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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

FBI appears to confirm Saudi Arabia's suspected ties to the 9/11 attacks by ACCIDENTALLY revealing the name of diplomat who 'helped the attackers'

The FBI has accidentally revealed the name of a former Saudi Embassy official who is suspected of helping two Al-Qaeda hijackers in the 9/11 terror attacks.

According to Yahoo News, the mistake was made in a recent filing in response to a lawsuit from families of 9/11 victims who have accused the Saudi government of being complicit in the terrorist attacks.

In the document, which was filed in April but unsealed last week, lawyers forgot to redact Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah's name. He was assigned to the Saudi embassy in Washington, DC, in 1999 and 2000.

Authorities suspected that al-Jarrah, whose whereabouts are currently unknown, instructed two people to assist Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar settle in the US ahead of the attacks.

Al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar participated in the hijacking of the American Airlines plane that flew into the Pentagon, killing 125.



  1. No way....we know President Bush did this to go to war for oil..

    1. And to think we are now the biggest producer of oil. Crazy how things change. I guess they didn’t know how much we had

  2. The Diplomate was John Kerry.

  3. Whodathunkit....NOT! We knew it, just waited the stellar crew at the FBI to spill it :)

  4. BUSH and OBAMA our TRAITORS. They both WATCHED attacks on our country and DID NOTHING. COWARDS. Amazing everyone in the world knew this BUT BUSH.

  5. Everybody is a traitor except Trump

  6. 11:45 you are one of those special people. What in the hell are you basing you comments on. Please give specifics or kindly shut the hell up. I am sick of you Libtards spouting out biased rhetoric. Educate yourself and stop drinking pop pops cough medicine.

    1. 11:45 doesn't believe in facts. Just the voices in their head. A well thought out conversation on here will get lost in most self righteous theories.

  7. Found him - buried next to Jimmy Hoffa.


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