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Thursday, May 21, 2020

FOX NEWS FLASHPublished 14 hours ago Ken Starr predicts indictments will result from Durham probe, blasts Comey for 'delusion of collusion'

Former Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr told "Bill Hemmer Reports"Wednesday that he believes the investigation by Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham into the origins of the Russia investigation will likely result in indictments of bureau officials as new information emerges.

"Based on what I know, which is obviously less than John Durham will know and probably does know right now, there will probably be indictments," Starr told host Bill Hemmer.

"I'm going to go ahead and get out and say that. I don't think any really truly major figures or household names [will be indicted]," he clarified, "but there was so much wrongdoing in the FBI at the fairly senior leadership [level] that I have a very strong sense ... indictments are issued."



  1. Lock TRAITOR comey in federal prison for life. He is an accomplice to hillary and obama

  2. Has to be indictments to stop this illegal investigations by dirty cops / lawyers.

  3. McCabe was fired for lying to fbi and congress under Oath. He went online crying about needing money for a lawyer. He raised 900k even though his wife is a prominent Dr in Ny and best friend of Clinton. He Received a full pension. With the help of Brennan and Comey he hired a ghost writer and got a multi million dollar book deal. Now works at cnn supposedly making 1 million a year. Biggest scam in history on the American President and voters. McCabe has made 3 to 7 million in 3 years for his punishment in his crimes In attempted overthrow of President

  4. No major figure or household name to be indicted. So, what do you mean Starr? Some lower level employee that didn’t have anything to do with the corruption will be sacrificed as the fall guy.

  5. Dave T: Simple fact, like it or not.... If people are not imprisoned over this injustice, then disregard any sense of having a justice system. Any regular person that committed a fraction of such crimes would have already been imprisoned. In my opinion, Durham is too slow and so is Barr. It's a disgrace. It's clearly evident crimes were committed ! Don't need a law degree to see that, because it's simple common sense. What is needed, is a back bone and some balls !! And I'm starting to wonder between the two of they have either !!


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