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Monday, May 18, 2020

Don Jr calls Biden a pedophile while Eric says COVID-19 will 'go away'

Donald Trump Jr posted a meme on his social media page which referred to Joe Biden as a ‘pedophile’ while his younger brother Eric suggested that the coronaviruspandemic was a ‘hoax’ perpetrated by Democrats to prevent his father from holding election rallies.

The president’s two eldest sons sparked outrage with their comments on Saturday as the nationwide death toll from COVID-19 nears 90,000 and more than 1.5 million Americans have been confirmed to be infected.

Don Jr on Saturday posted an Instagram meme showing two photos stacked on top of one another – one showed Biden and the other showed an alligator.

The caption near Biden read ‘See you later, alligator!’ while the caption next to the alligator read ‘In a while, pedophile!’



  1. That's a stretch, unless his name is on a Jeffrey Epstein flight manifest.
    (By the way,Epstein didn't kill himself.)

  2. 8:16 No it's not a stretch at all. The way biden holds on to little girls trying to sniff them and with a look of pure joy on his face he without any doubts is thinking of them sexually and what he would like to do with them. To be a pedophile just means you are sexually attracted to children. The pictures and videos out there showing biden and how he acts toward children is not normal. He is without any doubt attracted them them in a very bad way and wants to do bad things to them.

  3. Now that is funny .

  4. The irony of calling Biden a "pedophile", when Trump has been accused of raping a 13 year old.

    The Biden choice didn't make sense at first... but it's a brilliant slight of hand. Whatever you try and pin on Biden will only make Trump worse.

    1. 9:16 A brilliant slight of hand? I just spit my drink clear across the room. So let me get this straight. There are hundreds of photos and videos proving joes creepy pedophilia actions But you take the word of 1 person without proof. 🙄 If I accuse you of being a dumb ass does it make it so?
      I’d be willing to bet you’ve been screaming #metoo for the last 4 years but in truth you don’t give a flying f about the metoo movement if it doesn’t suit your agenda. You’re a fake just like the rest of you lefties🤷‍♀️

    2. The thought of you staying my president is accused of raping a little girl when he has had super models of choice throughout his life is laughable. Lol I can accuse or sue you for anything, but doesn’t mean you are guilty of whatever. The one thing you are guilty of is being a dummy because you just proved that yourself. No defense at all. I do feel a little bad or sad for you though that you have no proof or evidence of the POTUS doing any wrong doing. Now if you had come out with something like that against the dude that held us hostage for eight miserable years, in our owe White House. Now I would definitely believe anything that cat would do, as long as it was illegal. Oh, bet you thought President Donald J. Trump was in with Russia, didn’t you? Lol

  5. Trump is innocent of everything except being the best president this country ever had.

    1. Complete your sentence man. Trump is innocent of everything , is the best president this county ever had. You’re welcome...

  6. 9:16 oh and Bill Clinton is a Saint? You are a fool, get your head out of your ass you stupid Democrat Liberal F***!
    Trump is not a saint but Hitlery would destroy this country. Biden is a Creepy sex offender!
    God saw an imperfect man and made him the Leader of America to bring us out of the gutter. None of us is perfect so we all can identify with this man.
    Not many of us can even phantom being like Creepy Joe!
    God Bless Trump!

  7. @ May 19, 2020 at 11:48 AM

    How do you demonstrate that God doesn't see the imperfect man, Biden, and is making him leader to save us all from Trump, the Creepy Child Rapist!?

    See how that works? Your baseless assertions work the other way around too!

    Imperfect man indeed. You use this as an excuse to justify supporting a morally bankrupt narcissistic maniac.

    Cheated on his pregnant 3rd wife then payed off the pornstar.

    The guy who said this:
    "I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.
    And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look"

    and this:
    "I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."

    Sexual assault allegations from these women:
    Jessica Leeds, Kristen Anderson, Lisa Boyne, Cathy Heller, Temple Taggart McDowell, Karena Virginia, Karen Johnson, Mindy McGillivray, Jennifer Murphy, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Juliet Huddy, Jessica Drake, Ninni Laaksonen, Cassandra Searles, Mariah Billado, Victoria Hughes, Bridget Sullivan, Tasha Dixon, Samantha Holvey.

    You're right... Trump is not a saint. He is a self interested psychopath that destroys everything in his path.

    He is absolutely morally bankrupt. May God have mercy on his soul!

    1. Good gosh man, you should take the full hole pill that doc prescribed. Half of one is not helping you at all. Hear me?

  8. 1:54 really? Dementia Joe is our savior? Get real, get out from under your rock and see the real world. God has overlooked Trumps faults and adorned him with bountiful blessings that he has graciously passed onto the US Citizens.

    Like the idiots thought Osama/Obama was a godsend and we all know that his God was not ours (Muhamad the pedophile and Allah) we now all know he hated America and wanted to ruin it.
    God in his ultimate wisdom said NO! He gave us a real leader with Godly values about our great country! This man loves America!

    God Bless Trump 2020!!!!!!


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