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Friday, May 08, 2020

GOP Senators Ask Trump to Expand Immigration Suspension to Guest Worker Visas

Top GOP lawmakers encouraged President Donald Trump to expand his suspension on immigration to also cover temporary guest workers, to keep foreigners from taking jobs from Americans at a time when the coronavirus pandemic has sent the unemployment rate to a record high.

Sens. Ted Cruz, Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, Josh Hawley of Missouri, and Tom Cotton of Arkansas all signed a letter insisting the president suspend H-1B visas, which are popular with many tech companies, and H-2B visas, which bring in many landscapers and resort business workers.

They also prodded the president to temporarily halt the Optional Practical Training program, which enables foreign students to work up to three years in the United States.

The senators argue thousands of foreigners use those programs annually, and nearly all of them are grabbing jobs Americans could occupy.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck, OC, trying to run businesses without foreigners! Americans won't work for what you're paying!


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