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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Biden leads rush to judgment in Georgia shooting

"The video is clear: Ahmaud Arbery was killed in cold blood," tweeted presidential candidate Joe Biden in regard to the recently released video of the February shooting death of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, Georgia.

In his shameless rush to judgment, Biden has taken a page straight out of Barack Obama's Trayvon Martin playbook.

The page reads as follows: In an election year, ignore all contrary evidence and recklessly indict a white (or white Hispanic) in the shooting death of an unarmed black man in the hope of stoking up the black vote.

Biden is in good company. All the usual suspects have rushed in to the judgment game, from LeBron James to Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump to the shameless propagandists of the mainstream media.

To make the propaganda work, the conspirators have to portray Arbrey's shooting as part of what Biden opportunistically called a "pandemic of hate." James echoed the same conspiratorial nonsense.



  1. Seriously? The homeowner had video surveillance to catch any thefts or vandalism. . . How much do you really think this guy stole (if anything) while jogging? No bookbag,no car, no bike, no bag. ..nothing to carry anything out from a new home construction site.

    1. Respect your opinion on this. He also could have been casing the place for a night raid.o

    2. “Could have” doesn’t justify murdering him then.

  2. Nothing innthat video justifies vigilante justice

  3. Federal government is getting involved so it’s safe to say the two accused will be getting life. Based on two 5 second videos. Meanwhile in Maryland two white people were murder in a veteran cemetery visiting the grave site of a hero. The black shooter was actually hunting white people. Msm doesn’t touch it.

  4. Statement was made to upset the Black folks. Not much talk about the Delaware elderly couple killed by a BLACK sniper - in COLD BLOOD. Biden's backyard - yet no comment by Biden.

    1. Not much tall because the sniper is DEAD. Unlike the shooter in GA who quickly had the police try to sweep the case under the rug because of who he knew

  5. This is what the other side wants. Trump 2020. (map)


  6. 10:45 is accurate.

    Joe is too stupid to see the egg all over his face.

    He's hunkered in his basement in the exact same county in Delaware that this now deceased black guy assassinated two elderly, married people as they came to visit their son's grave in a Veteran's Cemetery. He's literally just a few miles from where they were slaughtered in cold blood because they were white. His outrage? His statement on the tragedy? Nope, doesn't fit the narrative. So crickets from Slow Joe.

    He is a despicable, pandering tool, and that's all he has ever been.

  7. 10:36. He was not jogging. He was casing the home. He is recorded multiple times at night in the home.

  8. Vote Trump 2020.

  9. "Annoy said...
    Seriously? The homeowner had video surveillance to catch any thefts or vandalism. . . How much do you really think this guy stole (if anything) while jogging? No bookbag,no car, no bike, no bag. ..nothing to carry anything out from a new home construction site.

    May 12, 2020 at 10:36 P"

    Completely irrelevant statement. The only thing that vidoe proves is that he was not just some innocent black "jogger" out and was hunted for no reason by the men.
    What is relevant is the fact that it was HE who became extremely violent towards a man who happened to have a gun. The video is proof. He and he alone is the one responsible for his own death The first prosecutor declined charges finding the shooting justified as it was arbery who was without any doubts (unless you are a liar or didnt watch the video) the aggressor. Go and watch the video if you haven't. Arbery is like a rabid animal.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    “Could have” doesn’t justify murdering him then.

    May 13, 2020 at 8:32 AM"

    Duh You are a real Einstein. Don[t ever put words in other's mouths. NO one said just because he was in the house the murder was justified Try just try for once in your disgrace of life to be honest and not twist people's words. If you were raised by decent people you would know better
    The question is what the shooting justified because the intruder after being seen in the home started to run. When confronted He became extremely violent even as the man with the gun is seen backing off at least 2 times in the video he kept coming at him He caused his own death and if you had a drop of moral blood in your body you would admit this.

  11. 859 you admit he committed a felony by breaking the threshold of dwelling.

  12. Just like his boss man said.........."The police acted stupidly", before he knew what happened............his usual way.

  13. He, the victim, charged the man with the gun. Easy to see that. Shows how bright he was. I know what you mean about the poor elderly couple visiting their son's grave being shot down in cold blood, not even hardly being mentioned. Hey Joey, what about this??? Oh, that's right, that was a black shooting whites.

  14. Regardless of how the situation occured. A man ran at a armed man and tried to take the weapon, and was killed in the process. That is self defence, or at the worst invoulentary homicide. No premeditation can be proved, sorry.

  15. He was totally justified in shooting the thug.


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