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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

House Democrats set vote on $3 trillion coronavirus wishlist

House Democrats will force a vote Friday on a $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill drafted largely without Republican input — an effort the GOP has already said would be DOA in the Senate.

The more than 1,800-page bill is widely considered a Democratic opening shot to create pressure on the GOP-held Senate to negotiate a fifth large COVID-19 deal.
The Heroes Act would be the largest coronavirus bill — exceeding even the $2 trillion package that passed in late March.

“The Heroes Act focuses on three pillars, opening our economy safely and soon, honoring our heroes, and then putting much-needed money into the pockets of the American people,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a short statement Tuesday afternoon.

“We can all agree we must open our economy as quickly as we can, but we must do so based on science and data. The key to opening the door is testing, tracing, treatment, and social distancing. and we must do so in a way that reaches all Americans in a way that addresses the disparities we have seen so that we can assess the full extent of the coronavirus and defeat it,” she said.

Provisions include another round of direct payments of up to $1,200 per person — including for each dependent child — up to $6,000 per family, according to a Democratic fact sheet.



  1. Remember we dont know whats in it til it passes. NEVER EVER ALLOW ANYTHING SHE HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH PASS EVER AGAIN!!!
    This bill makes chavez proud...and Elevates slavery to a new level. It Ensures your great great great great great grandkids will enjoy the fruits of her stupity....

  2. It gives millions of taxpayers money to illegals. It gives illegals amnesty to stay here and not be deported. It is not meant to help Americans but to help illegals so the Democrats can win all future elections through illegals voting.

  3. No matter what lofty name is affixed to it, it's the same bloated mess, the kind of national giveaways Pelosi and her minions regurgitate over and over. Thank goodness there's a Senate majority for that.

  4. Crooked Nancy's personal wish list.

  5. The SALT cap highlights the HIGH-TAX states that were being subsidized by the rest of the country... MD is one of those states! We need to pressure our state government to manage their spending and reduce our taxes....

    Another puff of the good stuff!

  6. A vote for democrats is a vote against America.


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