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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Baltimore’s oldest girls Catholic school, Institute of Notre Dame, announces closing

Maryland’s oldest Catholic college preparatory school for girls, an institution that remained in the city of Baltimore from the time it was founded, announced Tuesday it is closing its doors.

The Institute of Notre Dame, whose graduates have included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski, will close June 30 in the midst of a pandemic that prevents anyone spending time inside the building during the school’s last days.

“We had hoped to have a different outcome and have been trying valiantly the last several years to build a sustainable future,” leaders wrote in an email to the IND community on Tuesday. They cited declining enrollment, financial difficulties and a need to raise millions of dollars with at least $5 million in building repairs as some of the reasons for the closure.

“It has recently become clear that there is no way forward — in spite of the tireless efforts of the Sisters, the Board of Trustees and the school’s leadership team," said Charmaine Krohe, the leader of the School Sisters of Notre Dame of Atlantic-Midwest Province, and Patricia Murphy, the chair of the board of trustees.



  1. You would expect Pelosi would donate 5 million to help her alma mater out- oh wait that would me she cares about something other than herself-

  2. A truly great school.... aside from the alumni mentioned

  3. Th two dough heads the article mentioned is enough to close anything.

  4. Now that all of the major dioceses have thrown hundreds of millions in the crapper defending in court and paying settlements for pedophile priests, the rainy day fund isn't what it used to be.

  5. "Anonymous said...
    Now that all of the major dioceses have thrown hundreds of millions in the crapper defending in court and paying settlements for pedophile priests, the rainy day fund isn't what it used to be.

    May 5, 2020 at 6:18 PM"

    Probably true. Many years ago we offered to update a Catholic school in another area with central air and a new electrical system at the cost of 100's of thousands. We were invited to a dinner with officials of the dioceses who basically told us they would take the money but not use it for our intended purpose. We couldn't get out of that dinner fast enough and not a dime was handed over. A few years later we heard of a case where they asked someone for a large donation and it was given. Not long the person was contacted by LE who informed them their money went towards paying off victims and asked if they were somehow involved. They of course were not and had no idea their money was being used for that purpose.

  6. My sister went there in the late 70's and was the salutatorian. I guess the brains ran in the family.

  7. Pelosi doesn't care, nor does she actually embrace Catholicism.

  8. School just got saved by the Biden foundation. Joe Biden will now be the Headmaster of the school, and will take a "Hands on approach" to the education of the young girls.
    Joe Biden said in a interview today at the school, "I am glad to be here, I am not sure where I am, but I will make the thing you know the thing better. I am going to be a great senator for this place, here in um you know where the republic created all men and the thing."

  9. Sad news.
    I knew - and know - many wonderful grads of IND.
    Not only a great school academically, but the location in the middle of a housing project ghetto gave the girls, mostly upper class rich girls, a little bit of street cred, too.

  10. Nancy Pelosi is worth 120 million dollars. What is she waiting for?

  11. A fantastic learning experience for thousands of students spanning 173 years. I am a proud IND alum, not an "upper class rich girl". IND's location in East Baltimore made it affordable and accessible for lower and middle class girls. It saddens me to see this legacy come to an end.

  12. Sad. Unfortunate. And the comments about diversion of funds to pay settlements is also sad.


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