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Sunday, May 31, 2020

City Of Salisbury Press Conference (Mayor Day Deployment)


  1. Hahaha pushing a PEN bye bye hope you don't get injured at your desk lol POS 😂

  2. Pay self on back for volunteering to sign up lolololol 🖕 hope you don't come back.

  3. PaT self on back for volunteering to sign up lolololol 🖕 hope you don't come back.

  4. Hopefully his pos wife is in prison while he is gone ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋

  5. Ohhh he is going to cry because he has NO control while he is gone and being bossed around by his superiors lol. Byeeeee byeee fool.

  6. So he is putting Julia Glanz in charge or the City of Salisbury. WTF!!!

    1. Julia Glanz, close friend of Jim Ireton for many, many years. It probably won’t be any worse because the the end of the day, Jake’s daddy Randy Day and the Greater Salisbury Committee will still be running the city from behind the curtain.

  7. salisbury is better already

  8. Bwahahahahaha! I heard the boi mare was tired of Joe Albero followers picking on him about never being deployed so he asked to have an easy deployment to Africa instead of Afghanistan or Iraq. Bwahahahahahaha!

    1. Yes, I am sure that is exactly why he did it. This blog was just too much for him to handle.

  9. but who has the authority to dig up roads now

  10. who will authorize concrete obstacles in streets all over town?

  11. Who is the fat slob to da mare's right in da blue polo shirt and da baseball cap? Is that Michele Gregory?

    1. I'm Hungry , can we go to McDonald's ??


  12. All that wasted fluff talk with quotes. WTH is wrong with that clown.

  13. Maybe Nairobi will get some exciting new traffic circles and bike lanes! Bars can look forward to a big increase in business.

  14. "I love this city, I love this state and I love this country."

    Guess what folks, he doesn't love this county!!! How convenient for him to leave out the county of Wicomico in his sappy good bye speech.

  15. Deployment of More Virus !!!

  16. So, he's made such an ass of himself, now is a good time to run. Address at the Fire House? There he's among the only friends he's got, his appointed flunky Tull & Company. Oh, by the way, I wonder where all his bad shit is now that it's been exposed his Ranger training made him a telegraph operator. While the real troops function, he can see they're able to call home to the wife.
    Politics is the land where all useless toys go to die. With any luck he'll be captured by the Chinese.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. His wife is not a drug addict. She made a mistake. He is the villain.

    2. Buying drugs from your STUDENT is not a mistake. It is a criminal act.

    3. There are plenty of places to buy your drugs then from your student at your school. It is rediculous to excuse her behavior. She should be charged, put in jail and never be able to teach again.

  18. Was Lizzy Poo in the audience?

  19. Did Jack Heath's face mask get caught in his hearing aid?

  20. Someone needs to check the city charter to make sure Jake Day has the authority to make Julia Glanz the acting mayor. I'm not too sure that is the appropriate procedure but I know that Jack Heath and Manure Bota are too stupid to read the charter since both of them rubberstamp everything Jake Day does. They follow Jakey Boi's marching orders.

    1. Chapter isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Just ask Bob Culver?


  21. A true leader always has a great team behind them. The team is the people whom get the job done. This team has and will continue to make the improvements to the city.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  22. Mike Dunn
    · 11:08
    It is time to stand with Mayor Day and his family as he goes and serves his country. He has served this community with all he’s got. We stand with our Mayor, and we keep him close in our hearts and prayers as he fulfills his military duties.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. F*** you Mike Dunn. You are the last person anyone needs standing with them. You are alot like Day with your uncanny ability to manipulate and bullshit people. You both are in it for yourselves. What ever happened to the chronic fatigue syndrome and inability to function daily in a work environment? I guess Day taking you back into city government and giving you a nice cushy job and salary made it all better

    3. Mike Dunn,
      Did you know Jake abuses his wife and little girls. No you probably don’t because it’s all hidden behind closed doors.

  23. Give the guy a break he has to fulfill his Napoleon complex. Probably get fragged

  24. Pathetic individual!! Why do you need so much attention and aknowledgement for the very things that are required of your job and now your commitment to the military? In my honest opinion your sir are a chump and merely running from the mess you've made of salisbury and your personal life.

  25. Where's the wife and kids, "family man"

  26. Jake Day made this his hero moment!

  27. What did Brian Records and the boys throw Day a going away party on city funds for Day paying their property tax before he left? Day is such a wanna be with the nice shiny SUV in the background and Maryland and so called salisbury flag. As far as the U.S flag neither of those standing there deserve/earned the right to use it as a photo prop. Day you are a sick man the way you crave so much media attention

  28. Doug Julie Davis
    · 6:25
    His deployment has nothing to do with politics. This is his job. God bless you Mayor Jack Day. We will keep you in our prayers.

  29. Wow..... this is Surreal.....! I'm stunned by this news.

    (BTW: He said his heart lives in his two little girls but didn't mention his wife.)

  30. What a strange looking person. Just awkward in every sense.

    1. Strange looking? How bout the spitting image of Peewee Herman! And we now know what a closeted perv he was!

  31. This is a sign of a pure WHACKO! These are the dumbest comments I have ever read. This is typical of Jake Day followers, Clueless and Drivel!

    From the City's FB page.

    Mae Cavey
    · 3:09
    Out of all the people they had to pick from, they did deployment of a mayor of a town in the middle of a crisis?

    Mae Cavey
    · 5:44
    I thought this national government was all about not getting involved overseas until it becomes convenient the send somebody away who's doing a good job.

    Mae Cavey
    · 1:51
    I'm sorry, this is crazy. We need leadership right here and right now.

    Mae Cavey
    · 4:50
    Absolute nonsense. I don't care about anything else except for the fact that Day is becoming a political pawn.


    This is what she posted on her own FB page. This Bimbo is acting like a Republican is deploying Jake Day. Yep, she is definitely a WHACKO! WTH is with all of these Progressive Democrats migrating to Salisbury?

    Mae Cavey
    Went to Catonsville High
    Lives in Salisbury, Maryland
    From Silver Spring, Maryland

    Mae Cavey
    1 hr ·
    Absolute BS. The Democratic mayor of my town is being deployed to the National guard to Africa in the middle of a crisis here.

    Mae Cavey
    2 hrs ·
    Dear White People: Do Something

    Mae Cavey
    3 hrs ·
    Stop Republicans

    Mae Cavey
    3 hrs ·
    Opinion:Trump's encouragement of racism against Asian Americans is an affront to all Americans

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Mae...... please go with your leader or back to Georgia Ave. You will not be happy in in Trump Country.

    3. another wacked out cry baby Democrat. Biden is her hero

    4. if Jake Day hadnt kept putting this off he could have done his time and been back by now

    5. They didn’t pick him. He signed up for this deployment I know it for a fact.

  32. Jake Day isn't in line with me politically but this isn't something I ever wanted to hear. May God Bless him and surround him with a hedge or protection. May his deployment be free of danger and disease this I ask in Jesus Name.

    1. And this is CLASS. Many could learn from your example.


  33. Volume was too low.

    I assume he'll be painting crosswalks all over the continent, and recruiting new acts for forthcoming FolkedFests. I extend my sympathies in advance to any subordinates who'll be forced to comply with any 'leadership' he displays over there.

    Touching scenes as his family turned out to wish him Goodbye.

  34. Thank you for your service Mayor Day!

  35. Best news that I've heard in months! I just hope that they take away his cellphone.

  36. Things will seem different upon return to civilization.

  37. At first I got enthused from learning this news thinking what "could be" for Salisbury, but then when I returned to reality I, unfortunately, realized Salisbury will be no better off over the next year with Julia Ganz, she' just another extreme liberal. Salisbury has disintegrated and it isn't coming back, so sorry to say.

  38. Hope he doesn't get a cramp pushing that pen lol.

  39. Everyone knew he was going to get deployed, he just never admitted it when he was asked. The city administrator implements the plans and always has. That's why the mayor makes 25K and Julie Glanz makes over 120K. So Jake thinks he is still going to run things from afar? If he can't do those duties, Heath is the next in line, not the appointed Glanz.The charter says, (ad lib) that if the mayor can't perform his or her duties, said duties fall to the President of the Council.

    Please Joe, Jake's going to be doing zoom calls to Salisbury. Please don't post them. I am about to barf as it is with this clip.

  40. Julia Glanz actions have already proved she is a Jake Day twin she will progress as if attached at the hip

  41. He is gonna miss the Pride Parade OH NO I bet he sypkes in LOL

  42. Bless anyone who serves that being said I am one of many he has blocked from the Salisbury City page so that BS about freedom of speech with out fear of retribution from your government is A$$.

  43. With all the troubles in the world this pussy gets orders to deploy to Africa?? Man I wonder how Hogan and Frosh and old Randy Day managed to pull this off for this jackass. Day has danced around his military obligation and they finally caught up to his bullshit essential label as salisbury's mayor. Day they probably watched some of your daily Coronavirus briefings and realized how full of shit you are and demanded you fulfill your obligation to the military. Be careful Jake you can't go around spewing your hate for Trump and support for all the LGBT and tranny fest garbage. Why don't you try to organize a rainbow crosswalk painting or drag queen festival while you're over there see how that works out for you


  44. Remember that ex-mayor Pete Bootygag had a similar soft assignment in his chosen Reserve slot, and found that his deployment provided an opportunity to change. We'll see how Napoleon fares.

  45. I sure hope he doesn't catch the virus cough cough 😷

  46. ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋Fake day hopefully you will get disciplined good over there from big daddy.

  47. Mae cavey 🖕

  48. I heard he's being deployed to Africa to help assist the Military Engineers on adivising and construction of new round abouts and improving Africa's out dated bike lanes. Lol.

  49. Maybe the ten months away will count towards 1 year separation requirement before divorce in Maryland. Convenient!!!!

  50. Hey Jake Day I bet you can find some really nice "ethnic" entertainment for your 2021 folk festival. This idiot did all this intentionally so as to come back a so called hero to his progressive liberal supporters then rolling into his "joke festival" ultimately ending in either a shot on Franchot's ticket or a run on Andy Harris. Nothing Day does is done without an ultimate prize for him in the end. He's a master manipulator and narcissistic brat

  51. What's going on with his wife

    1. 4:01
      Little Billy is up next.
      Then Joey.
      Followed by Wayne and Jeff on a double-team

      After that is my turn, but I will give it to you if you want?

    2. She will be looking for a new man while he is away ✋

  52. I hope they transfer his a$$ to Iraq or Afghanistan.

  53. Anonymous said...
    Jake Day isn't in line with me politically but this isn't something I ever wanted to hear. May God Bless him and surround him with a hedge or protection. May his deployment be free of danger and disease this I ask in Jesus Name.

    May 28, 2020 at 1:42 PM

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You are just as sick as Jake Day is!

  54. Just in time for Gay Pride Month. Maybe he can visit the birthplace of Obama in Kenya and they can have a gay pride parade after they paint some rainbow crosswalks.

  55. Anonymous said...
    F*** you Mike Dunn. You are the last person anyone needs standing with them. You are alot like Day with your uncanny ability to manipulate and bullshit people. You both are in it for yourselves. What ever happened to the chronic fatigue syndrome and inability to function daily in a work environment? I guess Day taking you back into city government and giving you a nice cushy job and salary made it all better

    May 28, 2020 at 4:00 PM

    Thank you, my feelings exactly.

  56. Building roundabouts all over the world 🙄

  57. Part I

    Contact: Mayor’s Office

    Salisbury Mayor Jake Day to be Deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom

    Salisbury, MD – Mayor Jake Day, an Information Operations Officer with the 110th Information Operations Battalion of the Maryland Army National Guard, today announced that he has received deployment orders, and will report for duty within the coming weeks. He will serve with the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa and associated units for approximately 10 months, and will return to Salisbury in May of 2021. City Administrator Julia Glanz will take over executive duties for the duration of the deployment as Acting Mayor.

    Jake Day enlisted in the U.S. Army in 2009. He is a graduate of Information Operations Qualification Course, Maneuver Captain’s Career Course, Armor Basic Officer Leaders Course, Officer Candidate School and Basic Combat Training at Fort Benning, GA. He has previously served as the Senior TAC Officer at the Officer Candidate School, a Platoon Leader and Executive Officer in the 158th Cavalry Regiment and as Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier General Peter Hinz, the Commander of the Maryland Army National Guard.

    The 110th IO Battalion provides an ongoing rotation of Information Operations planners to support the Combined Joint Task Force’s operations throughout 12 countries, including Somalia, Djibouti and others. The unit is tasked with integration and synchronization of Information-Related Capabilities (IRCs), including cyber, psychological operations, electronic warfare, civil affairs and others.

    “We’ve known that the day could come when my team with the 110th IO Battalion would receive the order to deploy,” said Mayor Day. “I am honored to do my part to ensure that the citizens of this community and all Americans remain safe and free. No matter where the call may take me, I go with confidence in the leadership of City Administrator Glanz, as well as the capability of our other 434 City employees, and I know that our work will continue unhindered. The citizens of Salisbury can count on that.”

  58. Part II

    Since her appointment to the position in February 2017, Julia Glanz has been instrumental in the reorganization of city government, and was a driving force in the successful campaign to host the National Folk Festival. As the Mayor’s Chief Administrative Officer, Glanz oversees all functions of city government, and manages communications and messaging. Prior to her appointment, Glanz served as Deputy City Administrator. She is a graduate of Salisbury University, having earned Bachelor’s Degrees in Business Management and Political Science, and her Master’s Degree in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution. She lives in Salisbury, is a member of the Board of Directors for the Salisbury University Alumni Association, and she is a proud volunteer with America’s VetDogs – a non-profit which trains emotional support animals for United States military veterans.

    Glanz said, “From the first day that I came to Salisbury, I knew I had found a place that I wanted to stay forever. It has been such an honor to serve this city – first as Deputy City Administrator, and then as Administrator – and I am prepared to keep us on track, and face every challenge we may face together. The citizens of Salisbury have my unwavering dedication, and that is my promise.”

    With receipt of the orders, Mayor Day becomes one of three strong mayors who have been called to deploy while serving in their elected capacity. He joins Brent Taylor, Mayor of North Ogden Utah, and Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Mayor Day recently spoke to Mayor Buttigieg about the impact of deployment upon government operations in South Bend.

    “This is such a unique situation,” said Mayor Day. “I consider myself tremendously lucky to have received Mayor Pete’s insight. He has reaffirmed my confidence that we are doing precisely what we need to do to ensure a seamless transition into, and then back out of this period. My heart will be here, with all of you, and with my beautiful family, but I know – beyond any shadow of a doubt – that we’re all in good hands.”

    For more information about the 110th IO Battalion, to learn how to become a part of the unit or for any interview requests, please contact Maj. Aaron Testa, Public Affairs Officer for the unit at aaron.m.testa2.mil@mail.mil or 330-304-2867.


  59. Anonymous said...
    Thank you for your service Mayor Day!

    May 28, 2020 at 2:09 PM

    You stupid idiot! He isn't being deployed to the battlefields, he requested a gravy job, you dumb moron. Go slobber somewhere else.

  60. Anonymous said...
    Best news that I've heard in months! I just hope that they take away his cellphone.

    May 28, 2020 at 2:32 PM

    Yep, that would be a smart move.

  61. You think Lizzie Poo was giving BJ's to young boy's for their Adderal, just wait for a couple of months when her female needs kick in. She will be fair game to all who are interested. Someone is going to have to cool off her hot pocket!

  62. Anonymous said...
    At first I got enthused from learning this news thinking what "could be" for Salisbury, but then when I returned to reality I, unfortunately, realized Salisbury will be no better off over the next year with Julia Ganz, she' just another extreme liberal. Salisbury has disintegrated and it isn't coming back, so sorry to say.

    May 28, 2020 at 2:52 PM

    Sadly that entire city council seems to be Ok with Julia Glanz running this city. I didn't vote for her and she shouldn't have the authority to run this city, if anything it should be the city council president.

    But after seeing that idiot almost break down into tears over his poster child being deployed to a very safe environment it showed that he has no leadership skills.

    Jack Heath, that is why we didn't elect you to be our County Executive, you dumb moron!

  63. With no field experience, he's most likely going to be sent as an administrative junior officer, maybe an adjutant to a colonel or one star. The closest he'll get to combat is by radio. He'll come back with an Army Achievement Medal and an I Was There ribbon.

    1. Aka a brown nose ass kisser.

  64. Exactly @ 5:16. Jake Day is about to get a wake up call, LMFAO. Nothing but a glorified secretary, "get me my damn coffee Day". What a douchebag

  65. Chinese are setting up in Africa

  66. Africa huh? Maybe, hopefully, he'll get lost and cannot find his way back to Salisbury. Well, we can wish anyway.


  67. Soon much of Africa will be dotted with unfinished construction projects encompassing every builder's fad.

    The saving grace for Jake may be that he'll be brown nosing in an organization that has political elements.

    Perhaps we can look forward to Chowhound video segments as he tears into his MREs (referred to by actual soldiers as Meals Refused by Ethiopians).

  68. 11 years in and finally a deployment? How many deployments has he dodged? Wow....just say your finally getting deployed, this is who’s filling in and stop the speech. POG

  69. Bet when he comes back his teeth will be fixed. No co pay on deployment.

  70. Transgender @ Salisbury UniversityMay 28, 2020 at 7:56 PM

    How dare you say that

    he is our new Lieutenant governor

  71. The last time he said he was being employed to serve duty it was just before the first "Festival" and he would not be here for it well lie, because he was still here and all the other times he thought his country was calling him it never happened if he does disappear for a while it will be when his estranged wife goes to court. Because that is when he won't be here because he doesn't want the questions, he doesn't want the media attention or this blog of people who really know what he's about. That is when he will run but it won't be service to his country his parents will pay for a vacation far away from the "bury" until the dust settles. He will run like the rats leaving a ship, wifey might just disclose some facts on him, she should get wife #1 in Bethesda to air that dirty laundry as well. Impeach him now let him be at the Inner Harbor he loves sooooo much.

  72. He doesn't have a wifey you fools they were living in separate houses years ago that's before her drug problem and loosing her teaching position . Check the current phone book and the previous for their names if you don't believe it not the same address. His son he doesn't know only mentioned one time when he ran for the first election and now this deployment! His son like the two wives were props, the first wife's house in Bethesda was paid for by his parents. It's all a scam you fools you are still drinking their Kool Aid. Check it out it can be confirmed if you can read and ask the right questions. Everyone can get the truth all at the same time wake up. How many times like most mayors did you see family pictures? Not even published Christmas pictures, where were they?

  73. At least he is manning up and not being a “bone spur sissy”

    1. Hmmmmm Obama never served hmmmmmmm

  74. I just watched your ridiculous video and it saddens me that Liz is married to you. You are so about yourself. Acting like you’ve been called upon to serve. Come on now, we know you asked for this deployment. You are in your late thirties hoping that this escapade will offer you something when you return. It disgust me that you will leave your little girls to go off and play army. You are a disgrace. Really, you can’t even provide for your family. Mommy and daddy pay your way. What’s wrong with them that they don’t make a grown man stand on his own two feet.

    The worst thing about you is you abuse your wife. You control her every waking move and physically abuse her as well. You are disgusting.....

  75. So will he still be collecting his bloated paycheck while away.

  76. All I can say is wow!! An officer in cyber security?? I thought Jake was a member of the army's cavalry division? He absolutely has taken the EASIEST way to slide through a military enlistment. This deployment is nothing more than the BOY mayor running from the absolute mess he's made downtown and his failed "joke festival", and his second failed marriage. What a pathetic little punk to run off and leave everyone else holding the bag on all your mistakes. This is why you don't go spending taxpayers money like a drunken sailor Jake you always prepare for the worst and pray for the best. As usual though you've manipulated the system and now you want to play soldier while everyone else answers for your screw ups. You'll come back to your little cult following, probably divorced from wife number 2 and pray there's something left to salvage of the city of Salisbury.

  77. If he is deemed no longer Mayor, Heath will be in charge for a short time, because there has to be another election for Mayor. It is in the Charter.

    8:27 is absolutely correct. He hasn't lived with his wife for quite awhile. They have separate addresses. Also, Liz was previously in rehab for opiates.

    You people make crap up when you don't have to. The truth is bad enough. He wants Andy Harris' job, Franchot has removed him from the short list for the Lt. Governor's position after Liz got busted. Now he wants congress. Not happening. We are stuck with him. He has nowhere to go.

  78. All these nasty comments for someone being deployed. So patriotic.

  79. Not a big fan of JD,but he is serving his country and I respect him for that.

  80. Deployed to Africa? If you are looking for the spotlight jakey, it's on the Frontline. Or at least somewhere that has action. You might as well have requested Siberia.

  81. Anonymous said...
    Thank you for your service Mayor Day!

    May 28, 2020 at 2:09 PM

    LMAO, you can't be serious!

  82. Anonymous said...
    Everyone knew he was going to get deployed, he just never admitted it when he was asked. The city administrator implements the plans and always has. That's why the mayor makes 25K and Julie Glanz makes over 120K. So Jake thinks he is still going to run things from afar? If he can't do those duties, Heath is the next in line, not the appointed Glanz.The charter says, (ad lib) that if the mayor can't perform his or her duties, said duties fall to the President of the Council.

    Please Joe, Jake's going to be doing zoom calls to Salisbury. Please don't post them. I am about to barf as it is with this clip.

    May 28, 2020 at 2:59 PM

    That is exactly what I said, Jake Day can't appoint Julia Glanz as the acting mare while he is gone for a year. This council is stupid if they allow that.

    By the way, if they do allow her to be the acting mare then her pay should drop to $50,000 per year. I believe that is what Jake Day now makes as the city mare.

  83. Anonymous said...
    Julia Glanz actions have already proved she is a Jake Day twin she will progress as if attached at the hip

    May 28, 2020 at 3:08 PM

    Well she is the husband in her marriage.

  84. I have never heard of anyone getting deployed to Africa. When did we have a war with Africa? F'n COWARD!!

  85. Anonymous said...
    Mae cavey 🖕

    May 28, 2020 at 3:42 PM

    Thank you!

  86. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  87. Anonymous said...
    Hey Jake Day I bet you can find some really nice "ethnic" entertainment for your 2021 folk festival. This idiot did all this intentionally so as to come back a so called hero to his progressive liberal supporters then rolling into his "joke festival" ultimately ending in either a shot on Franchot's ticket or a run on Andy Harris. Nothing Day does is done without an ultimate prize for him in the end. He's a master manipulator and narcissistic brat

    May 28, 2020 at 3:55 PM

    He doesn't have a chance in Hell to win a seat for anything higher than a low life City of Salisbury seat. Pete Franchot isn't that stupid to put him as his running mate.

    1. Franchot had better be concerned if he desires any more employment. He won’t have support from employees after wasting their retirement pensions.

  88. Anonymous said...
    F*** you Mike Dunn. You are the last person anyone needs standing with them. You are alot like Day with your uncanny ability to manipulate and bullshit people. You both are in it for yourselves. What ever happened to the chronic fatigue syndrome and inability to function daily in a work environment? I guess Day taking you back into city government and giving you a nice cushy job and salary made it all better

    May 28, 2020 at 4:00 PM

    Thank you. Anyone who supports Mike Dumb is a stupid idiot.

  89. Anonymous said...
    They didn’t pick him. He signed up for this deployment I know it for a fact.

    May 28, 2020 at 7:56 PM

    DUH!! It was his way to pretend that he is being deployed to fight terrorism and you idiots are drooling all over this.

  90. Willy said...
    Bet when he comes back his teeth will be fixed. No co pay on deployment.

    May 28, 2020 at 7:38 PM

    They've already been worked on. Too bad he didn't go to a real dentist.

  91. Anonymous said...
    What's going on with his wife

    May 28, 2020 at 4:01 PM

    Was Jack Heath getting all choked up when he was trying to speak?

  92. Was that Manure Boda in that blue polo shirt with the big beer belly or was that Michele Gregory? Common man!

  93. GOOD BYE Jake Day, pleaseeeeeeeeeee don't come back . There isn't anyone with any sense at all that needs you here.Let's see how you fair in Africa pretty boy

  94. Jakes two daughters were at the announcement. They were shown standing near their "father" who was squatting down talking to them. They weren't hanging on him or hugging him like normal kids would do around their father at their age. They looked like they were talking to a stranger. And because of their age, were not wearing masks in a building that is housing Firemen that have tested positive for Covid-19! I for one would not be holding a press conference in a highly infectious site and I sure as heck wouldn't have my very young daughters in the building! I guess he's convinced they wouldn't get sick. I hope for their sakes they don't either. But how stupid can you be? Just for a cutesy photo op? He should be ashamed!

  95. Wonder if he will leave behind the manual showing where the new bike paths will go to the acting mayor? New bike lanes are critical to help alleviate all the bike traffic we see daily in the bike lanes built on Waverly Drive.

  96. Anonymous said...
    I hope they transfer his a$$ to Iraq or Afghanistan.

    May 28, 2020 at 4:21 PM

    Me too. It's obvious with all these comments that he isn't well liked.

  97. dmorgan5979 said...
    Building roundabouts all over the world 🙄

    May 28, 2020 at 4:42 PM

    Yep, dumb young Millenial thinks he knows better than everyone just like the HOMO group Lower Shore Progressive Caucus run by Jared Schablein and a small group.

  98. "No matter where the call may take me, I go with confidence in the leadership of City Administrator Glanz..."

    The point of the matter is that Julia Glanz is not an elected official and isn't the next in line should something happen to the elected mare. That next in line is officially the President of the City Council who obviously has fewer balls than Julia.

    Julia Glanz is not even qualified to be the City Administrator.

    Julia Glanz is not even qualified to be the Assistant City Administrator. That is why this entire city is circling the drain. They should have hired a professional like John Pick when they forced him out but obviously, they all are too stupid to understand what has happened.

  99. @11:20 everyone knows salisbury City government hiring practice is based solely on who's ass you're willing to kiss. If Julie Glantz isn't qualified WTF does that say about the idiot Stevenson playing administrator and now heading a department within city government. This guy holds NO type of formal training remotely qualifying him as a candidate for any managerial position within City government. He sucked up to tilghman, then took up swallowing with Ireton and just began checking Day's colon for cancer the minute he was elected to city council. Pathetic group you have leading salisbury

  100. good for him. as taxpayers we are finally seeing him have to give up something for the money he's been getting paid. do tell though what mission impossible is this fool assigned to?
    in the rear with the gear of course! weekend wonder boy!

  101. Anonymous said...
    @11:20 everyone knows salisbury City government hiring practice is based solely on who's ass you're willing to kiss. If Julie Glantz isn't qualified WTF does that say about the idiot Stevenson playing administrator and now heading a department within city government. This guy holds NO type of formal training remotely qualifying him as a candidate for any managerial position within City government. He sucked up to tilghman, then took up swallowing with Ireton and just began checking Day's colon for cancer the minute he was elected to city council. Pathetic group you have leading salisbury

    May 29, 2020 at 12:05 PM

    You are 100% correct about Tom Stevenson. He was Jake Day's arm candy and everyone knew that. I thought Jake was doing the right thing by reassigning him away from the GOB but then he put Julia Glanz in as the City Administrator and she had absolutely no job experience and right out of college. Then he put Andy Kitzrow in as the Deputy Administrator and his only experience was running Kidz Klub for the county. The city is nothing more than a Kidz Klub thanks to Jake Day and his lack of experience.

    A real Mayor would have done a nationwide search and hired a professional like John Pick. Pick wasn't the best but he was experienced with credentials. He was also forced out which is tyipcal in this city.

  102. Not sure what the city council will do without someone telling what to do. The city council is a rubber stamp of Snake day. Jack Heath does not have one original thought. He is a disapointment

  103. he didn't mention his wife. She is better off without him. She should take those girls and disappear with them while he is gone.

    1. She’s already gone. Been back across the bridge living with her family since January.

  104. Damn Jake you had to volunteer for deployment all the way to Africa to get away from your major screwups here in ghetto 'bury?? Wasn't there a desk to run and hide under here in the states? You've created a major clusterfu*** here in Salisbury and running from it isn't what a real leader and man do. Guess there wasn't enough Prozac and Bourbon in Maryland to keep you from the inevitable crash and burn

  105. Mike Dunn I knew you when you worked in the Peninsula Service Bldg on North Division Street, and I worked with your Mom who was really respected in the Medical Field but I cannot understand how you suck up to a Mayor who has destroyed the town your mother and dad loved. You remember how this community use to look both of them would be ashamed of the nasty, ghetto it is now construction into the 3rd year nothing and I mean nothing completed. Larger cities than Salisbury look cleaner and better. The Wicomico River which Jake was going to have cleaned up and look like the Inner Harbor is worse than ever and Fitzwater Street in front of Bru River is washed out every day. Those appts along their that were constructed for the arts look out on a nasty floating body of sludge. Rt 13 North has businesses and abandoned building that haven't been painted since your Mom worked at the hospital. And what do you think she would think of the bottled up traffic there from one of" Jake's Brainstorms." There was the tearing down of the fence along Riverwalk if Jake had to have it down he could have put up one of those clear fences or something prettier than causing dead bodies to be seen floating by all the time if not human than the dead geese, sludge and dead fish floating along. And the high rise on Main Street that is so all fired up important when he first took office he was going to historically preserve the buildings than one by one it's now demolish. Think Mike think your standing behind the destruction of your own hometown, time to come off your Jake Cloud you and all the other pie in the sky mentalities.

  106. Speaking from my 1968 experience in a nearly identical situation, things don’t always happen the way you anticipate. I too was a member of the MDNG. We were weeks if not days from being sent to Vietnam. Our folders were complete with all the legal papers and laminated ID Card. A different black person was killed and riots broke out all over. The President called us to active duty shortly after. My phone rang all night long. After getting a good night’s sleep, I answered it. I was told to report right away and to bring a change of underwear since I might have to spend the night. I ended up sleeping on the hardwood floor of the Howard street Armory for the next 2 weeks. NOT fun!

    1. These politicians should lay the deceased black victims in state like they do themselves.

  107. Looks like the riots already hit downtown Salisbury.

  108. Africa look out, here comes a nut.

  109. He volunteered to go

    1. Oh yes he did volunteer to go! I know for a fact.

  110. 11:41 You don't know what you are talking about.........I saw her @ Food Lion in Fruitland last week!

  111. Bert’s gone is Ernie running the city

  112. Democrat Mayor s got the memo to help push riots but Jake chose deployment as an out so he wouldn’t have to fold to leftist pressure


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