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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

BREAKING: Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic


  1. Doesn't surprise me , I figured it back in Feb.

    1. Well, you are always right about everything. Yet, here you are. Lol

  2. And their doubts are based on their extensive medical career?

  3. 11:46 yeah like Fauci who is lying straight to our faces. Wake up!

  4. This guy is the only true investigative journalist that we have left.

    And he's young and upcoming.

    Watch your back James.

  5. I will try to explain in as plain English as I can. There can be some inaccuracies in testing. Not for positive because the test isn't going to pick up something that isn't there. As far as negative there is a chance of false negatives. This because a person may not have enough viral "load" in the nasal passage to pick up. So there are times that doctors do have to rely on clinical signs and ruling out other disease by testing to make the diagnosis.

    1. I'm sure if I was ordered to do an autopsy by a supreme Court Justice that ended up overturning the ruling on the death certificate and calling a doctor into question, I would make damn sure to double, triple, quadruple test to be sure I was right.

  6. I suspected that all along. Your death certificate is usually based on what the cornorer desires. My father died of cancer but his certificate said another so benefits were offered. Not planned by family - that's just how it's done.

  7. The doubt doesn't come into play for the service they provide.

    Prepare dead body for funeral and burial services. Not to give an opinion after a professional provided the necessary prognosis with cause of death.

    Do your job - which is a service to the community. An expensive service I might add. A service that requires a unique expertise and consumers have only one place to go.

    THAT could be talked about down the road.

  8. Should be a ton of wrongful death law suits.

  9. I’ve been saying this! All you have to do is watch! The numbers are so skewed, we will never know the real numbers! To much of it is political! Change my mind!


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