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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Feds Arrest Professor For Allegedly Hiding Funding From Communist China. Another Professor Pleads Guilty To Similar Charge.

Federal law enforcement officials arrested a professor at the University of Arkansas for allegedly concealing his involvement in a program that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses to steal intellectual property from U.S. institutions.

“Simon Ang of the University of Arkansas, was arrested on Friday and charged on Monday with wire fraud,” The New York Times reported. “He worked for and received funding from Chinese companies and from the Thousand Talents program, which awards grants to scientists to encourage relationships with the Chinese government, and he warned an associate to keep his affiliation with the program quiet.”

The Times reported that Ang’s alleged concealment of his financial agreement with the Chinese allowed him to secure funding from U.S. government agencies that ban people who receive funding from China.

If convicted, Ang faces up to 20 years in prison.

The New York Times added that also on Friday “Dr. Xiao-Jiang Li, a former professor at Emory University in Atlanta, pleaded guilty … to a felony charge of filing a false tax return that omitted about $500,000 that he received from the Thousand Talents program.

In January, federal law enforcement officials arrested a top Harvard scientist, Dr. Charles Lieber, for allegedly lying to the U.S. government about his involvement in the Thousand Talents program.




    Where's the info on the racism from SU? The media dropped it quickly and nothing more came of it. Why aren't we rioting in the streets yet?

    1. Because we can control our emotions

  2. Where is the involvement with China and SU. They had several students and Professors from China. MD University System is guilty as sin on this subject.

  3. SU made a statement a few weeks ago that "the investigation is continuing."

  4. Northwest Woodsman: We should,de,and that all Chinese working in positions where research is being done that effects the health and security of this country should be deported. They have absolutely no love or loyalty to the United States and will always perform their duties and research in such a way that they can secure vital intelligence to the Chicoms. This has been going on continually at least since the early 1970s that I know of. Quietly racist, they skim along under the radar stealing both industrial and military information that they then provide,to the Chinese government. Think of every one of them as a spy and treat them as such. I recall a case that other agents were working where Chinese guests touring one of our aerospace company’s had tape on the soles of their shoes to pick up metal shavings that could be analyzed to determine what the alloy consisted of. I say deport them all. We don’t need them.

  5. SU is a Communist haven

  6. Just another example of how a liberal will sell out their own country to make a few dollars. It happens from the highest levels of government on down. Universities have become nothing more than cesspools of sjw and liberal indoctrination. When I went to Salisbury U the costs were much lower than they are now. It is a disgrace that tuition has gotten to be as high as it is now. All the idiot college grads complaining about paying back your loans Tough Sh*t. Nobody forced you to go to college. Nobody forced you to pick an expensive one where you had to get loans either.

  7. Woodsman,
    I want to point out that many of us (Americans) no longer identify ourselves with the US Government. It is corrupt and abhorrent in so many ways. It lies to us all the time. It has deliberately poisoned us countless times with chemical and biological agents. It helped fund the Wuhan Lab financially.

    So for many of us, the comments about Us vs. Them is longer relevant. For all we know, the US Government and Chins Government are working in tandem on the financial reset.

    1. They conspire with democrats

  8. a slow dip in acid ahhhhh feet first


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