What we’re fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy - that has become a stronger impulse in American life,’ the president said.

‘And by the way, we’re seeing that internationally as well.

‘It’s part of the reason why the response to this global crisis has been so anemic and spotty.



  1. If Obama had been president the media would have ignored the virus and chalked any deaths up to the flu!

  2. Obama needs to be HUNG for Treason at GITMO for what he did to Trump n Flynn

  3. Obama didn’t do anything for 7 months during H1N1 with 6 million infected in the US he’s the last one to criticize anyone. Now that he’s been implicated in treasonous criminal acts he’s desperate and cornered

  4. He has to say stupid shit like this to keep the money coming in. Part of the game.

  5. I’ll just add, thank you LORD for the eight years of this cat’s turmoil and thievery being behind us. And thank you FATHER for President Donald J. Trump. Trump/Pence 2020!

  6. Can you say treason

  7. He's 100% correct

  8. If Obama spoke negatively about me I would consider it a badge of honor. Obama is a fool his eight years were a disaster.

  9. What an Idiot!! He did more to divide this country then any other President. Remember the cops were stupid, if he had a son it would look like travon....Worst President ever.

  10. Obama is about to be in the headlines even more after they release the rest of the report. He is trying to get ahead of the curve and accuse the republicans of a smear job. He's been trying to protect his legacy. That's why he did't want Biden running during the last election.

  11. Can someone take that Obama Douche out back and put him out of his misery?

  12. the evil manchurian president is covering his own A$$...he knows his time is short.

  13. The only people who care what B.O has to say are those just like the lying ghetto hustler. Human trash.

  14. Then why did the governors praise Trump for his help?

  15. I am way beyond believing in anyone that associated with BO’s administration and that includes BO.

  16. Barry the Kenyan turd - you were the worst president in the history of this country!

  17. FORNICATE obama

  18. If the virus had been ignored the #s wouldn't have been much different and possibly better.If Gore had been elected 9-11,Iraq and Afghanistan would never have happened.That's a fact.

  19. Obama is the most hated man in America.........he destroyed so many wonderful things about our country., He and Moooschelle loathe and despise white people and make no bones about it. He divided our country racially worse than anyone in history ever has, He made mincemeat out of our country, but thank God we got a wonderful president in Trump who was able to repair so much of obamas screw ups and would have done so many other great things if the dems would have allowed him to. Thank you, President Trump , for all the wonderful things you have done for our country under horrible conditions that the democrats set for you. Screw you Obama!


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