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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Judicial Watch finds document 'used to launch Obama administration's spy op'

'No wonder the DOJ and FBI resisted the public release of this infamous electronic communication'

Government watchdog Judicial Watch on Wednesday announced it has found the document that apparently started the Obama administration's "spy operation" on President Trump's 2016 campaign.

The organization said it used a Freedom of Information Act procedure to force the release of an electronic communication – generated by former FBI agent Peter Strzok.

"The redacted document details seeming third hand information that the Russian government 'had been seeking prominent members of the Donald Trump campaign in which to engage to prepare for potential post-election relations should Trump be elected U.S. president.' The document also alleges Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, claimed to an unnamed party that 'they (the Russians) could assist the Trump campaign with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton,'" the organization reported.

The document states, "It was unclear whether he [Papadopoulos] or the Russians were referring to material acquired publicly of [sic] through other means. It was unclear how Mr. Trump’s team reacted to the offer. We note the Trump team’s reaction could, in the end, have little bearing of what Russia decides to do, with or without Mr. Trump’s cooperation."



  1. This is just as bad as Nixon's Watergate conspiracy, and people did go to prison for that.

  2. Thank you, Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch.

  3. Obama and all his cronies should be locked up for the rest of their lives, since they are traitors to Democracy.

  4. Fitting is a National treasure and should be given the Medal of Freedom.


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