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Friday, May 22, 2020

Coronavirus could be mutating into something far more deadlier

Chinese doctors are concerned the coronavirus has mutated as they are seeing it manifest differently in patients

Chinese health authorities are now reporting that the coronavirus could be changing, as doctors are seeing big differences in the way that the virus is presenting itself in certain areas.

One of China's top doctors who is on the front line battling the coronavirus spoke to state TV this past Tuesday and said that many patients in the northern provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang are becoming infected for a long period of time. They also take longer to test negative and, on average, take longer to show symptoms in comparison to the original patients from Wuhan. This has raised concerns that the coronavirus has mutated, and due to symptoms taking longer to show, and infection lasting longer, the virus would essentially have become deadlier and harder to eradicate.

According to Qiu, "The longer period during which infected patients show no symptoms has created clusters of family infections". Luckily, there are multiple reasons for why patients in these regions are taking longer than the one to weeks to show symptoms, which means the scientists still don't know if the virus has mutated or is mutating. At the moment, it's still far too early to know, Chinese doctors and researchers need to observe the patients more and find clear evidence that the virus is changing before concluding that is the case.



  1. You can’t accuse them (elites) of being lazy. They know the population is awakening to the realization they have been had.

    So the come out swinging with a new story: mutating disease

  2. Yes, it could Mutate into a Demon-crat !!!! Far Worse

  3. Hello? Hello? Cancers still killing 100's of thousandsssss a year. Lets not get too excited about Carona "part 2" yet. Maybe we should start sharing some of that virus passion and work on a CANCER CURE!

    1. Hello? Hello? Cancer isnt contagious.

  4. If China says the sky is blue go out and look for yourself. Nothing they say can ever be believed. The opposite is most likely happening. Virus is mutation into a weaker form. They just want everyone to stay locked-down since they took a beating that has set them back years economically they want to keep the world wide playing field even.

  5. Socialist / Communist using fright to scare people into their obedience / control. Wake up people

  6. I sure I'm not watch a movie with a BAD ending. I prefer HAPPY ENDINGS!!!

  7. If the poster really feels that way they are really too scared to really be out and about. They should really stay home till it's over or they get the shot with the tracker in it

  8. "far more deadlier" LOL.

  9. The key word is "could". Does everyone really know what that word means?

    1. It seems lately all reports say 'could might possibly there's a chance of '.

  10. And - it mite not.....

  11. Or it could be dying off totally due to herd immunity. We're not sure.


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