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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Just Like That


  1. Good of the governors letting the rioters be the first to go back to pre Covid normal.

    May they'll let the rest of us get there next year.

  2. Literally no one is saying this.

    1. Except for dumb people.

    2. Ah, yeah, they are... where do you live in China?? Because EVERYONE is saying this lol. You must not get out much.

    3. You're both Dumber for trying to suggest that no one noticed that NO ONE died from Covid. Idiots "protesting/Rioting" were however dying for having the diluted POV that they were Bullet Proof Haha. You fall into That category. Dorks.

  3. From viewing all the rioting that is taking place in many of the major cities throughout our Country, it leaves little doubt by virtue of the numbers and participants that COVID-19 precautions are way down the list, if in fact on the list at all. With such a large Petri dish, we should know in a few days whether the virus re-emerges to any extent or not in those cities and areas.. If not , the rioters total disregard for the virus, social distancing and mask wearing leads to no subsequent outbreak, it should serve as an indication to all of us to return to complete and total normalcy, regardless of the propaganda being perpetuated by governments.

  4. If in fact there is no increase in the virus in all these cities where rioting has occurred, then the rioters will have proven, masks, social distancing, crowd gathering not to exceed ten people is meaningless. Such demonstrations will have at least served one positive outcome, thus showing all of us that proposed returns to normal by Phases I,II and III is totally and completely unnecessary. What greater demonstration and proof is needed. For that being an unexpected positive outcome from these terrible people and events would be some saving grace, and serve as an example to our States and Nation, that it time to move on from the effects of the virus and put it behind us.

  5. You see few, if any, seniors involved in the images of the riots shown on news media. Unfortunately, even if they spread the virus among them, most of those young adults rioting, looting, and burning will not be seriously affected by the virus. But if they were, THAT would be justice!


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