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Monday, May 25, 2020

Chicago Mayor Launches Police Raid to Shut Down Black Church’s Sunday Services

On Sunday, Chicago’s first openly gay mayor, Lori Lightfoot, mounted a raid on a black South Side church for holding services in defiance of her coronavirus lockdown orders.

Lightfoot reportedly sent three marked squad cars and two unmarked cars full of officers to the Chicago Cornerstone Baptist Church in the South Side’s Woodlawn neighborhood. Woodlawn is just south of Hyde Park, the area in which the Obamas lived for a short time before Barack became president.

The pastor of the mostly black congregation, Courtney Lewis, reportedly shut and locked the doors and refused to allow the officers to gain entry to the building, Todd Starnes reported.

Pastor Lewis told Starnes that he felt like he was confronting “the Soviet-style KGB” as the officers pounded on his doors and demanded entry to shut the church down.

More here


  1. Wonder where the "reverend" al stands on this. My bet is you wont' hear a word from the "good reverend". That is how he gets away with not paying his taxes-he puts his two cents in only when it is beneficial to the evil forces from hell on the left. The government controls him. If he doesn't do what he is told, they can come down on him like they would you or me if we owed the irs anything (let alone millions like this pos does). To all you folks who are wondering how he gets away with it-there is your answer. Its really not that hard to figure out.

  2. Good for him. Stand strong Pastor and your constitutional right to worship freely


  3. Keep it up. Your just pushing black folk towards republicans, and away from democrats.

  4. You can look at this woman and tell she has fetal alcohol syndrome and suffered the brain damage sometimes attached to it. If there are any doubts as soon as she opens her mouth it's proven.

  5. Hitler done the same thing during his reign of NAZI Germany. So are we living in a SOCIALIST or COMMUNIST America supported / pushed by Democrats.

  6. if none of us followed the rules, well.......

  7. Okay for gats, but not for blacks. I get it!

  8. From the followers of Luciferian idealogy. What do you expect!!

  9. In a gay-centric universe, this is expected. Liberalism and homosexuality are an affront to the church.

    Remember the lesbian mayor of Houston demanding preachers turn over their sermons for the city to review in case of political endorsement- this was a few years ago.

    Remember Beto O, Rourke threatening churches who didn't embrace the gay community?

    Our freedom is already limited and eroding.

  10. She sounds like she could be mayor of Baltimore...


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