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Saturday, May 09, 2020

HUGE — SOMEBODY JUST GOT CAUGHT: Either Comey or DNC Attorney Sussmann Lied Under Oath about Access to DNC Servers

The House Intelligence Committee released the 57 previously undisclosed transcripts from the Mueller probe into the Trump administration.

Chairman Adam Schiff only released the documents after DNI Rick Grenell threatened to release the documents earlier this week.

DNI Ric Grenell also released 53 transcripts Thursday from the Mueller investigation.

One of the transcripts released was the Mueller interview with Perkins Coie attorney Michael Sussmann. Sussmann left the DOJ’s Computer Crime/intellectual Property Section to work with Perkins Coie. Sussmann was hired by the DNC and met with and provided Christopher Steele with claims about Alfa Bank’s alleged ties to Vladimir Putin.



  1. I don’t even read these stories anymore because no one is doing anything about it. These are felonies that the elite continue to commit and yet there’s no punishment at all. It’s got to end.

    1. 7:35....You're ABSOLUTLY CORRECT! Obvious, proven crimes, yet they all just little by little get swept under the rug! Whil ed gh ef media feed on it like piranha! It is getting more and more obvious that ONLY the non government tax payer is held accountable. It's a VERY concerning message, and the elected Republicans are just as guilty as the the democrats!

  2. They both lied. The DNC never offered The FBI never asked. They didn't care who hacked (if they were indeed hacked at all) because the plan was to blame Russia. They know ALL democrat voters are complete ignoramuses and brainwashed wastes of a life and that they could fool them into thinking the only reason President Trump won was because of foreign interference and therefore illegitimate.

  3. Schiff and others GOT CAUGHT! THIS is what is tantamount or greater than Watergate America. This whole scheme that is now exposed has thrown the "monkey wrench" in the works and jeopardized 2020. The very highest echelons are complicit; they are embarrassed and have no defense now that the transcripts have been released. The Durham report is going to blow it wide open.

  4. All of the shooters we have had killing people in the past why don't they do us a favor and get these guilty ones who deserve it .Maybe just rough them up and break the legs .

  5. Broken legs isn't even close to being the right punishment, whole leg amputation just might satisfy me though.

  6. epstien did not kill himself either


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