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Monday, May 25, 2020

Maryland COVID-19 hospitalizations slightly decrease, testing expands

The Maryland Health Department reports a slight uptick in novel coronavirus cases, adding 1,071 cases since Friday.

That's about a 20 % increase from numbers in the 24 hours when the number of new cases from Thursday into Friday was 893. State Health officials Saturday reported 45,495 confirmed cases.

However, there was a decrease in hospitalizations. Also reported Saturday, 45,495 people tested negative for the virus(a total of 186,832 negative tests); 40 more people were added to those who have been released from isolation (a total of 3,283), 9 fewer people were hospitalized--bringing that number down to 1,320.

More COVID-19 numbers reported by the state include 796 people in acute care, 524 in intensive care. There were 38 deaths added to Maryland's COVID-19 death toll, bring that number to 2,130. Prince George's County and Montgomery make up the top 5 counties with the highest confirmed cases:

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  1. While we've all know the unreliability of models, there is one just put out by researchers in Singapore suggesting coronavirus could disappear in the US by November. What makes this model a little more reliable are there are some things to back it up. US researchers have concluded the number of cases is under reported. Some are saying only 1 in 20 who have it are being diagnosed due in part because someone gets sick and their symptoms aren't severe enough to seek any medical intervention. In random antibody testing in NY it was estimated approx 13 percent of NY residents had been infected and in NYC it went up to 25 percent. If course the more dense the population the higher the infection rate.
    One thing is for certain. Before anyone can conclude this virus is more deadly or even that the illness more severe there has to be wide spread anti body testing.

  2. Hogan, aka Hitler, have you started using the worthless test kits you bought from Korea with my tax dollars? How much of MD ta dollars did you waste for these non FDA approved kits? Are you reimbursing the MD tax payer for this government waste?

  3. For all those who attacked anyone who felt the numbers have not added up to the justification of a lockdown you are behind the curve.
    We DID hunker down because we did NOT know what this virus was BUT four months later and MANY scientific minds, etc. later we UNDERSTAND this virus better and we are PREPARED for any cluster breakouts.
    We also know that unless you are in a VULNERABLE group you may not even know you have it.
    Should we still be careful? Hell yes, but we also need to OPEN BACK UP.


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