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Monday, May 04, 2020

Nursing Home treating COVID-19 w Hydroxychloroquine..Amazing results

TEXAS CITY, Texas - "This is an experience of a lifetime," said Dr. Robin Armstrong. "This is something we will probably never experience again."

Dr. Armstrong and others at the Resort at Texas City Nursing home knew time wasn't on their side.

"Two of our residents had symptoms and that's when we tested everybody," said nursing home Executive Director Jan Piveral.

56 residents and 33 staff members were COVID-19 positive.

"Our Goal was to make sure we could shelter them in place so we don't spread it to other people," Armstrong said. "Then also at the same time treat them so they would get better."

Armstrong says he knew residents who ended up in the hospital had a higher mortality rate.

"Our goal was to keep them here and treat them with the medications we had available," he said.



  1. Looks like there is a treatment, but I bet you Hogan won't open the sate back up 100%!!!! Like he said he would, becasue this is not about the virus, its about socialism... You will see soon, in the next month or two is we don't open 100% and if the meat plants keep killing off their stock, there will be a food shortage...

  2. Orange Man still bad, right?

  3. My daughter broke her finger in mid January and we wound up at 2 different hospitals over the ordeal. Then we got a flu. I'm 66, so I went to the doctor and was tested and told that was not the flu. I asked today if they had tested me for seasonal or Covid, they said seasonal, they didn't have test kits for covid back then. So, we must have had the covid. I was 100 degrees for 36 hours, feat really bad for 2 days, then okay. Daughter 3 days temp and hubby, sick about 4, then gone.

    Back to work! (Well, after the finger heals!)

  4. Testing on the old people, smart!

  5. Statistics on Maryland Gov website regarding Covid 19 in nursing homes are far from accurate. Check locally. There are far more cases then are being reported.


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