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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

HUGE! Clinton Campaign Attorney Mark Elias Admitted in Testimony He Sent the Bill from Fusion GPS for Dossier Directly to Campaign Manager Robbie Mook

On Saturday The Gateway Pundit reported that thanks to newly released transcripts Hillary Campaign chairman John Podesta admitted during testimony that both the DNC and Hillary Campaign split the cost of the bogus Trump-Russia dossier in 2016 that initially launched the attempted coup against Donald Trump.

John Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman in 2016.
CNN reported in October 2017 that Podesta and then DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz “both denied to congressional Russia investigators that they had any knowledge about an arrangement to pay for opposition research on President Donald Trump, three sources familiar with the matter told CNN.”

But that is not what John Podesta told House Intelligence investigators under oath in his December 2017 testimony.

John Podesta admitted under oath that the DNC and the Hillary Campaign split the cost of the Trump-Russia dossier.



  1. Okay, here's a real challenge. Name who you think is the MOST corrupt dumbocrat.

  2. They are all dirty.. lost the election and for the next 3 years lied about Russia... hope they all go to jail.. the emails came from Seth Rich. Who was murdered

  3. I hope they all go to hell

  4. Even with all of this, there will still be people that vote Democrat!

  5. Comey, Miller time, Brennan, McCabe testimony was that they had know idea who paid for it and did not investigate the origins. James went further and said on Fox that republicans paid for it.

  6. They are / were not charged for lying to investigators / Congress? Also John Podesta's brother was / has not been arrested and charged, since he was doing the exact same thing Manafort was charged with.

  7. Bye bye Mark Elias, sorry but your days are numbered. Nothing can save you now. Us voters sure do appreciate you coming forward and spilling the beans. Thank you.


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