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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Minnesota imam confirms Ilhan Omar fraudulently raised cash from his charity meals program

Shortly after Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz issued a "stay-at home" order on March 25, local Imam Tawakal Ismail partnered with 115-year-old charity GMCC to deliver meals to seniors and disabled individuals in immediate risk of hunger.

On April 9, GMCC's website announced the meal program's partners and major donors. The list included the imam's charitable organization Darul Hadiith, and GMCC's Minnesota FoodShare program.

Absent from the list: U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, or any other elected official or candidate.

This was intentional. Responding to questions via phone and email, Imam Tawakal states that the project is strictly "charity work," and that he has been explicitly rejecting political partnerships and forbidding campaign photo or video opportunities.



  1. Question of the day...why is she still a member of Congress?

  2. This reminds us of a certain local Liberal politician who regularly took credit for things she never did, and who stole from her own party on more than one occasion.

  3. Why is this beeeatch not in jail?


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