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Saturday, May 09, 2020

EPIC! Matt Gaetz Tosses Trey Gowdy Under the Bus with Paul Ryan for Blocking GOP Subpoenas of Deep State Operatives (VIDEO)

Rep. Matt Gaetz, attorney-author Alan Dershowitz and investigative journalist John Solomon joined Sean Hannity Friday night to discuss the latest House Intelligence Committee document release that proves the Obama administration had nothing on Trump and Russia. It was all a hoax and they pushed forward with their investigations anyway.

During the segment Rep. Gaetz tossed former Rep. Trey Gowdy under the bus for blocking the subpoenas of deep state operatives.

Matt Gaetz: Devin Nunes is a patriot. And I’m glad you went through Trey Gowdy’s exquisite questions in 2017 to these corrupt officials. I guess my questions Sean would be why was it then in late May in 2018 that Trey Gowdy went on Martha MacCallum’s show and said the FBI did exactly as all of our fellow Americans would have wanted them to do and that it had nothing to do with Donald Trump. Both of those things have now been proven to be untrue and it seems that Gowdy’s brilliant lawyering back in 2017 that we’re only able to see now proves those statements untrue. The number one question I get asked from Americans is why no one has gone to jail and is held accountable. Unfortunately, when Nunes and Meadows and Jordan and I wanted subpoena power it was Paul Ryan and Trey Gowdy that wouldn’t give us that subpoena power. Democrats sent out hundreds of subpoenas. When we had control and could have run this to ground in 2017 we didn’t send out a single subpoena. Not one. And that’s a failure of our Republican leadership.

Good for Matt Gaetz!



  1. All things in their own time.

  2. Finally. Trey stepped down to save face and go on a book tour. Let’s not forget Lindsey Graham who read and forwarded the bs paper to James Comey. Because he was “scared” of the information it contained...they all hated the fact America disagreed with their choice.

  3. Lots of never Trumpers in the swamp.

  4. High Desert DawgMay 9, 2020 at 7:37 PM

    BAM!!! And did ya notice in Fox the other day...Gowdy was on there with his cocky look, going on about how the FBI screwed up, but when asked about prosecutions, he did the quiet "sidestep" avoiding the question! Trey may be a great lawyer, whatever, but he's another Lyndsey Graham. Big talk little walk! He's like the "Group" badass...He only talks s#%t when he's on the news! We NEED more Jordens, Gaetz, Nunez's, etc. The republican swamp runs deep!

  5. I am starting to notice the same thing. Lindsey Graham was going to "get to the bottom" of the Hunter/Joe Biden/Burisma situation. Has he done anything about that? I certainly haven't seen anything. It is never mentioned anymore.

  6. ALL of these "leaders" have SOMETHING to hide and the NSA, the CIA, the DIA, and the FBI have notes on every one of them.
    They get to do as they please until they get too close to something the FBI and their brothers don't want to be seen or known. Then, the file comes out and they get back in line.
    NO ONE is going to jail, except Trump supporters.

    NO ONE.

    We are no longer a representative republic. "We, the people" are RULED by a wealthy elite who intend to rape us of everything we have.
    If you think your VOTE is powerful and influential and can mean something, you need to wake up. Look at all the people who thought Gowdy was a total beast. NOW< what do they think of "their guy"????
    These people RULE us, but do not represent us.
    We NEED to, we MUST, begin hanging these traitors to the republic.


    KEEP CHEERING. (which is exactly how we got to this point).

  7. Ain't that the truth?


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