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Monday, May 11, 2020

FLASHBACK: Barack Obama Pardoned a Former General Who Lied to the FBI

In a leaked phone conversation recording with former members of his administration released last week, Barack Obama claimed that the “rule of law is at risk” because of the “unprecedented” move by the Justice Department to drop charges against Michael Flynn, who was the victim of a perjury trap set up by officials in the FBI. Flynn was coerced into pleading guilty to lying to FBI officials.

“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said. “And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places.”

But, in 2017, just days before leaving office, Barack Obama pardoned retired Marine Corps general James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI.

Cartwright served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Obama, and was “a key member of Mr. Obama’s national security team in his first term and earned a reputation as the president’s favorite general,” according to the New York Times. Cartwright had leaked classified information regarding Iran’s nuclear program to the media and lied to FBI officials investigating those leaks. He faced up to two years in prison before Obama pardoned him.



  1. The "Divider and Chief" also pardoned a KNOWN convicted terrorist! The Democrats & media have been PUPLICLY misleading, falsifying, distorting and lying to ALL OF AMERICA right and left, conservative and liberal, black and white trying to succeed in overthrowing our current Presidency, as well ad ALL of our basic God given rigjts! They pumped up antifa, the resist movement, and are INTENTIONALLY making every effort to divide us using RACISM as a tool! We MUST demand our officials STOP THIS HATE & DIVISION, before they force the public to do it on their own, which is EXACTLY what they want, and by so doing, they can use our actions to strip us of our 1st and 2nd amendment rigjts! Wr must ge thg beh ik ng our Republican officials and DEMAND action! If we lose, its nobody's fault but our own!

  2. B.O the poster child for what an utter failure affirmative action is also said General Flynn plead guilty to perjury in that call to his "alumni association." What a bunch of morons that group is. General Flynn was not ever charged with perjury. It was lying to the FBI something completely different. He wasn't called out because only people in the imbecile IQ range would ever belong to the obama alumni association

  3. 2:58 They don't care. The only thing worse the obama are the scum who support him. The only good that came out of his presidency is we now know who the dregs of society are. We now know who is beneath us and who to look down on. They are no good primal pieces of rancid trash. Used toilet paper has more value to society then any obama supporter.

  4. QUICK distract from Barr's egregious abuse of power by posting a bunch of articles about Obama!

  5. 4:28...Did you NOT READ THE HANDWRITTEN NOTES AND THE EMAILS? Hey, I dig it. You dont support the right. Whatever, but FACTS ARE FACTS! Proof is proof. Where are youh getting ANY rational saying Barr is abusing h ih s powers? He's even gone to the extreme measures of NOT doing it himself, but using outside investigators. The information tjats been exposed is REAL, Its not Adam Shiff "saying" he had proof but not showing it, but its ACTUAL evidence, written by the offenders! Again, yo uh don thg have to like it, but its real....DEAL WITH IT!

  6. What a miserable person and hypocrite.


  7. " Anonymous said...
    QUICK distract from Barr's egregious abuse of power by posting a bunch of articles about Obama!

    May 11, 2020 at 4:28 PM"

    Oh please. There was no abuse of power by AG Barr much an egregious abuse of power. You can attempt to use all the 'big' words you want but your ignorance of what are the facts stands out more then anything. So sorry the trash you support is being exposed. The only thing worse then him are garbage like you who because of your birthright are the worst society has to offer. The only good thing about the democrat party is their stance on killing the unborn. Whatever it was that spawned you should have aborted you. It's clear they were trash who knew how to make them babies but when it came raising good honest people they failed.


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