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Friday, May 01, 2020

In "Decision He'll Come To Regret," Judge Allows Warrantless Aerial Surveillance Of Baltimore

For many years we've been documenting the developments surrounding spy planes over the skies of the Baltimore metro area, monitoring residents as the region has become the testing ground for the surveillance state.

In early April, under cover of the coronavirus pandemic, Baltimore City's Board of Estimates approved the contract to resurrect the spy plane program.

Now it appears three planes have been cleared for takeoff by a federal judge on Friday (April 24).

According to AP News, US District Judge Richard Bennett in Baltimore on Friday ruled against a grassroots think tank and local community organizing groups. They asked the judge to ground the three planes from taking off, indicating the surveillance program violates the First and Fourth Amendment rights of residents. Flights are expected to begin next week.

"The United States Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit have long upheld the use of far more intrusive warrantless surveillance techniques than the (Aerial Investigation Research) program," Bennett wrote in an opinion rejecting the plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction.

The spy plane program will fly the planes equipped with large optical sensors that would be typically mounted on a warplane. Each sensor can surveil up to 32 square miles, effectively covering the entire city and monitor everyone and everything that moves.



  1. AS they say ,...if you are not doing anything wrong who cares?

  2. Easy fix. Baltimore has a port. Allow CBP and HSI to use drones in the city like other major port cities.

  3. Then if someone is flying a drone within City-Limits, they could argue that it was simply for neighborhood surveillance purposes!!! Surely they intended to inform the police of any nefarious activity going on in the 'hood.

  4. Skynet gets launched.

  5. Well Baltimore is a cesspool of shi well criminals.

  6. I C U!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. What do they hope to see ? Reruns of Wild Kingdom ? It only proves what a ghetto Baltimore is. Most modern cities installing 5G wireless are hacking peoples door bell cameras,security systems and smart devices to survey at ground level inside and outside their homes alike. They are not collecting data and demographics though for security or control it all revolves about profiling you as a consumer so they can customize the propaganda you encounter as it appeals to your consumptive habits. None of this is about big government and mind control it's all about perfecting and grooming you as a zombie consumer.

  8. I'll just say it to get it out of the way because I know someone else will, CIVIL WAR IS COMING! There I feel better now, someone just tell me who we are supposed to shoot at? I'd throw some check marks in but I don't know how to do it on a computer.

  9. The light that bounces off of you does not belong to you.

  10. Suppose your young child was kidnapped by a sexual predator and this could assist in locating the child, would you still be against it?
    If you have nothing to hide, why worry?

  11. If they can do it over B-More they can do it here too.

  12. The only thing they will find is a bunch of unemployed (by choice) thugs hanging around smoking dope and doing dope deals and stealing anything they can get their hands on to sell for drug money.


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