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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

“Come on, Man!” – Biden Comes Unhinged, Compares Trump Taking Hydroxychloroquine to Injecting Himself with Clorox (VIDEO)

77-year-old Joe Biden compared President Trump taking Hydroxychloroquine, a drug that has been prescribed to people by doctors for decades, to injecting himself with Clorox.

During his press conference with restaurant owners on Monday, President Trump announced he was taking the life-saving drug Hydroxychloroquine as a prophylaxis against the Wuhan Coronavirus.

President Trump admitted he has been taking Hydroxychloroquine for “a couple weeks.”

As expected, the Democrat-media complex went crazy in response to Trump taking the anti-malaria drug that has been safely prescribed to people since the 1950s.



  1. WAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Come on man, admit you snorted clorox and that you have dementia and are un fit for any office.

  3. What do you expect...Biden has dementia...


  4. Let's not confuse addled SlowJoe with facts. It confuses him when he's making up his own version of past and current events. Good thing Dr. Jill is a reading teacher; she can help him sound out the words and gradually improve his comprehension. The drug in question is almost as old as SlowJoe and has a very strong track record for both safety and effectiveness.

    Joe, re-read the paragraph above and highlight the words you don't understand. Have Dr. Jill look them up with you.

    Dr. Jill, double check the kid lock on the cleaning supplies cabinet. As Joe slips away you'll have to anticipate more of his flights of fancy. Or he may have stumbled on Hunter's stash. You're the adult in the room.

  5. So when he survives will Biden admit Trump is super human?

    1. He is on process of becoming a deity

  6. Corn pop says hi.

  7. "Unhinged" huh?

    Did anyone watch the actual video?

    It looked like Biden was pretty spot on about all of it.

    I mean, say what you want about Joe, but he isn't the one taking a drug that hasn't been approved and has direct health risks for his weight class.

  8. 8:14 Wow! Word for word out of Nancy’s mouth😂 Bless your heart. Biden isn’t spot on about anything but sniffing little girls😂🤣😂

  9. 8:13 You are as moronic and as laughable as biden. Millions upon millions of people are taking prescription drugs every day that haven't been approved by the FDA to treat their specific condition or illness. It is called off label prescribing. This because Einstein-----The FDA only approves drugs and not how to prescribe them. This you wouldn't know that because you get your "facts" off the MSM and social media. Dopey you.
    Another FYI there isn't a drug out there that doesn't have a risk for the overweight. The risk is "slim" to none though.
    Know what you are talking about before commenting. You only show your ignorance.

  10. 8:14 chances are if biden is taking any prescription drugs he is in fact taking one "that hasn't been approved". This because no one approves what a drug is prescribed for only the drug it self. The FDA approves a drug for safety is all. One thing you can bet on is that an overwhelming number of doctor's treating Covid patients are taking this drug themselves as a preventative.. That was a fear that lupus patients and arthritis patients wouldn't be able to get the drug who are also prescribed it off label. How about going to one of their many support pages and let them know they shouldn't be taking this drug. I dare you

  11. " Anonymous said...
    "Unhinged" huh?

    Did anyone watch the actual video?

    It looked like Biden was pretty spot on about all of it.

    I mean, say what you want about Joe, but he isn't the one taking a drug that hasn't been approved and has direct health risks for his weight class.

    May 21, 2020 at 8:14 AM"

    It's called Off Label prescribing. It is more common then not. If you have a child or a grandchild don't you dare allow a pediatrician to prescribe to them if they are under 18 any antibiotic or antihistamine since they are prescribed to children off label. Anyone with VD don't take what was prescribed. It's off label.

  12. 8:14---Off label prescribing is prescribing a medicine or a treatment based on anecdotal evidence. Many times in science that is all there ever is. A better word then approved is proven. In order to prove a drug works conclusively you have to know why it works----It's mechanism of action. Many times the whys can't be answered. But what we do know about this drug is that peer reviewed studies going back as far as 2005 show

    " 22 August 2005
    CDC Special Pathogens Branch
    MJ VIncet, E.Bergon, S. Benjannet, BR Erickson, Pierre Rollin, T.G. Ksiazek, NG Seidah,
    ST Nichole. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. Virology Journal. (2005) 2: 69
    Chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS CoV infection of primate cells in tissue culture. These inhibitory effects are observed when cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic preventative and treatment use. The paper describes three mechanisms by which the drug might work and suggest it may have both a prophylactic and therapeutic role in Coronavirus infections."

  13. So why doesn't Biden voluntarily tell America what prescription medications he is taking in conjunction with his doctor's recommendations (like Trump did)? That'll never happen because he would have to disclose the anti-psychotic and Alzheimer's meds he is on.

  14. Beta blockers are a good example. The FDA only recognizes them to treat high blood pressure. Cardiologists prescribed them off label to patients with congestive heart failure even if they don't have hypertension, at one time did or never did. This because they slow the heart rate allowing the heart to fill with blood.

  15. 8:14 Don't get your medical info from Dr Nancy. She does't know what day of the week it is much less anything related to medical issues. Hydroxychloroquine does NOT have an indirect much less a direct health risks for the President's weight class. Many lupus patients are morbidly obese because they also develop thyroid disease. And maybe you aren't aware but lupus patients who are morbidly obese are prescribed off label hydroxychloroquine with no side effects at all. Also it's prescribed off label for rheumatoid arthritis and because of the sedentary lifestyle of many of those with this disease they too are obese.


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