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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hogan: Stay-home order will be lifted Friday evening

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced the stay-home order will be lifted 5 p.m. Friday and the state will move to a safer-at-home advisory.

"The fight against this deadly disease if far from over. But because of incredible courage you have shown and the extraordinary sacrifices you have made, Maryland, and our nation, can now at least begin to slowly recover," Hogan said.

Hogan has said the recovery plan has four essential building blocks that must happen to reopen the state: expanded testing, increased hospital surge capacity, increased supply of personal protective equipment and a robust contact-tracing operation.

Hogan said Maryland has achieved the 14-day trend of plateauing and decreasing numbers of hospitalizations and deaths.

"Today, I am pleased to announce that Maryland has achieved the 14-day trend of plateauing and declining numbers," Hogan said. "This allows us to cautiously and safely begin Stage One of the recovery plan."

Last week, with the four building blocks for recovery in place and after a week of encouraging numbers, Maryland's Coronavirus Recovery Team unanimously recommended revised guidelines to allow for elective medical procedures and increased number of outdoor activities, Hogan said.Hogan said Maryland has achieved the 14-day trend of plateauing and decreasing numbers of hospitalizations and deaths.

"Today, I am pleased to announce that Maryland has achieved the 14-day trend of plateauing and declining numbers," Hogan said. "This allows us to cautiously and safely begin Stage One of the recovery plan."

Last week, with the four building blocks for recovery in place and after a week of encouraging numbers, Maryland's Coronavirus Recovery Team unanimously recommended revised guidelines to allow for elective medical procedures and increased number of outdoor activities, Hogan said.



  1. What a CROCK I went out anyway lol cops where too busy bullshitting and hiding behind building.

    1. Exactly I did to this hasn't stopped me from living my life

    2. Police in Maryland were never stopping Cars for this reason. Military never knocked on doors or did road blocks. Food service never closed. It was all bs. As usual.

  2. I thought it was lifted considering the beaches.

  3. Unfortunately, many people will go well beyond the reduced limits. Especially since there are no real consequences.

  4. Robust Contact Tracing

    A communist idea of tracking subjects using all means available in order to control behavior. An invasion of privacy in the highest order.

  5. Hogan is full of it "Today, I am pleased to announce that Maryland has achieved the 14-day trend of plateauing and declining numbers"

    14 days ago cases per day 742. Cases for the following days average 1018 per day.

    April 29 - 742
    April 30 - 883
    May 1 - 1741
    May 2 - 1002
    May 3 - 993
    May 4 - 948
    May 5 - 708
    May 6 - 1046
    May 7 - 1213
    May 8 - 1116
    May 9 - 1046
    May 10 - 1055
    May 11 - 790
    May 12 - 691

    1. He's talking about numbers plateauing in the hospitals. Not positive cases.

  6. Not for restaurants and bars

  7. He got pressured from big money in OC to open everything for Memorial Day Weekend. End of story.

    1. Thank God for that big money shout out Leighton Moore Dr Berger and the Hale brothers

    2. Did you neither if you hear anything! Restaurants and bars remain closed.

  8. Eastern shore is about to go from beach towns to petri dish

  9. okay Dooms Dayers start commenting on how the numbers are going to rise and people are going to be stacked 2 fold in the overwhelmed hospitals and how the bodies are going to be stored in perdue's freezers or some other nonsense predictions.

  10. You think it’s hard getting meat at the store now, wait until the restaurants open back up this Friday.

    1. NOT restaurants and bars....did u even listen to his announcement?

  11. oh thank you fine Sir....for keeping me safe,
    and not to be around those who are sick

    thank you...thank you

  12. Rumor has it that Hogan has invested heavily in Casket and cement Burial Vault companies as of yesterday.

  13. "There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes.

    While masks may block some droplets, Fauci said, they do not provide the level of protection people think they do. Wearing a mask may also have unintended consequences: People who wear masks tend to touch their face more often to adjust them, which can spread germs from their hands.

    60 Minutes March 8 2020

    1. Try wearing it 8 hours a day. You don't breathe normally and it's exhausting

  14. Adolph Hogan and the Third Reich cannot take the heat. But then again Adolph Hogan's "elite" has to open OC and let these non-residents infect us for his / their economic gain.

    I read no where where restaurants are able to open. Does that mean only restaurants in OC will be the only ones open?

    The mandate of wearing mask is no longer mandatory but should be worn in indoor areas and on transit. Did I miss social distancing or was it not addressed. It never worked in OC last weekend.

  15. Wisconsin Supreme Court knocks down stay-at-home order.

  16. 7:30 What Hogan said was corrected. He didn't say cases per day but hospitalizations per day. The key word is plateauing. The past 14 days the rates have been lower then the plateau which was April 30th when over 1700 were hospitalized.
    Another note-while not all the testing is in from the Salisbury mass testing prelim numbers look like about an 8 percent infection rate.

  17. So now we can enjoy live music, corn hole and outdoor eating at restaurants?

  18. I will do what I want...don't give a rip what he says...

  19. Yep 9pm...and they packed bars and restaurants last nite. Interesting, guess those establishments had a leg up on the decision since they had food/drink to serve.

  20. There's no such thing as a stay at home order. My First Amendment told me so!

  21. Ocean City is going to be boring this year without the European hookers they usually bring in.


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