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Monday, May 04, 2020

Greg Gutfeld on Biden response to Tara Reade claims: He 'was doing great in that interview until he confessed'

"The Five" weighed in Friday on presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's response to allegations he sexually assaulted former staffer Tara Reade while serving in the Senate.

"I thought his tone was good. Mika was strong, but I don't know if he convinced anybody either way," co-host Jesse Watters said. "Voters are just gonna have to never know the truth and just factor this into their decision in November."

"He left himself vulnerable for sure. When [MSNBC's] Mika [Brzezinski] asked if he remembered Reade, he dodged," Watters added.

Watters also compared Biden's situation to the furor over sexual misconduct allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

"His [Biden's] obvious 'Kavanaugh standard' about 'Believe all women' has evolved. It's now 'Believe all women at first, and then investigate them,'" Watters said. "Now a lot of people would think, investigate and then believe. I'm not really sure what he [Biden] believes. I just think he knows he needs to say what he needs to say to get out of that question."



  1. Biden KNOWS he is GUILTY & Democrats are Never Punished !!! Period

  2. I think he regrets running.I completely agree that he does not recall the incident,but someone hired to do pre campaign research should have picked up on it.

  3. Common Sense dictates the way humans have handled complaints since the Garden of Eden:

    Hear the complaint
    Investigate the facts
    Allow the accused to face the accuser
    Conclude after all sides have presented evidence

    The Me Too Movement was a communist agenda to emasculate men, and thereby make it much less likely the Goyim will revolt against the Masters.

  4. I am female and I don't like the Metoo movement. I believe that women should come forward against bad behavior by a man or woman. I don't believe that all MeToo situations are true and should not be endorsed by a group that seems to have one motive - hate men.

  5. Biden is as guilty as sin. He knows the documents are not considered public and the Congress has this slush fund that pays millions of tax dollars for these crooks that harass / sexually assault interns. The Senate should make a priority that this slush fund is ended immediately and all records made public. Make these politians be made responsible for paying back all monies they used for these illegal acts. They either pay these monies back or lose all tax payer benefits until they do. Remember they are all multi- millionaires and they can afford the money.

  6. Well at least we aren't talking about HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  7. He said; She said- not really.

    She was an employee, and supposedly had her duties reduced after declining to serve drinks to some of his guests. She had been in theater and a dancer in La Bamba bio movie. Was probably an attractive woman at that point in late 20's. Had interned for Cong. Leon Pannetta before. Jobs on congressional staff are highly sought after, and obviously most employees are fans of their boss and their policies. She left and went back West but told a number of people about her experience immediately and at times in years that followed without trying to bring it public. Her mom's call to Larry King about the time she left DC.

    Contrasted with:

    Scads of photos of Joe leaning over or grabbing girls, women and even a male law enforcement officer. Eight (8) women went public last year detailing various Joe actions that left them uncomfortable; no common element except Joe. Tara was among the group. Sine her comments got more specific as his campaign improved, Joe has been kept muzzled on the topic under virtual house arrest in his basement practicing talking to a video camera. Finally he surfaced for some questions by the daughter of Jimmy Carter's foreign policy guy. Guarantee he had the questions before and had practiced his lines; that's why he dodged the topic for a month. During that time his aides went through his materials at U of DE to find and purge anything that might bear on the question.

    So who seems more credible? Advantage, Tara.


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