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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Mysterious Coronavirus-Linked Syndrome Spreads From London To New York

An unusually deadly coronavirus-linked respiratory syndrome initially observed among a cluster of children in the UK has apparently popped up in New York City, according to local media reports.

ABC 7 says a group of 15 children in NYC have been hospitalized with unusual symptoms similar to - get this - toxic shock syndrome, or Kawasaki Disease. The symptoms include inflammation of the blood vessels, including coronary arteries. While there have been reports of COVID-19 causing heart attacks in some patients with certain preexisting conditions, this level of damage seems unusually severe. COVID-19 is also not usually very aggressive in young children. Other symptoms include fever, rash, abdominal pain and vomiting.

However, not all of the 15 patients tested positive for the coronavirus. Only 4 tested positive outright, while 6 tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, meaning they had likely been previously infected.

On Long Island, Cohen's Children Hospital has confirmed 25 kids have been hospitalized with Kawasaki-like symptoms; 11 of them are in the ICU. The county health commissioner in Nassau described their condition as "concerning."

Mayor de Blasio issued a warning to parents advising them to contact authorities immediately if their child exhibits a combination of the symptoms for the mysterious inflammatory syndrome.



  1. "Only 4 tested positive outright, while 6 tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, meaning they had likely been previously infected."

    a bunch of fear mongering horseshit is what this is. so, if you get the virus and recover then every other disease you get after that will be corona virus related. everybody has been under house arrest for the last 2 months so did this latest symptom magically float across the atlantic from england to america?

    1. Tigers didn’t work. Children usually work every time.

  2. My car needs an oil change , guess the coronavirus got in the oil , guess we will blame any and all on the virus , makes good news for the media.

  3. 10:44 Exactly. Kawasaki’s is way more common in children than people realize. More scare tactics.

  4. Do they treat them with Suzuki serum?


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