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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mnuchin: Employees Who Reject Offer To Resume Work Ineligible For Unemployment

With more reports surfacing of employees refusing to return to work due to the benefits of unemployment, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on Tuesday that people who persist in staying home despite an offer to work will not be eligible for federal unemployment benefits.

“If you offer a person a job…and that person does not take the job…then that person would not be allowed to get unemployment,” Mnuchin said Tuesday, as reported by Fox News.

The treasury secretary said that companies receiving benefits from the Payroll Protection Program should notify unemployment offices if the employee refuses to work.



  1. Regardless of an unsafe workplace?

    1. I could see your point but there's more to the story Especially when it comes to processing plants look at all of the stores that are open and all the business's open during this time but you only hear about processing plants. Find another excuse to be lazy?

  2. Oh Mr. Munchkinland....you don't know how the system is gamed. Just enjoy your political appt until you are let go. Everyone gets let go...your time is a coming PALLY.

  3. We need a socialist economy.

  4. As it should be and has always been.

  5. Section 8 created by Mayor JakeMay 20, 2020 at 5:05 PM

    I nots worken as a slave foe No one

  6. Transgender @ Salisbury UniversityMay 20, 2020 at 5:14 PM

    I want my 600.00 a week....

    I'm loving life in my mommys basement

  7. " Anonymous said...
    Regardless of an unsafe workplace?

    May 20, 2020 at 3:14 PM"

    Don't even go there. It only proves your utter and sheer stupidity. Just because a job may cause someone to come in contact with the public does NOT make it "unsafe". Use you head if possible. First off the cases with few exceptions were clustered. Example nursing homes, meat processing plants, high density living areas. Unless you work in one of these places the job is NOT unsafe. If jobs like hair stylist, gym employee retail, restaurant business were "unsafe THEN the total number of cases in this country would be through the roof because it was circulating well before anything was shut down. If you don't want to work and be a peon your whole life then that is your business but don't be out spreading what amounts to the ignorance. It' proves your very very very low IQ level.

    1. ok numbnuts, what about nursing homes, meat processing plants, restaurants, hotels, bars, hospitals? Do these workers not count? How about you take your very very high IQ and work a shift in one of those places.

  8. You wanna be Socialist have obviously NEVER experienced a TRUE Socialist environment for any length of time. Look at the THOUSANDS that are gladly risking their lives to come here, to America, the 180 deg opposite, yet almost ZERO Americans are leaving HERE to go live in Socialist countries...Hmm, How can that be? I YOU don't care for America, or its values, feel FREE to exit! Socialism WILL NOT BE TOLERATED....just get a job and deal with it!

  9. Here's the bottom line for people refusing to return to work: in a very short time, that extra $600 a week is going to go away and where will all of you employed folks be then, living on 2/3 of your regular income from the job you gave up for a few extra dollars? I know with no income during the shut down that $600 was a blessing, but a job is long term - the extra money is done at the end of July. If you insist on giving up your job, don't even consider whining that you need UI starting in August because you don't have a job! I hope the government doesn't knuckle under to these people! And, just to be clear, if someone has a serious medical issue with a valid, written, medical reason that they can't YET return to work, that's a different story. Sadly, it's far to easy for some to get bogus notes.


  10. 9:28 You swung at it and missed.

    Many of the operations you listed have continued to work. Some others had temporary restrictions and are now mostly running. Employees were sent home by governors, mayors, etc. Otherwise they would have been working all the while, just like normal.

    The generous unemployment pay was to cushion the sudden and unforeseen hiatus. In normal times, many work at jobs that are less than perfect; they're always free to go for something better. So in large measure the job they're being called back to is the one they were sent home from, with the cleaning and distancing changes added. If they don't return, the unemployment pay from all sources stops and they can commence a job search. Just facts.

  11. People on unemployment need to realize that if they had a career they could make that kind of money working.

  12. Well, isn't that a good idea! How could it be any other way!

  13. Easy 601 - everyone is entitled to make choices.

    Now whether those choices are wise or not, well??????

    This is America - home of the Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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