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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Governor Hogan's Current Language On Bars/Restaurants

Restaurants and Bars. 

i. This Order controls the occupancy and use of restaurants, bars, and other similar establishments that sell food or beverages for consumption on premises in Maryland (“Restaurants and Bars”). This Order does not apply to food or beverage services in health care facilities, which are expressly excluded from the definition of “Restaurants and Bars.” 

ii. All Restaurants and Bars shall remain closed to the general public, except that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with any social-distancing recommendations of MDH, food and beverages may be: 1. sold if such food or beverages are promptly taken from the premises, i.e., on a carry-out or drive-through basis; or 2. delivered to customers off the premises.


  1. This is BS period! Walmart, Target, Home Depot, etc can have HUNDREDS of customers INSIDE, and NO, THEY'RE NOT SLL SIX FEET APART! In addition, It seems Walmart, Target, Home Depot, etc employees aren't increasingly getting the virus in higher numbers! People riding mass transit arent getting the virus in higher numbers! How is it that Bars, and restaurants need to survive is LESS than ANY other business? Why is keeping the mass of "Unessential" government staff on payroll, yet Bars & Restaurants are forced to lay off staff, this is BLATANT unfairness!!!

  2. Oh for God's sake. Plain English. It reads like the DNR regulations.

    1. To help you with the big words- promptly means really fast and premises is the place you buy the food, so once you buy it you have to very quickly leave. As in you can't stay. Hope that is clear enough for you.

    2. Comment of the week my friend.

  3. SO what.
    The openings that have occurred people are reckless and do not care about others at all. What makes you think those people will behave differently

  4. Does this apply to the Philips Family of restaurants in O.C.? Does this apply to Jonah and the Whale and the Harrison Group in O.C. or just the peons in the rest of the geographical area?

    1. Jonah and the whale isn't owned by harrisson group

  5. You mean illegal order!!!!

  6. The wiggle room is getting less and less.

    Always hard when the rules constantly change.

  7. WTF is wrong with Hogan. Is it time for Trump to step in and take this power hungry idiot out of office.

  8. Did you morons just see in the news that Wisconsin courts said stay-at-home orders are unconstitutional??? Hmmmm how did I know that these orders were unlawful form day one???? Can anyone guess how I knew???? anyone????? huh????

    1. Your magic 8 ball

    2. Wisconsin Supreme Court doesn’t provide rulings for Maryland. Maryland judges won’t overrule Hogan.

    3. @2:18 Hi Mr. Idiot, us Morons did see that. We do see that your dimwitted self righteous self made a assumption like everyone else did. How did you know??? I guess you watch a lot of t.v.? Or you have all the inside top secret connections? Please enlighten us, and indulge us some more on your brilliance! Bravo!! Bravo!!!

  9. 12:53 Not only people out shopping etc aren't getting the virus in high numbers they aren't getting it at all-employees or customers. Nor has dining in any restaurant in the country been tied to an outbreak. This because it's impossible to get this virus through casual contact whether you stay 6 ft from someone or a foot. Whether you wear a mask or not.

  10. Adolph Hogan and his 2nd in command of the THIRD REICH, Meehan will not enforce these Gestapo rules in OC for the "elite". If they do there will be no jail space.

    The Gestapo rules MD / OC. You should go and observe the actions in the Baltimore / DC corridor. You will see a different MD in the regulations.

  11. "Anonymous said...
    Did you morons just see in the news that Wisconsin courts said stay-at-home orders are unconstitutional??? Hmmmm how did I know that these orders were unlawful form day one???? Can anyone guess how I knew???? anyone????? huh????

    May 14, 2020 at 2:18 PM"

    Yes I saw it in the news and there is more to it. The Wis Supreme Court didn't rule the order was unconstitutional but unenforceable BECAUSE Of the process. Since it was being enforced then the Wisconsin's state Constitution requires the legislature's approval.

  12. Speaking of food:
    I would suggest that anyone coming to the beach now that it is open (except for restaurants), the first thing they should do is get in line for carry-out.
    And not just at Thrashers. EVERYWHERE!
    The volume of people wanting - needing - food will overload the capacity that is available on the boardwalk.

  13. Wisconsin may not have the same fine print as Maryland has! Get over it or move to Wisconsin, you are not winning this battle! As far as the language of this, please show us all how you would have written this if you were Governor, or even Mayor for that matter!! LOL More to come??

  14. I'm sure Governor of Wisconsin doesn"t suck up to Liberal Socialists from Annapolis like Maryland's Lockdown Larry. If he was so concerned about "not spreading the virus" he would of put checkpoints on Bay Bridge 2 months ago to prevent out of state motorists coming down from NY, NJ, PA and D.C, so this BS about the "welfare of citizens" is just Hog-wash. Hogan is a mere participant in the biggest Plan-demic of our times. Yes, I said it, it was PLANNED, by Evil Powers, which some of us know their names. And their next step happened few days ago on Capitol Hill, while nobody was looking and everyone was distracted by MSM propaganda, Democrats introduced House Resolution #6666. Read up and Educate yourselves, because our lives and liberties are being taken.
    Wake Up Sheeple! Sign the Petition before it's too late!

  15. 10:32 Check Points on Bay Bridge would never prevent NY, NJ, and PA motorists from coming down LOL They come from Rt. 1 and Rt. 13, via Jersey Turnpike and Delaware Memorial Bridge. With that your comment falls on Blind Eyes! Come On Man!!!


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