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Monday, May 11, 2020

Mark Alexander: Beyond Flynn: Indict Obama, Clinton, Comey, and Brennan

Time to take down the key co-conspirators in the plan to take down Trump.

“We should be unfaithful to ourselves if we should ever lose sight of the danger to our liberties if anything partial or extraneous should infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections.” —John Adams (1797)
The Department of Justice filed a motion to dismiss its case against LTG Michael Flynn (USA Ret.). He was set up by a small cabal of corrupt FBI agents on a perjury charge related to the 1799 Logan Act — under which nobody has ever been convicted. Flynn was Barack Obama’s former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (2012-2014). After 33 years of distinguished military service, he joined the then-new administration of President Donald Trump as his national security advisor from 23 January to 13 February 2017 — until Obama’s deep-state operators took him out.

LTG Flynn was the first victim of what we now know was, arguably, a coup d'étatto take down Trump. As I noted two years ago, DoJ’s operation “Crossfire Hurricane” to ensnare Trump by entrapping those connected to his campaign, and then his administration, devolved into a “Backfire Tornado.” As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy noted this week, the conspiracy to entrap Flynn was key to keeping the corrupt Russia-collusion investigation moving forward. McCarthy notes, “If no way could be found to sideline Flynn, then Flynn was going to find out about Crossfire Hurricane.” On the charges being dropped, McCarthy also makes the case, “There was no basis to believe Flynn, a decorated former US combat commander, would ever be Moscow’s mole, much less that he had committed a crime.”



  1. I think I'd give a year of my pay to see that happen.


  3. Oh yes, take them down, down to the jail, and put all of them in it, forever.

  4. Nothing will happen....Hildabeast should have been locked up over 2 years ago....no Republican has nads big enough to get the job done....afraid she will have them commit Suicide!!!

  5. Even great news get old when nothing is do about it. If only throw stones at them in the town square or tie a few up by a rope over a big branch and let the “keds” kick the basket from under them. Now Hillary, and Biden’s boss I would handle myself, along with several more.

  6. Hail Jail. Nothing less will do.

  7. Execution would be nice,


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