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Monday, May 04, 2020

New York Times Op-ed: Dump Biden over Tara Reade Allegations

The New York Times published an op-ed Sunday evening arguing that Democrats should dump former Vice President Joe Biden as their candidate because of the potential damage of Tara Reade’s allegations against him.

Reade has accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in a Senate hallway in 1993; Biden denies the allegations.

In the op-ed, titled “Democrats, It’s Time to Consider a Plan B,” Elizabeth Bruenig argues:

I have my own impressions regarding Ms. Reade’s allegations, but no one — save Ms. Reade and Mr. Biden — knows with certainty whether her claims are true. What I can assert with firm conviction is that Democrats ought to start considering a backup plan for 2020.

Ms. Reade’s account is not nearly as incredible as some have argued. In the course of my reporting, I have worked closely with many survivors of sexual assault. It isn’t unusual, in my experience, for survivors to exhibit behavior that seems unstable or erratic to others. They may initially disclose to investigators or journalists only a fragment of what happened, and then reveal more over time — some even falsely recant, either because they sense the police don’t believe them, or because they fear the consequences of pressing their claims. And victims often maintain relationships with their attackers or harbor mixed feelings about them.



  1. YES! Dump the Pedo and feel the Bern! Bernie on the ballet guarantees Trump wins!

  2. Here we go Biden out Hillary in with Michelle.


  4. This has made him unelectable within his own party....

    All you have to ask people is did they believe Christine Blasey-Ford - if they say yes, then you ask them if they believe Tara Reade - if they say no, you are talking to a hypocrite that hates Trump more than they hate what is right!

    While the former had little evidence and memory of the actual events, the latter has all of them... They can't turn this around and say we simply hate Biden (we do!), as there is a significant difference in the evidence this time!

    Stay on the ticket Joe - Trump will win by a large margin!

  5. Do I hear the tip-toe sounds of Hillary in the balcony?

  6. Ok - who's next?

  7. They are slowly realizing that Biden is toast. He can't finish a sentence even when reading a teleprompter.

    Now this?

    Watch for queen kankles the lord of evil to pop out last second, the DNC to change the rules again, and try to appoint the hildabeast as President.

    The DNC CANNOT allow Biden to debate or seizure Sally (Hillary) so they will stuff her in last second with the mail in ballots already printed and filled out.


  8. Dems are in dire straits (not just cuz money for nothing and chicks for free) because they don't have any credible candidates. None. They've spent the past two years with their stars traipsing the country and mouthing identical lines. When Joe woke up he eventually joined the parade.

    All of them, repeat All of them, failed to generate enthusiasm among Dem primary voters! Their own party members thought they were stiffs! We've seen their senators; their governors are equally bad, and they're buzzing about former First Women and failed GA state reps.

    There are no more rabbits in Tom Perez's hat. They had a halfwhitehalfblack guy. They had a woman at top of the ticket. They're banking on a senile guy with a Chicklet grin who first showed up in DC the year Nixon was re-elected.

    But they'll still be up to their cheating games at the polls.


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