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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Michigan Gov. Whitmer caught in Memorial Day lockdown controversy over husband's reported boat request

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer faced backlash from Republican lawmakers after a reported request from her husband to get the family's boat out on the water before Memorial Day weekend -- far from their home in Lansing.

Whitmer, a Democrat, famously has imposed one of the strictest lockdowns in the country, sparking frequent protests. What's more, she's told people not living in Northern Michigan to stay away from vacation spots there during the holiday weekend.

In Facebook posts no longer visible to the public, NorthShore Dock LLC and its owner, Tad Dowker, focused on what Dowker said was a request last week by Whitmer's husband, Marc Mallory. The posts caught the attention of Republican state lawmakers, who said the governor's family may not have wanted to follow the guidance she's issued for the rest of the state.

"This morning, I was out working when the office called me, there was a gentleman on hold who wanted his boat in the water before the weekend," Dowker posted. "Being Memorial weekend and the fact that we started working three weeks late means there is no chance this is going to happen."



  1. Another, do as I say, not as I do, hypocrite.

  2. Laws are for the little people.

  3. It's always a chuckle for us LE officers when we make a traffic stop and the driver pointedly says, "Do you know who I am?!"

  4. Every time I see that Gretchen woman (such a bad sounding name who would ever name their child Grethen??? Sounds like a name for a cow!) I think how easily it would be to do makeup on her to look like planet of the apes for a Halloween costume . She looks just like an ape already.

    1. When you resort to name calling and putting someone down, you have lost.

  5. Yes, sir or ma'am, I know who you are. Then I write a second citation in addition to the first, which might have just been a friendly warning.

  6. Her 15 mins in the national limelight is just about over.

    Best wishes with your future endeavors!

  7. FIRE her Democrat ass !!!!


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