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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Lamborghini offers pouring in for 5-year-old Utah boy who stole parents' SUV

OGDEN, Utah (KUTV) — The Lamborghini dreams of a 5-year-old Utah boy, who stole his parents' SUV so he could drive to Californiato buy one, are now coming true.

On Monday, Adrian Zamarripa took the keys to his parents' SUVafter an argument with his mother where she refused to buy him a Lamborghini.

Adrian drove for about two miles -- on his way to buy a Lamborghini with $3 in his pocket --before being stopped on Interstate 15 by Utah Highway Patrol.

You can see the UHP dashcam video below:

His family says they are very sorry for this incident and warned other parents to not leave their car keys unattended.

Adrian’s sister, Sidney Estrada, told 2News:
Oh, I lost it, something bad could have happened to him."



  1. His parents need to nip this attitude in the bud or they're going to have some real problems later.

  2. FIVE years old?? Looks bigger than a 5 year old - thankfully safe.

    Can't imagine that happening to any parent. WOW.

    So now, the world we live in....Is there a D.A. in Ogeden UT interested in getting his/her name in the news and prosecute the parents?

    Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  3. So as a punishment for bad behavior we are now rewarding kids. In the interview that didn't even seem that concerned. They acted if it was a joke.

  4. Lecture other parents about car keys after your son becomes a felon.

  5. Disgusting you dont teach by rewarding bad behavior

  6. Sounds like to me the little schmuck needs his ass fanned instead of a gift.

  7. And if something tragic had happened to that child or someone else unfortunate enough to be on the road when the kid was driving, these parents would be blaming the police that were going after him

  8. Now -- just one day later -- offers for Adrian to sit in, and ride in a Lamborghini are pouring in. The family is still deciding what to do with the offers.

    No one bought him a car. He's 5 years old FFS. I'm sure he will be corrected by other means than beating him half to death. Everyone has an opinion on how to raise and punish this kid, but I have to wonder how they raise their own kids.

    I mean it's not like kids are on the street running wild right?


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