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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Civil dissent is the American answer to outrageous lockdown rules

Citing the Bill of Rights and the “ideals of civil disobedience,” the owner of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, NJ, defied Gov. Phil Murphy’s orders by reopening on Monday. Cops “formally” notified the gym owner he was in violation of the shutdown order and then wished him “a good day.” The crowd cheered. Two days later, Atilis is still open.

Civil disobedience is alive and well, even in this pandemic.

Last week, a Texas judge told salon owner Shelley Luther that if she disagreed with lockdown rules in Dallas, she should “hire a lawyer” and sue. Sorry, but most working people can’t afford that. They protest instead. And disobey when laws become oppressive.

Lawyering has a place, though. In many states, business groups, churches and state representatives are suing to overturn what they claim are freedom-stifling rules imposed by autocratic governors. On Monday, an Oregon county judge struck down Gov. Kate Brown’s coronavirus restrictions, ruling that her emergency powers should last only a month; after that, she needs legislative approval. Brown is appealing.

Last week, a Wisconsin court struck down Gov. Tony Evers’ “safer at home” regimen, when Evers tried toextend it until the end of May. The court said 28 days of emergency powers is enough.

Expect a similar outcome in Michigan, where the Legislature is suing Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The governor, according to a Detroit News editorial, has “declared herself the sole and absolute power in Michigan.”

Although Whitmer is a Democrat, and the legislature mostly Republican, this isn’t mere partisan wrangling. Lawmakers offered to compromise on lockdown rules, and she refused. At stake is “whether Michigan remains a representative democracy even in times of crisis,” the Detroit News editors warn.

Also at stake is the right to earn a living. Karl Manke, a barber who reopened his shop in Owosso, Mich., two weeks ago, has been wearing a mask, washing his hands between customers and sanitizing his tools with UV light. He’s taking safety seriously.



  1. Time to stand up for your rights and stop paying taxes also until lawmakers start doing the people’s work.

  2. I spoke to a man from Pennsylvania at Assateaque park today , he said his county was revolting and will not follow any of the rules for covid19 .He also said the entire county has the right wing support . The government has threatened to stop funds for schools and other major items. They rock , together they will win. Not enough jails to house 1, 000,000 people.

  3. Those who claim to be WOKE still understand only a small fraction of the truth about the US Government and the ultra secret Central Bank Cartel.

    If they knew the truth there would be no mention of civil disobedience.

    There would be hangings in Washington DC and London

  4. Yeah! Yeah! Spread that coronavirus around. Get those numbers up again. Then bitch and moan that the lawmakers didn't do enough to protect you.

  5. How do Ya ALL Like the Far Left Democratic America !!! ???? LOL LOL

    Just keep voting for them & you will have it like this & Worse to come !!!


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