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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Governor Hogan Live 05/06/20


  1. Hogan I want to know did your Asian wife get a cut $ from s Korea ?

  2. Just a lot of BS to make Adolf Hogan appear to be the "good guy" the whole time he has screwed over MD permanent residence while allowing non-residence to travel at will and spread the virus. Who is stupid enough to believe this BS he is spreading just like he did on CNN. This BS about opening up the "stay at home " order is so his "elite" group can get their way. Watch for this opening flood OC with Western Shore idiots and out of staters that are not permanent residence of the Eastern Shore. Adolph Hogan does not care what happens to most of Maryland citizens, especially if they live outside the Baltimore / DC corridor and they not considered his "elite" group. Adolph Hogan should resign and give up the State pension / benefits and all tax payer monies he is / will receive. How much money is he getting from the Federal government for his 44 LLC businesses? Trump Family could not receive any so why is Adolph Hogan better than the Trumps?


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