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Sunday, May 03, 2020

Dear Government, I'm An American And I Do Not Want Your Help

Do not detain me. Do not tell me what I can and can't do, I'm a grown adult and I can make my own decisions. I am not a rebel, I'm an American and I have rights, rights GUARANTEED by The Constitution of the United States of America.

So far I've lost around $50,000.00 in business revenue. I have been forced to close down my business after completely and successfully reinventing this establishment. No sooner was I at standing room only and business roaring you cut me off at the knees. You cut my staff's income off at the knees only to force them to be DEPENDENT ON YOU! We are a nation of people who rejected overbearing government rule, got on boats, sailed an unknown ocean for an unknown time and distance risking our lives and those of our fellow to come to a New World and start our own country ruled by the citizens, and when the oppressive governments followed us over and demanded we give our profits back across the ocean we fought them off, dying for our freedom until the bastards went back to England.

Now you want to pay people $1,600.00 a week just to stay home from a new virus and now NO ONE wants to go back to work, and why should they.

As an independent businessman, I TOOK ALL OF THE RISKS. You have now stepped in and erased the product of our extremely hard work and financial risk and when (or if) I am allowed to reopen, I can expect to cut back my business at least 50%. Maybe you think this is generous, as some states are forcing 75% cutbacks!

My words above, (I believe) speak for ALL small business people at this very moment in time. To read that businesses like Seacrets and other larger venue bars/restaurants can't even consider reopening until a vaccine is available is complete BS! This virus has morphed itself into over 85 different strains and its infection rate is on a downward slope. To think anyone can chase down a vaccine before it morphs again is ludicrous. We now have vastly more DATA than we had in January showing that this has been in the population as far back as December or before, that 2.5 million people DID NOT DIE from this and how incredulously wrong that prediction was. Charts now show the peak is past us and the new infection rate is decreasing, several drugs treating this are having positive results and are actively saving lives.

You have Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and all the others in the mainstream media shoving alleged experts in the field telling us, (think about what I just said) TELLING US what THEY want you to hear. I call BS on all of them! ANYONE claiming to be an expert on this virus is simply full of crap. This virus is uncharted territory and NO ONE is an expert with it, period. The best that people can do, even the professionals, is guess from minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day.

Here's what we do know. We know that our country was founded on the desire for freedom from tyranny. People died to firmly recognize, establish and protect our God given right to freedom. They died to make sure NONE of what is going on right now would ever happen to us, our politicians creating instant laws forbidding us from our FREEDOMS.

While I could go on and on with my personal feelings about this and related topics (even unrelated ones), it isn't a discussion without the voices of others. Your thoughts need to be heard in Comments.

Participate in the discussion.

I'll simply say from the start, get the hell out of my way Governor Hogan. My employees need to get back to work, and I have customers who agree that they will go out at their own risk without being controlled by any of you.

My biggest fear is exactly what our elected officials should be afraid of. I think you know where I'm going with this. How much more are we going to get scammed before we, the masses, take this into our own hands?

We want to hear YOUR opinions through comments. But before you answer, let me say this. IF YOU feel afraid of this virus, STAY HOME. That is your right and I respect that.

Let the comments fly.


  1. Well said Joe! I fear this is taking a political turn now. The only curve they want to flatten is President Trumps reelection. Adolph Hogan needs to open Md now !

  2. I agree with you Joe. Let people decide what is right for them. Its a virus!! I cant believe they are seriously thinking they can keep.parts of OC closed for the summer. It makes no sense at all.

  3. Thank you Joe!

    I am so glad that you realize the Government has over reached here. You are a leader in our area and your realization will help others understand what is happening.

  4. People are dying. It is truly unfortunate what has happened to your business but lashing out at epidemiologists and doctors is insanity. How can you expect someone to have the same knowledge of COVID19 as we do about something like polio or measles? Science seeks answers and that requires research. The best you can do is make educated guesses. Citing the foundations our country was based on has no grounds during a pandemic where the stupidity of one infected person can KILL many. Look at our VP for crying out loud, not wearing any protection in a hospital filled with sick Covid patients. Hopefully this comment has some of the talking points you were looking for. Cheers and good luck to you and everyone affected by the pandemic.

    1. 11:09 where on earth are you getting your news from cnn or msdnc?

    2. 11:09 yet you cheered when Obama hugged the people infected with Ebola.

    3. We did not shut down the whole country, states, counties or even cities due to polio, measles or even the 'whooping cough'.

    4. Polio is spread through stool, so unless you regularly ate poo no need for quarantine. We have had a measles vaccine for over 50 years, our understanding of viruses and pathogens has increased exponentially since then. Same with pertussis, vaccine was discovered in the 1940's. You're covering 3 very different diseases, one of which is a bacteria. Seeing as you think they are all the same as covid, you are the exact reason these procedures need to be put in place

  5. Full time employees called back to work cannot collect unemployment benefits or the additional relief. If they don't report to work the benefit will be discontinued once the employer reports that the job is available.

    1. 11:14 am. It usually works like that but not now. I know people who have defused and still get the money. All you have to do is say you are scared to go back to work because of this and you can collect it.


  7. Wow Joe. Glad to see you woke up. Thought you drank the cool aid for a while this is all about politics and we need to be screaming about it to the governor. Where's the rest of the hotel/restaurant owners from oc

    1. Until you or your family member is infected or die from it

    2. .03 percent chance and usually 3 co conditions are presented. No ventilators were needed to be produced in the country. That is why media isn’t talking about it anymore. The word was trafficked 100 million times on social media in 10 days just in US. Now almost nothing. Ppe isn’t talked about because everyone has a mask. Now the new word is test and death. It is the new hoax on Trump

  8. Amen, brother! Let’s open her back up.

  9. Like I keep saying a civil war on Dems Has to happen.

  10. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/06/cdc-reports-at-least-three-deaths-in-vaping-related-lung-disease-outbreak.html

    Probably here since Fall of 2019. Thank You for speaking up for freedom! You are the William Wallace of the Shore. Any media follow up to the mystery lung illness of Fall 2019? Why? I suspect it was COVID and our Centers for Disease Control missed it. Who keeps a job where “control” is in your title and you don’t even know the symptoms by April? Also if you did not have a test for COVID in the Fall of 2019 how did you rule it out? Look at the symptoms in that article? Look at the date of that report! It is right in front of you!!! Press avoids asking the tough questions.

    Hope we can have our freedom back soon.

    1. It was here in the fall because I had it. Initially thought it was a cold. Felt a lot better for 3 or 4 days and then it flattened me. Extremely dry cough, didn't know where I was for 3 or 4 days. Dr P said it was a severe case of bronchial pneumonia.Never had anything so severe in my 58 years. They just didn't know what it was at the time.

  11. Until these make believe leaders can define what policies must be followed, how can they dictate to a citizen what they are not allowed to do? I'm surprised that nobody has forbidden breathing yet. I'm also surprised they haven't ordered healthcare centers to close. Are nurses expendable or do some believe they have adequate safeguards in place? If the later, why don't they allow beer to be consumed in a hospital?

  12. And some people actually believe government can successfully run their healthcare?

  13. Can't arrest all of us. Let's Make Everything Normal Again. MENA movement starts today!

  14. Northwest Woodsman: I couldn’t agree more. This is exactly what I have been saying since the beginning of this farce. Unfortunately too many people believe that the government has their best interests in mind when they come up with their policies when the only time that occurs is when the benefits fall on politicians and occasionally and purely accidentally benefit citizens. It is always about politicians and power and it always has been. They will sacrifice us at every turn in order to achieve political power and their continuation in office. The last couple of months of manipulating Whu Flu has adequately demonstrated that. Let’s take back our constitutional rights by any means necessary.

    1. What? No "pedomarxist", what ever that means" in your post. Are you feeling ok northwest woodsman? You might need to get tested.

  15. Sarcastically - you didn't build this - Obama did!

    You are spot on Joe - agree with you 100%

  16. I am so happy to see this blog getting on board with the Anti-Virus concept. The government is killing our livelihoods

  17. It's great to see you finally come around Joe!

    I've been scratching my head on you too - along with Trump.

  18. Very well written Joe.I wonder how many death certificates are falsified.People were contracting Lymes long before the disease was isolated,discovered and named.

  19. 11:14, That is absolutely untrue. Perhaps you should look at your new guidelines at your business put out almost 2 months ago. IF an employee isn't feeling well or even has a family member with the virus they are immediately allowed to stay out of work for, (I believe) 16 weeks. If you do not believe me, LOOK for yourself. SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS are completely screwed either way.

  20. Bravo �� Joe, quarantine the sick and at risk population! Not everyone. This is definitely insane to bankrupt most small businesses but let big corporations profit! Thanks for posting. John s. WOC

    1. How do you propose quarantining asymptomatic people?

  21. I am what they call a high risk individual with medical conditions. However i agree with you. Let the people decide what is good for them. Let them work, play and thrive. I have gone to work everyday during this time. No attention was even paid to the Eastern Shore until the chicken dollars were in jeopardy. Now all of a sudden it is a big deal. If you go to our local hospital PRMC, they just send you home anyhow.
    Businesses have the right to be open. If sheeple are scared they wont go . LET them make that decision. The current situation is leeding folks not to want to work as in a socialist society. If businesses do not reopen where is the money going to come from and what happens when the government cant provide for you anymore? VENEZUELA

  22. I own a business in Salisbury. I am luckily allowed to remain open but my business is losing money now and the PPP loan promise and reneging along with the unemployment debacle has screwed me and the majority of my clients.

    And Joe some of us do not fear the worst. Unfortunately our govt has been infiltrated by the scum of the earth. Something must be done to right the megalomaniacal criminal organization that is our govt.

  23. If I remember correctly Joe, you were initially yelling for this lock down. People like me were screaming against it.

    I'm glad to see you've changed your mind after acquiring new information. It shows you are human.

  24. This is what you all asked for. Now you are at the mercy of Maryland government. Good luck with that.

  25. if the town of ocean City can run the boardwalk trams as at your own risk and not enforcing social distancing then you should be able to do the same thing. I personally find the town opening the trams under those "terms" to be wholly idiotic and just asking for an outbreak.

  26. In the beginning I was afraid of the virus but now I'm only afraid of the government. Our Constitutional Rights are being violated and for what? Government control of our lives. That's what.
    No more.

  27. 1101, tell me. How exactly do you dolts reconcile the "they want to take down Trump" conspiracy with the fact that states and locales are responding directly to guidance and advice directly from Trump and Co.?

    1. They have extreme cognitive dissonance.
      All these other countries have done great harm to their economies simply to get DJT...

  28. I doubt you lost 50k Joe.....

  29. joe you are right. small business people have to make aliving unlike the
    politicians who get a check no matter what. i notice that fat hogan doesn't
    pay my bill or put food on my table. the govt needs to stay out of this
    economy and let the people continue to do their thing. this sickness will
    pass, ten years from now we will look back and remark how stupid ouir so
    called leaders were. thanks sjd

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Eh. I own a business also that has been deeply affected by COVID-19. Deeply affected.

    But, it's a toss up between letting COVID-19 run crazy, killing millions, and people working. It's a terrible situation.

    While I respect your opinion, Joe, one of my employees had COVID-19, was in the hospital on Oxygen for two weeks. You can speak so boldly because you have not had the virus, neither have I, neither have millions. But, it kills people quickly, old, young, sick, healthy. Being once removed from someone's death is still a very bad thing, meaning just opening businesses and getting workers close to each other so you can make ends meet personally.

    I agree getting people dependant on the government is sickening. What AOC and her stupid lot propose such as forgiveness on all rent and mortgages is crazy. It will completely bankrupt millions of people, banks, and businesses. So there is a delicate balance and no one knows what they hell they are doing. They are just trying to make the right choices in a difficult time.

    I think freezing credit scores is a good option currently.

  33. Let's say they do allow me to reopen. Let's say the numbers skyrocket this summer. After ALL the new reinvested money we, (business owners) have left is used to reopen, (after we've now thrown away most of our inventory because of the first shut down) and Hogan steps in again and shuts us down again, WE'RE DONE! NONE of us can take that risk.

    1. Why are you waiting for them to tell YOU to open set a trend and OPEN.

    2. @12:44 pm, because he will get arrested you dumb Libtard!

  34. Cheers Joe! We can NEVER take our freedoms for granted, or as is happening now, they will be taken away! Why is it "somehow" safe to shop at Walmart, or Costco etc, yet its NOT safe enough for is to shop at a SMALL BUSINESS? We are a free people, and as such its OUR responsibility to maintain our freedom. With success Joe!

  35. Nothing but another raid on the US Treasury before we actually aknowledge we already are a socialist nation. The Bushs',Clintons'and Obamas' completely sold this nation out along with this progressive liberal lunacy funded by Soros and Gates. The time for standing up and fighting back against a full government takeover is long past due. Why do you think Obama sold all "excess" military surplus to local police departments and idiots like Mike Lewis? Good luck fighting back with a shotgun or semi auto weapon when Mikey and the boys roll up to your door in an MRAP

    1. I got something for the MRAP if it violates any part of our constitutional rights. Any farmer in America has the recipe lol

    2. The military equipment wasn't sold, it was given.

  36. I agree with Joe, and it's time to push on for the End of the Shutdown. And for those out there who disagree, fine, that's your choice to stay home, but know this - that government stimulous check will not be coming forever.

  37. 1208 police went out and purchased military tactical gear as a direct response to you wahoos who believe any and everyone should have access to heavy firepower

    1. No they didn’t it was surplus from Desert Storm. They had to justify all the shit Chaney sold us.

    2. True, remember haliburton

  38. What will The Sheriff's do ? That's the REAL QUESTION.

    1. Just one 1:11 have some ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    2. Babe Wilson will save the day, as always.

  39. Glad you came around. I've been saying this from the beginning. I was frustrated that you, of all people, supported this authoritarian takeover based on deception and exaggerated numbers.


  40. A lot of talk you will bow to the government and do nothing $1 bet ?

  41. Hogan like all Dem governors are keeping things looked down to try to extort billions from Trump.

    I say stick it Larry and you restaurant and bar owners just open up.

    I got my $1,200 and I'm waiting to spend it all on you.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️ but he won't.

    2. You got your $1200??? Funny how most everyone else hasn’t !!

  42. The school attendance records should be released. I've talked to several teachers in a few different counties with high numbers on the Western Shore and they have all said this year was one of the worst for attendance AND that the students were absent longer then the normal average.

    Covid without any doubts was circulation AND infecting masses of people well before it became a household word.

  43. Agree completely. I am also a business owner in Ocean City. I’m ready to open. We need to open the beach by Memorial Day at the latest. If the beach isn’t open then no one will come . We cannot tolerate our city officials telling us June. We are being lied to about the timeline. They are calling it a reopening but it is not reopening.

  44. I'm not saying you're wrong or right, but unless you are ready to arm yourself and others you won't stand a chance. No matter how many side with you. MHO

  45. 11:14 at some point what you are claiming may become true but at this point in time it isn't. This because if someone is considered high risk or lives with a high risk person this allows them to stay off. High risk includes HBP, allergies, asthma etc. So in other words just about everyone is high risk or lives with someone who is. It is also going to depend on what phase of "reopening" we are in and we aren't in any yet.

  46. So the experts PRACTICE medicine... thats all they do PRACTICE... cause they don't know on a daily basis without Coronavirus...so a new virus they are still PRACTICING!!!! All they do is guess sometimes better than others... This time they are PRACTICING with businesses and employees and their livelyhood. What's going to happen when OC doesn't bring in the summer revenue for Maryland? Can Maryland afford to give up that cut of the Summer profits? Maybe we should have saved that money for the people who work and live in Maryland instead of giving it to Korea??
    Glad you are finally on board Joe.
    If Walmart and grocery stores can open with small changes why can't the other businesses do the same???

  47. Joe, it's about time you stopped with the fear porn and you stepped up with common sense...it's time to re-open everything and this tyranny must stop.

  48. You all go right ahead. I'll be right behind you.


  50. This reaction to the Virus has been and is all about not overwhelming the healthcare system - which by all accounts is the driving force of our economy. However, our healthcare system was already overwhelmed with Americans who are fat, sick and nearly dead - the way government wants us to be. The reason we have seen such suffering in the United States compared to other countries is that we are a nation of sick people - most if not all of us are on two or three medications - most if not all have had one or two elective surgeries - i.e. knee replacements, back surgeries etc. Our cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes rates are out of control. Now for all you responding with such bravado go for it, go out, swap spit with people and see how quickly the sickness and deaths pile up. THIS VIRUS IS THE GREAT EQUALIZER - NO ONE IS IMMUNE. It is very easy to preach from a area that has not had to confront this virus like other cities and states, but rest assured it is coming!

  51. Someone commented that Joe at a point was on the governor for not doing more I would like to add my 2 cents. Many of us were concerned enough was not being done due to the modeling that we now know was beyond flawed. Now we know this virus was around at least a few months before numbers were being kept we have changed our thoughts.

  52. Trump has failed us - if he did what you had suggested weeks ago - send everyone home for 30 days - shut down everything except for the hospitals - this would all be behind us!

    1. Trump hasn’t failed anyone! STFU Libtard 1:41 pm!

    2. Now that's mature 2:04.

    3. You're an idiot.

    4. This is so dumb to even say. It's a new virus. No one knew about it or how to handle it. There was zero way to stop it. The president doesn't have the power you want him to have and it is up to the governor's to handle their states. I don't understand all the hate and judgment of Trump.

    5. Trump has done everything to protect the American people. The Democratic party is doing everything to ruin his accomplishments and the United States. Trump hasn't failed us,Hogan has failed us as governor. He's not a true Republican.

  53. For those of you saying I was all for the shut down initially, get your heads on straight for once. The ONLY reason the curve isn't as bad as it could've been is based on overloading hospitals with too many cases. We now have a grip on what's going on, we have the space to manage the virus BECAUSE we shut down. I agree with that. What I also said was IF they open up Ocean City the cases will go way up. Hogan stated he wanted to watch and see the curve come down for two straight weeks before he even considers reopening OC and elsewhere. That is NOT going to happen for a very long time. As you can see today, Wicomico County just went through the roof overnight. I told ALL of you we are three weeks behind New York and again I am spot on. HOWEVER, it doesn't mean people are DYING in masses. They may be testing positive but they aren't dying. That being said, our numbers will continue to rise, we are nowhere near the peak BUT what does that peak actually mean? An 82 year old woman died in Worcester County. She already, (unfortunately) had respiratory complications. EVERY single human being will ultimately get this virus, period. While we are on a more winning edge of medications that can help keep more people alive, we need to reopen and let this virus take its course. Let me say this as well, Hogan is going to create serious restrictions. Bartenders will have to wear masks and gloves. Yeah, that's going to be just great when it's a hundred degrees outside and God Forbid you wear glasses. They'll fog up the entire time and you won't be able to see. I can see it now, we're hiring but only bartenders with perfect vision, no glasses. Finally, DON'T GO OUT if you fear you'll contract the virus!!!!! YOU have the option and our government should NOT have control of us. If we get sick, deal with it, it is our choice. THINK about this. Women who support abortion have been claiming for DECADES, "IT'S OUR BODY, IT'S OUR CHOICE". Well, what the hell happened? Hogan now owns our bodies and our choice!

    1. South Dakota and Sweden remained open and their citizens are still alive! Hogan is a wannabe loved by everyone on the mediocrats news. Wasted 9 million on test kits from Korea. Always easy to spend other people’s money.

  54. Uncharted territory i.e., nothing like this has truly happened in the modern era given the instant information availability. Good lessons learned here for next time.

    - supplies (a need for preparedness)
    - clear communication (probably impossible yet another need)
    - resourcing (elephant in the room since TRILLIONS are now being allocated)

    The passion, love of country, fellow Americans and our Constitution is admirable.

    We now live in a society that everything and anything is simply liable.

    Go into a business, fall and hurt yourself, the business is liable.

    Eat and get sick, establishment is liable.

    Walk on the boardwalk, trip on the boards, break your leg, Ocean City is liable.

    A woman wanted to go topless in OC, OC rule said NO. Woman didn't like that answer so everyone went to court. OC did win but it was at a cost.

    Liability is the world we live in so is the juice worth the squeeze? Seems the gov't said no or didn't want to take on the liability. They sweetened the proverbial "pot" by offering an additional $600 on top of what states are providing for unemployment.

    Pissed businesses off, many won't survive yet this is the best the government(S) could do. 50 states, 50 governors, 50 different ideas.

    A horrible lesson learned and costing our country dearly.


  55. This shut down / lock down shows just how complacent Americans have become with eating whatever the government throws out there. We have hugely over reacted to this virus. I could not agree more with you Joe. Open our economy backup before this deal leads to riots and or revolution.


    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    2. Oh so the person that can’t put a sentence shows up. 3:28 I can do that too! ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    3. Agreed this check marks are as offensive as caps, if this idiot can’t even type much less talk then he/she should FO!

  57. 2:04 CALM DOWN - Trump did fail the states - instead of a coordinated federal response he left it to the states - that is why there is so much disagreement about when and how to reopen - everyone is flying blind - if he had shut down the entire country for 30 days- possibly 45 days this would be over and behind us and we would be better prepared to act on hot spots, identifying them and making sure resources were allocated. The entire country would be open by now with monitoring of any hot spot. I believe that was what Joe suggested weeks ago - so I guess he is also a libtard?

    1. If the entire country was shut down for 30-45 days most people would be dead. Imagine no food stores, no electricity, no water. Very few people can live off the grid in this day and time. And the virus would not be gone.

  58. I agree with Joe originally and he was correct in wanting Hogan to take action immediately. This whole virsus situation has gone political. Democrats want a very slow opening to destroy the American economy just enough to make President Trump look bad. Democrats are doing that at the American workers expense. How do we stop it?

  59. I was in Naples Florida yesterday and it was so busy everywhere you looked. What pandamic? And the experts said Florida would be another Italy - hit the hardest - well we were not. Our beaches are open - restaurants on Monday. Time to tell Hogan to go to hell.

  60. If you're NOT afraid of this virus, stay the hell away from ME!!!!!! You're the pig headed people that are spreading it.

    1. Awwww u should stay in your basement at mom's SNOWFLAKE.

  61. I agree with you 100%. It's time and I'm done with the bs. WE need to have exposure to keep our bodies strong so if it's still out there so be it. If we keep hiding we become weaker and weaker. Not to mention, not everyone wants a free ride and I would like to get back to earning and spending my own money.

  62. No easy answers.

  63. Giver the fact that 50% of the people are democrats , they are feeding off the words of Adolf Hogan . They don't know how to make a decision , they are nothing but followers , damn shame but the truth. The media has made Comrade Hogan a dictator and he loves it . I'll say this again , until his rules become laws I refuse to listen to his BS.
    The liquor stores remain open but I can't get my car washed , WTF and who made this a rule?
    I have a good idea if you are in , start a key club , private members . What you gonna do when they come for you!


  65. Hospitals across the country are laying off personnel and closing because they never saw the spike, and probably won’t. Everywhere isn’t NYC or LA. Even over here, the spike is coming from the poultry workers. Partly because they work in close proximity, partly bc they fear losing their jobs so they take a couple Tylenol and go to work, and partly because they don’t understand what’s going on. If a big bad virus can be mitigated with some Tylenol by most people, it’s time to accept it as part of our lives and move on. Wash your hands often, santitize them as soon as you get to your car, and don’t lick your fingers while grocery shopping.

    1. 3:06 the hospital is cutting shifts. That means you have to lose money but you still work so no unemployment. It is sad what’s going on. Now you have to take a couple hundred dollar pay cut a week.

  66. It takes time for the truth to come out. We already know the number of deaths has been greatly exaggerated, but it took a while for that to come out. They're dead all right, but it wasn't the virus that killed a large number of them. Why are the deaths overreported? Because there is something big going on behind the scenes. There will be a massive effort to keep us from knowing the whole truth. I suspect Joe, and others like him, know more than they are telling. What started as a cautionary series of steps has exploded into a serious suppression of our rights. We are going to have a huge struggle to get them back. I only hope we have the conviction to seriously punish those responsible.

    And thanks, Joe.

  67. Ok come on Joe...the Picture of Larry with hair????

    (snicker snicker)

  68. Maryland State Troopers, and Police for that matter. I want to remind you that you took an oath to become a Trooper. You went through a rigorous screening process and are supposed to represent the best of our society. You first and foremost swore to defend the constitution of the Unite States of America. It seems you've lost focus on that and just enforce whatever a politician tells you to do. I would take a guess and say most of you have never even read the document.

    "State Troope​r's Oath...

    I do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America and to the State of Maryland; ​that I will serve honestly and faithfully to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and to the State of Maryland; that I will enforce the laws of the State of Maryland; and that I will obey the orders of the Governor and the Officers appointed over me according to the rules and regulations of the Maryland State Police."

    I ask that you take a step back and truly reflect on the laws you enforce and if and how you are violating your oath. You are our first line of defense against tyranny, if you can't stop it then it becomes the peoples problem next.


    A OEF/OIF Combat Veteran

  69. Y'all want to find out for yourselves if you're being lied to? At the end of April on average for 2017 thru 2019 all deaths in the USA for all reasons, auto, cancer, all medical, drownings, shootings etc. we should be at around 950,000 to 1 million by today in 2020. Find that number. Anyone? The CDC no longer posts that on their site. They just quit doing that.


    I challenge anyone to find that number!

  70. There was no spike in hospitalization and no hospitals became overwhelmed BECAUSE the majority or close to majority of people already had the virus BEFORE it was thought to even be in the US. The ONLY reason some hospitals did get busy was because people panicked who had a fever, cough and flooded the ER's in some areas. Many were hospitalized who didn't really need to be since the hospitals needed the money.

  71. 2:19 You sound like a dummy. How come when the President said he was going to overrule governors and ease up on restrictions the MSM went ballistic and said he couldn't do that. Just like he can't do that he couldn't have put a nationwide lockdown. Plus that would have been asinine which you would know if you were a brighter person. Some areas had very few cases, much less even then the common flu strains out this year. It would take someone in the imbecile IQ range to even suggest those areas shut down.

  72. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Love that picture of Adolph Hogan!

  73. Hey libtards. How do you like socialism now?

  74. Anonymous said...
    Ok come on Joe...the Picture of Larry with hair????

    (snicker snicker)

    April 30, 2020 at 3:24 PM


  75. This event has only proven how fragile our lifestyles,economy and Republic is. This should have been on our radar much sooner and we should all have already known about it's possibility and been individually economically and emotionally prepared. Now we know. Did we over react ? Perhaps. Our resolve as a Nation is never to be under estimated. Politicians may make the same mistakes over and over but seldom the People. Unless of course we reelect them. It is going to be lean times. We may have to change our habits,hopes and immediate expectations and get back to our frugal practical roots and a little realistic sanity. Stop trusting Government and the Political parties pandering and Propaganda that just seeks to divide and turn us against each other. They represent only their own interests.

  76. Hogan is lying to us about reopening. He’s dangling a carrot so we are compliant citizens.

  77. Hey Joe, I was a patient at PRMC on Monday for a cardiac procedure and that hospital was DEAD!! The Carrol Street entrance was CLOSED off! The Vine Street entrance next to the ER where you go for same-day surgery was CLOSED off! There were no people walking the halls. I had to enter the Hanna entrance near the parking garage and they walked me all around the hospital from the Hanna entrance to the Vine Street entrance and then to the Carrol Street entrance to the elevators. I can't believe how dead PRMC is.

    I heard someone on the daily conference call ask Lori Brewster from the Health Department if they are counting all COVID patients that die as a Covid death and she said YES! It doesn't matter if you had an MI, cardiac arrest, cancer, old age, car wreck, shooting, stabbing, etc. you were going to be counted as a Covid death. The USA Today had an article on COVID patients and backed it up with about five fact-checking sources that the Feds were paying more money for Covid deaths and 3 to 5 times more if the patient is on a ventilator.

    So now you wonder why the hospitals are laying employees off and canceling elective surgery?? Because there is more money in treating covid-19 patients and they don't have to pay salaries! FOLLOW THE MONEY!! This is also a way to take advantage of this virus to tank the economy and ruin President Trump's re-election in November.

    Lockdown Larry is a F'n Democrat!

  78. Joe, I completely agree with you 100%. I want to see everything opened back up so everyone can get on with life and living. I am retired and I certainly know how to stay how if I'm feeling bad or if I feel like I don't need to be out there among a bunch of people, but for the people that need and want to get back to work, this crap has gotten absolutely ridiculous. The government thinks they need to dictate how we handle our lives. Enough is enough already Hogan. Open Maryland up and quit acting like you know what is good for everyone.

  79. Anonymous said...
    And some people actually believe government can successfully run their healthcare?

    April 30, 2020 at 11:20 AM

    Exactly! People like Jared Schablein, Jake Burdett, Seamus Benn, Michele Gregory, Jamaad Gould, James Yakahomo(all from the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus), Ben Jealous, Jake Day, Mary Beth Carozza, Carl Anderton and Mike Lewis.

  80. Anonymous said...
    And some people actually believe government can successfully run their healthcare?

    April 30, 2020 at 11:20 AM

    People like Social Justice Warrior, Michele Gregory, just want free insurance since she hasn't got a job. But now that the Republicans didn't run anyone against her they gave her a free ride as a Salisbury City Councilman and she gets free insurance from them. Now you don't hear her chirping about "Medicare For All" since she has Blue Cross/Blue Sheild from the City.

    Did I mention that Michele Gregory got fired from the State of Maryland because they should her babysitting service down? It's true, just do a Google search!

  81. Anonymous said...
    If you're NOT afraid of this virus, stay the hell away from ME!!!!!! You're the pig headed people that are spreading it.

    April 30, 2020 at 2:27 PM

    AWWWW!! A Kool-Aid drinker. What's your favorite flavor, Cupcake?

    1. Yours is stupid ignorant shorebilly, 2:27

  82. Thank you, Joe, for saying what is in the hearts of so many of us. Some who want the quarantine to continue will ask, "Do you want people to die?" No, of course not. However, over the centuries many have died to win and preserve our freedom. Freedom always has a price, and tyranny is NEVER acceptable. We are Americans, and under our blessed Constitution, we run the government; the government does not run us!

  83. I am on the fence. I agree most days and, while I am still working, are desperate for things to get back to normal. Having said that, it may be our body our choice but at what limit when what we do effects other people around us? If I am completely Immune to this virus is it ok for me to be able to go out anywhere I want and risk others? I would like to know if I am Immune does that still mean I am a carrier? You lose your right when you are contagious and as of right now we all are considered contagious, (I think)??

  84. This is what happens when you people pick and choose when you want freedom. So you want freedom now.

    But if its airport screenings, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, taxes, guns, etc... Then your freedom isnt really important. Then you say government please protect me ill give up my freedoms.

    Well now youve given up your freedoms and the government is protecting you even when you don't want them to.

    What exactly did you expect to happen.

    Your all schmucks


  85. Here is a story for you, Joe.

    Like Clockwork Liberals Now Saying Opposing Lockdowns is ‘Racist’


  86. I think its hilarious how you republicans were all excited for Hogan and voted him into office. Now your pissed cause he is concerned about public safety and you think he is hitler. Grow up. You cant have it both ways.

    1. No one I know,who voted for Hogan,was that excited. The excitement came from getting rid of O'Malley.

  87. Joe, I have been reading your posts for well over a decade now. And I have to say this is your Crown Jewel of all posts.If you start reading this it draws you to continue reading till the end and think about just how True it is.

    Great work!

  88. anyone defending Trump needs to wake the f up - are you kidding me - I would much rather have him running this on a federal level than have these governors running this on a state level. His failure has been leaving these decisions to the states and anyone who defends his decision to leave it to the states is a idiot and I hope you continue to enjoy your lockdown - 30 days lockdown and we would have been opened by now and Trump would have lead the charge - the day he announced that he was leaving it to the states I knew we were in big trouble.

    1. So you want a bigger government with more control today ? But tomorrow you will be taking photos of neighbors not wearing gloves. Your a troll.

  89. Bottom line is the most risky part of your day is getting out of bed! That is when most heart attacks actually start, when most bathroom accidents happen, most home fall injuries happen. Just getting out of bed is much bigger risk than this covid- 19, Wuhan, Chinese or whatever you want to call it virus. We have a right, a God given right, to choose what risks we are willing to take. Getting in your car to drive to the corner store is a big risk but you don't think twice to do it. Joe is correct that we as a free people should not be living under a yoke of government control, two weeks, just two more weeks and two more! Well when does two weeks end! When the Government decides? That will not happen under the power hungry people WE have in office...never!

  90. Joe, Really I see your point on the heading picture but actually Hitler was a much better dictator the Boss Hogan will ever wish he could be.

  91. I am not allowed to get a haircut in DE but I am IF I get a letter from MD and ro from that my haircuts is REQUIRED.
    WHERE did Hogan find the basis for this? He hasn't and is simply speaking from his bully pulpit.

    Can someone tell me where I can obtain a letter for urination approval? are there requirements for modern changer maids:

    We GOTTAA go!

  92. People die all the time! Show me how many people in the US died in April 2019 compared to April 2020. Doesn't matter how they died, show me if there is an increase in total deaths!

  93. Other adjoining states have already opened up certain small businesses in Virginia and Pennsylvania but NOT IN MARYLAND!!! Hogwash! More pressure on the local politicians and unprecedented PRESSURE needs to be placed on Governor Hogan's office to reopen! That what Virginia and Pennsylania did! Start calling to no end! Squeaky wheel will gets the grease!!

  94. 11:09 AM - And, what if they cannot find a vaccine? We just hide until we die anyway. There is no guarantee they will and the government was borrowing money before they started mindlessly handing it out like halloween candy.

  95. 3:08 is correct. And for those who are fearfull of this Virus, I understand, some have different immune system than others and require extreme caution. Everyone has a God given right to choose, it's not Government or Lockdown Larry who should be stripping citizens of their choice. There is a risk involved in everything we do and we choose accordingly. Here some facts:
    Mayor de Blasio and his wife went Jogging in Public Park in Brooklyn 2 days ago, with their Security personnel who drove in 4 SUV's for 11 miles. Is this Essential Travel ? After He shutdown whole N.Y. City and ordered everyone to Stay Home!? Really?
    Gov. Northam of Virginia, another slimey Democrat, ordered shutdown in his state, and then he and his family got on the private plane and flew down south to their Beach Mansion for a weekend getaway. But, you know, us, the peons, stay home or else?! Really?
    And the best for last - Did You Know Barry Obama was at the Golf Course in Virginia with his socialist buddies playing golf this past weekend? What about that Coronavirus Pandemic? Really.
    So, do your research and educate yourselves, because MSM will not report it.

  96. I am gonna need a mask with a straw hole in it for my vodka tonic's if you are going to be opening up.

  97. " Anonymous said...
    I think its hilarious how you republicans were all excited for Hogan and voted him into office. Now your pissed cause he is concerned about public safety and you think he is hitler. Grow up. You cant have it both ways.

    April 30, 2020 at 4:47 PM"

    We most certainly can have it both ways. The reason you don't think so is because you people are brain dead brain washed and lack a drop of moral blood in your bodies. You are told how to think and obey without question. You are cultists. We on the other hand are intelligent free thinkers who due to us having morals (you have zero) we don't stand behind someone when they are wrong. You people are sickos Now standing behind a man who shoved his hand up a woman's skirt and brutally raped her with his hand. That's what horrid dregs you all are.

  98. 1968 Hong Chong flu killed 100,000 Americans, a million people worldwide and no businesses shut down but that was before the Democrats ruined America with their moral deprivations.

  99. Hey 5:43 , good point , I'm interested in that figure

  100. The lack of empathy in these comments is disgusting

    1. It's nature honey, not a lack of empathy. No one wants anyone to die, but these people are for the most part going to be lost in the next few months either way.

  101. Hogan had to hide all MD test kits from the feds

  102. I agree that the economy needs to get back on track. But for all of you that think this is not a serious issue I invite you to come to the ER and observe what we see daily. It is really bad and alot of people are dying! and at one point last week there were 26 on ventilators just in one area. Please come help! We need you nay sayers to experience it first hand. Do you think we enjoy wearing those mask, face shields, gloves and gowns? No we are trying to protect ourselves and our families and save lives. Please open your businesses, try to make a buck and see how wearing a mask while trying to eat or Drink works for you. Oh and while you are enjoying your life.........remember that many are trying to save the lives of those who are dying with this deadly virus!

    1. 7:49...you say (and I quote) “a lot of people are dying” when referring to the local ER. Then why is it that they have only reported 4 deaths? Four (4) isn’t “a lot of people dying”. You are part of the problem. Stop trying to hype your job and put fear into people.

  103. Forget Hogan, he’s become the “new” darling of the stupid media. He is way too busy basking in their limelight. It actually serves him well, politically, to have High Covid numbers. So it is up to us the TaxPayers to end the insanity before it is too late. Get back to work Maryland!

  104. Is there any truth that Seaford is now relocating patients to SBY? If so, doesn't this go on Wicomico's stats?

  105. Today I learned how sheepish are the people in SBY.
    The Blogger is trying to educate people, but the people are so ignorant of basic political concepts that the task is impossible. One cannot educate the readers of the blog, or at least, the commenters. They are too far gone. Completely mind controlled by the media and the politicians. They are begging for government to enslave them. They won't be happy until they are completely enslaved.

    Glad I don't live there.

    Good luck folks.

  106. Yea 7:49 you guys are killing people by putting them on ventilators because it brings in more money.

    As far as help. Just ask some of the many nurses that have been furloughed because hospitals are empty.

    Quit wining and do your job, you can be replaced.

  107. Those that are risk or elderly, stay home. Those of us who are healthy want our lives back to normal. Screw the Gestapo tactics.

  108. Then all of you sign a form saying if you contract Covid19 you can not go to the hospital...die at home!!! clinging to your Trump 2020 flag, bury you with it....BYE!

    1. STFU and go cling to your Commie China flag.

  109. If you really want to fight back the government, do not pay taxes anymore. That includes businesses who take out the tax for the IRS. Just refuse to pay. The IRS can't arrest everyone.
    And yes Joe, I agree. I personally think this shutdown is all part of a coup that is taking place. The banks were already in failure territory when this happened. They knew this, OF COURSE THEY DID! This is a convenient distraction - Pumped up by them by using false data and fear mongering. This is all a plot by the globalists and the Federal Bankers that own our economic system. There will be a reboot that will take place that will take all our freedoms and crush the constitution. (This will take place in the next 2 years). There's one man that stands between us and them, and that is Donald Trump. Unfortunately the powers to be will rig the election and Trump will lose. That is when the swamp will have full reign over us.... or will they? That's where the war begins.

  110. 7:49pm, I understand what you said, however, keeping everyone in their homes with no exposure isn't solving a damn thing except pandemonium. Let it be people's choice instead of a Governor dictating what people are going to do, that is just not the American way, period.

  111. 749

    stop watching CNN or other Alphabet networks

    they have you in fear

  112. When and until can the hospitals open for usual business will this stop. They are only admitting all the covids they do for money. Most covid patients do not need to be there and most are on ventilators unnecessarily. when someone is that bad a ventilator is useless. Over 85 percent of people put on one die so it's just prolonging death. Most states on "Lockdown" only did so the moment federal funds were dangled by pelosi. If the money stops watch how quick the "lock downs" end

  113. I saw several vehicles out of state getting fuel today and drivers not wearing mask. I took photos but they came out blurring because I was driving and had a coffee in my hand. But I did yell at them. Be safe people. Stay in doors save lives. It’s science

  114. "Sweden didn't lock down and they are doing just fine" - frickin morons you all are

    Despite reports to the contrary, Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown. As of today, 2462 people have died there, a much higher number than the neighboring countries of Norway (207), Finland (206) or Denmark (443)

  115. DEMS you better hope there isn't a civil war because we will DESTROY you ? Maybe it is TIME.

  116. Joe
    You need to call for a protest in front of the business we WILL show up enough is enough.

  117. I love that picture of Lockdown Larry Hitler!

  118. "If you really want to fight back the government, do not pay taxes anymore. That includes businesses who take out the tax for the IRS. Just refuse to pay. The IRS can't arrest everyone."

    Guess again. The non-payment records exist forever. The IRS may not arrest, but they'll get their $$.

  119. I'll see y'all in our emergency room soon. Good luck 👍

    1. Omg, cuz you people are so safe, clean and smart right, lol. Get over yourself closet junkie

    2. Wahhhh move to China.

  120. "TheRealRay said...
    I'll see y'all in our emergency room soon. Good luck 👍

    May 1, 2020 at 5:50 AM"

    This is the problem Because of the numbers and the "death toll" being shown everywhere 24/7 it has created paranoia. It is causing people to flock to the ER if they so much as cough. Once there they are talked into being admitted because the hospitals are in dire need of money. Don't allow yourself to be fooled. Everything in life boils down to the dollar and you would best be served by always keeping this in mind otherwise you go through life being blind and gullible

    1. Yep...see you in our emergency room soon...

  121. Please explain how the Los Angeles Lakers received over 4 million dollars in relief funds.

  122. 5:50 am therealray, your comment is so ignorant and quite dispicable, Especially since you are implying that you are a healthcare worker!

  123. 10:35. Sweden is getting it spread now while keeping their economy intact. We are delaying the inevitable and destroying our economy in the process.

  124. 5:50 Lies and more scare tactics.

  125. Joe found this bit of information yesterday. Jake Day will be hosting the LGBT parade down Walston Switch Rd later this summer.

  126. Every one will die of something. No one will make it out alive. Live the life you were given! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

  127. You are beyond naive 5:50. Many going to the ER and even dying aren't dying of Covid. Now it's come out a woman who happens to be related to a Supreme Court justice was labeled as dying from corono. The family demanded an autopsy and guess what she did NOT have it. She had Alzheimers and had forgotten how to swallow and the hospital didn't suction and she died. In other words in their haste to fulfill numbers going to the hospital killed her. Anyone who goes to the ER now a days is in need of that luck and you would do best to not ever forget it

  128. They are padding the numbers to get more $ from the fed. Millions have overcome this virus. If ppl can go to Walmart, pharmacy, grocery store, why can't they go to work?

  129. Just follow the Trump guidelines. As a non-Trumper ,I am willing to follow his guidelines for our com unities protection of others along with myself and family

  130. The ONLY numbers that are meaningful as far as this is concerned are the death rates from last year compared to this year. Not just flu death rates but all causes of deaths across the board.

  131. "Anonymous said...
    Then all of you sign a form saying if you contract Covid19 you can not go to the hospital...die at home!!! clinging to your Trump 2020 flag, bury you with it....BYE!

    April 30, 2020 at 8:46 PM"

    You can count me it. I wouldn't step foot near a hospital if I get sick. As a matter of fact I know 2 people in NY who did go to ER were told they must be admitted refused and in 3 days were back to normal. Also a man who was admitted (in NY) and on some kind of mask breather not a ventilator was told he was going to have be moved to ICU and on one and the chances of not coming off alive weren't good. He pulled the breather off and walked out of the hospital went home and within one week was well. All truly believe that when they tested positive anxiety kicked in and was more the cause of having breathing problems then anything else. I also know people here with it. One is in the hospital who had underlying condition which is diabetes they have controlled well in years. 2 others were sick for about a week at home and are now feeling normal and the lingering cough they had has left.

  132. A very wise man once told me," Do as I say, not as I do." I have come to realize what he meant and that is ,what is right for him is not right for me at that particular time.thanks Dad

  133. This flood of autographed economic bandaid checks people are waiting for are a joke. The Government does not even have a clue how bad this stall in business, work and trade has and will effect the economy. This is an unprecedented situation that was totally over reacted to for lack of a better plan which we should have had in place. Even if we opened everything up tomorrow it will takes months for the smoke to clear and actually know what has happened to our economy. So we might as well do it full blown now because the second wave of this will not be COVID it's going to be great economic distress which is a longer lingering scarier death than a virus. You think people panicked over this just wait until they find their entire standard of living and comforts once afforded and accessed GONE.
    We ain't seen nothing yet.

  134. My femma contact told me a lock down is coming and food stores will be closed. I’m wealthy and have much better contacts then anyone. Don’t panic but military are everywhere. Also shame people for working or driving. Thank you

  135. 10:25 meanwhile a dozen or more states are opening.

  136. "If you really want to fight back the government, do not pay taxes anymore. That includes businesses who take out the tax for the IRS. Just refuse to pay. The IRS can't arrest everyone."

    Guess again. The non-payment records exist forever. The IRS may not arrest, but they'll get their $$.
    May 1, 2020 at 2:53 AM

    IN RESPONSE: The IRS would get crushed financially, but what the real truth of the matter is, is that the IRS is illegal and unconstitutional. It was created right after the privately owned Federal Reserve was created. It is a control mechanism and theft. The IRS needs to be eliminated. They are way too powerful to boot. They aren't your ordinary collection agency and I am not the first person to suggest this.

  137. Just got back from NJ and did not encounter any law enforcement to restrict me in MD,DE, or NJ. I could go to Home Depot, but could not support the local small hardware store - how stupid! The damaging effects to our economy will be felt for many years, just as the recession of 2007-8 continues to affect Delmarva. Life is a risk. Accept this and make your choices, but don't denigrate me for making mine! My elective surgery has been postponed 2X, yet PRMC is virtually empty. "Open where possible, close where necessary" needs to be revamped to "Open Now and Let's Get Delmarva Back To Business".

  138. Anonymous said...
    "If you really want to fight back the government, do not pay taxes anymore. That includes businesses who take out the tax for the IRS. Just refuse to pay. The IRS can't arrest everyone."

    Guess again. The non-payment records exist forever. The IRS may not arrest, but they'll get their $$.
    May 1, 2020 at 2:53 AM

    IN RESPONSE: The IRS would get crushed financially, but what the real truth of the matter is, is that the IRS is illegal and unconstitutional. It was created right after the privately owned Federal Reserve was created. It is a control mechanism and theft. The IRS needs to be eliminated. They are way too powerful to boot. They aren't your ordinary collection agency and I am not the first person to suggest this.

    May 1, 2020 at 1:11 PM

    The IRS got me for not filing my taxes for 2 years and forced me to pay and they attached my wages. How the Hell does Willy Nelson, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton get away with owing Millions to the IRS in taxes. Now I'm hearing the Newt Gingrich owes taxes. WTH! But little guys like me can't get away with it. Sadly for me I wouldn't have owed taxes but they estimated what I owed without deductions.

  139. Anonymous said...
    Then all of you sign a form saying if you contract Covid19 you can not go to the hospital...die at home!!! clinging to your Trump 2020 flag, bury you with it....BYE!

    April 30, 2020 at 8:46 PM

    Mike Dunn, is that you??

  140. John said...
    Bravo �� Joe, quarantine the sick and at risk population! Not everyone. This is definitely insane to bankrupt most small businesses but let big corporations profit! Thanks for posting. John s. WOC

    April 30, 2020 at 11:35 AM

    That is exactly what is happening. The Walmart family is getting richer every single minute.

    The Walton family gets $100 million richer every single day
    Published: Aug. 17, 2019 at 3:17 p.m. ET
    By Nicole Lyn Pesce

    The family behind Walmart tops the Bloomberg list of the world’s wealthiest families

    In the hour that it takes a new Walmart employee to earn the $11 starting wage, the family that owns the retail giant has banked $4 million.

    In fact, the third-generation heirs of Walmart WMT, +1.60% founder Sam Walton have amassed a $191 billion fortune to top Bloomberg’s list of the richest families in the world. And that has grown by $39 billion since the Waltons topped the list last year.

    The report breaks that out to the Walton fortune increasing by an eye-watering $70,000 per minute, $4 million per hour or $100 million per day.

    Walmart rang up $514 billion in sales from more than 11,000 stores across the globe, Bloomberg added. And the family holding company Walton Enterprises owns a 50% stake in Walmart, which paid out $3 billion in dividends last year.

    It’s been a good year for all 25 of wealthiest families in the world, however, who collectively control almost $1.4. trillion in total wealth, which is a 24% increase from last year.

    And American dynasties took the top three places on the elite list. The candy-making clan behind Mars Inc. is in second place with $127 billion in wealth that was sweetened by $37 billion since last year. And the industrialists/politicians behind Koch Industries take third with $125 billion.

    The Saudi royal family lands at No. 4, with Bloomberg estimating that the House of Saud is worth $100 billion — although the report notes this is a lowball figure drawn from cumulative payouts that royal family members are guessed to have taken over the last 50 yeas from the executive office of the king. The total wealth controlled by its 15,000 extended family members from its oil reserves, land deals and government contracts is probably much higher.

    Family-owned fashion houses Chanel and Hermes, the beer makers at Anheuser-Busch InBev BUD, -3.53%, as well as Nutella-makers Ferrero also rank highly on the list.

    Here are the top 10 richest families in the world, as reported by Bloomberg.

    The Walton family, behind Walmart: $190.5 billion

    The Mars family, behind Mars: $126.5 billion

    The Koch family, behind Koch Industries: $124.5 billion

    The Al Saud family: $100 billion

    The Wertheimer, behind Chanel: $57.6 billion

    The Hermes family, behind Hermes: $53.1 billion

    The Van Damme, De Spoelberch and De Mevius families, behind Anheuser-Busch InBev: $52.9 billion

    The Boehringer and Von Baumbach families, behind Boehringer Ingelheim: $51.9 billion

    The Ambani family, behind Reliance Industries: $50.4 billion

    The Cargill and MacMillan families, behind Cargill Inc.: $42.9 billion


  141. If Walmart is going to be claiming that it is an "essential business" then they should only be able to sell food. Food only, no clothes, shoes, radios, music, videos, bicycles, oil, headlights, cosmetics, plants, flowers, grills, etc. Other stores that sell these same items had to close up shop giving all the business to Walmart and leaving NO competition.

    Maybe Walmart should have to share their profits with their competitors that had to close up shop.


    Walmart makes $40 million a day in profit and $466 in profit every second. Contrast that with the typical Walmart employee making about $22,137 a year. Add that up across all of Walmart's 2,200,000 though, adjusting for lower pay in the developing world, and you get an annual payroll of about $40 billion.Mar 29, 2016

  142. JoeAlbero said...
    For those of you saying I was all for the shut down initially, get your heads on straight for once. The ONLY reason the curve isn't as bad as it could've been is based on overloading hospitals with too many cases. We now have a grip on what's going on, we have the space to manage the virus BECAUSE we shut down. I agree with that. What I also said was IF they open up Ocean City the cases will go way up. Hogan stated he wanted to watch and see the curve come down for two straight weeks before he even considers reopening OC and elsewhere. That is NOT going to happen for a very long time. As you can see today, Wicomico County just went through the roof overnight. I told ALL of you we are three weeks behind New York and again I am spot on. HOWEVER, it doesn't mean people are DYING in masses. They may be testing positive but they aren't dying. That being said, our numbers will continue to rise, we are nowhere near the peak BUT what does that peak actually mean? An 82 year old woman died in Worcester County. She already, (unfortunately) had respiratory complications. EVERY single human being will ultimately get this virus, period. While we are on a more winning edge of medications that can help keep more people alive, we need to reopen and let this virus take its course. Let me say this as well, Hogan is going to create serious restrictions. Bartenders will have to wear masks and gloves. Yeah, that's going to be just great when it's a hundred degrees outside and God Forbid you wear glasses. They'll fog up the entire time and you won't be able to see. I can see it now, we're hiring but only bartenders with perfect vision, no glasses. Finally, DON'T GO OUT if you fear you'll contract the virus!!!!! YOU have the option and our government should NOT have control of us. If we get sick, deal with it, it is our choice. THINK about this. Women who support abortion have been claiming for DECADES, "IT'S OUR BODY, IT'S OUR CHOICE". Well, what the hell happened? Hogan now owns our bodies and our choice!

    April 30, 2020 at 1:42 PM

    "Women who support abortion have been claiming for DECADES, "IT'S OUR BODY, IT'S OUR CHOICE"."

    Excellent point, Joe. WTH are those Libtards now? Funny how Libtards love to pick and choose their issues.

  143. Anonymous said...

    April 30, 2020 at 2:17 PM

    WTF is up with all the Caps??? And do you know how to use punctuation???

  144. Anonymous said...
    Now that's mature 2:04.

    April 30, 2020 at 2:24 PM

    What's a matter, Snowflake? Did you git ur wittle feewings hirt?

    Now go find you a safe space, Cupcake!

  145. Anonymous said...
    If you're NOT afraid of this virus, stay the hell away from ME!!!!!! You're the pig headed people that are spreading it.

    April 30, 2020 at 2:27 PM

    Awww.. Look at the Snowflake that can't think for himself. Did you get your stimulus check yet?

    I've got a feeling this little Turd Burglar is getting paid to stay home.

  146. Anonymous said...
    Giver the fact that 50% of the people are democrats , they are feeding off the words of Adolf Hogan . They don't know how to make a decision , they are nothing but followers , damn shame but the truth. The media has made Comrade Hogan a dictator and he loves it . I'll say this again , until his rules become laws I refuse to listen to his BS.
    The liquor stores remain open but I can't get my car washed , WTF and who made this a rule?
    I have a good idea if you are in , start a key club , private members . What you gonna do when they come for you!

    April 30, 2020 at 2:42 PM

    "The liquor stores remain open but I can't get my car washed , WTF and who made this a rule?"

    Comptroller Peter Franchot, Len Foxwell and Jake Day. Liquor is their essential need. I agree, dumb as sh!t.

  147. Anonymous said...

    April 30, 2020 at 3:28 PM

    What is this dumb crap?


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