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Monday, May 25, 2020

Labor report: Maryland lost 349,300 jobs in April

The numbers in Maryland’s latest labor report are troubling with 349,300 jobs lost and business leaders say it is going to be a long road to recovery.

“The numbers are quite sobering. I believe it speaks to the tailspin our economy has been in due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” Howard County Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Leonardo McClarty told MarylandReporter.com in an email on Friday.

“No surprises, although the numbers are about as bleak as anyone could have anticipated. It’s a reflection of the incredibly serious consequence of closing down the most successful and profitable economy in our lifetime,” Frederick County Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Rick Weldon said.

“The numbers are certainly trending in the wrong direction,” said Mike O’Halloran, state director of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).

O’Halloran said small business owners are doing everything they can to survive in the current environment.

“There’s a story that needs to be told that there’s still a very board determination on behalf of Maryland’s job creators to the best they can and to get their employees off the UI (unemployment insurance) rolls in spite of the restrictions placed on them. Every day you can hear stories about small business owners that are pivoting or inventing new ways to get their products and their services to customers and clients.”




  2. That's nothing compared to the tidal wave that is coming.

  3. I would say most of these jobs weren't lost in April. More likely almost 3 months ago when the shut downs began. Job loss is determined by the states' unemployment programs and how many are receiving unemployment payments at a given time and how many who were receiving it are no longer. Many are just now seeing an unemployment check due to MD (and many other states' antiquated systems which failed when overloaded with people filing.) Also many businesses that received the PPP loans have run out of that money so those already laid off employees have filed for and are receiving unemployment.

  4. Wait until the sad and depressing numbers of LOST/FAILED/ Maryland business - SMALL businesses are totaled and released...that's going to be horrid ... all thanks to AH Hogan and his power trip :(

  5. It will get much worse
    Hunker down, get out of debt, stock up on supplies

  6. Thank You Hogan, aka HITLER, for forcing small businesses out of business and paying more unemployment to these people than they make by working.

    What a SOCIALIST way of governing.

  7. Yet Govt is trying it's Best to stop all our Benefits & $$$ needed !!!!

  8. Merryland wants to keep ALL your Stimulus $$$ from you & Force you

    Back to work EVEN if it Kills you !!! You will be On Your Own 2020 !!!

  9. Jobs are LOST , but Merryland expects you to go to work so they don't
    have to Pay you anymore !!!

    Well , they just want their cake & eat it too !!! This don't work !!!

    Either PAY you or bring back the jobs lost , or you live on 0000000 $$$


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