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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Atlanta Mayor says Trump rhetoric gave 'permission' for Ahmaud Arbery killing

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms on Sunday claimed President Trump’s rhetoric had given “permission” to the two white men charged in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old black man whose death reignited racial tensions in the country.

Ms. Bottoms, who has been floated as a possible running mate for presumptive Democrat presidential candidate Joseph R. Biden, told CNN’s Jake Tapper that she believed the men were only charged because a video of the Feb. 23 shooting had only recently been made public.

“I think that’s absolutely the reason that they were charged,” Ms. Bottoms said. “I think, had we not seen that video, I don’t believe that they would be charged, and it is heartbreaking. It’s 2020 and this was a lynching of an African-American man.

“With the rhetoric that we hear coming out of the White House in so many ways, I think that many who are prone to being racist are given permission to do it in an overt way that we otherwise would not see in 2020."



  1. Perhaps the man who shot him should have let the punk thug wrestle the gun away from him and let himself be shot? Would that make it right for you and not the "lynching of an African-American man"?

  2. Bull s**t President Trump is not racist... He's done more for the black community than Obama did...

  3. Keep it up Dems ur wat is COMING.

  4. Bottom feeder more like it!

  5. Yup, I remember that speech. He told black people they can do surveillance on place they plan on robbing later and should be all okay to do that. He told white guys to ride around in trucks and cars looking for blacks in their neighborhoods to shoot.
    I think this was the same speech where he said Hillary Clinton is a very honorable and honest woman, and Joe Biden is one of the smartest men he ever met.

  6. Just another horses ass dumbocrat.

  7. I wish someone would follow the money that puts morons like this in charge of a city. She couldn't run a snow ball stand yet runs a city. SMH

  8. Yet another moon bat whack job. She belongs in the basement with Joe. 🤪

  9. Mayor Bottoms Is just another lying Democrat idiot. It is the Democrats that spew hatred and encourage racial outrage. Just look at Pelosi, Schumer, Maxine Waters, AOC and her squad. It is the Democrats that push social unrest.

  10. Attention grabber.

  11. Was equal permission afforded the black man who murdered the elderly while couple at the veteran’s cemetery. TDS.

    1. Not the same but worse. A black man sniper kills an elderly couple band no one (Democrats/media) give a damn. Sad - very disturbing too.

  12. Take her out back for a good ole bit-h slapping.

  13. If she looked dumb in the mirror, she would deny it.

  14. I would suggest that Obama gave the thug permission to trespass and resist citizens arrest!


  15. An Alabama state lawmaker is facing backlash for saying some "kids are unwanted" so you "kill them now or kill them later" in opposing a bill that would criminalize abortion.

    Go figure!

  16. I can't believe that there are morons out there that listen to people like her.

  17. Glad I don't live in her District. Bad News Bitch!

  18. THIS is why we will NEVER be allowed to live "together" peacefully without regard to race, because politicians like HER, and most of the media thrive on it! They CANT let US the "citezen" live together harmoniously, because by doing so, we take away their "Go to" Talking points! They cant push their agendas of Hate, and division without being able to "throw" that card down, because once they do, nobody can argue, or they'll be tagged as a racist! Its sick, and pathetic

    1. I agree. I work and socialize with friends who happen to be Afican Americans - I don't even think about their race and neither do they. We are friends. Shame on racist blacks like Mayor Lance and the media.


  19. Bottoms won't be top of the list. Her provocative, rayciss (sp) language is now out in the open.

  20. More horseshit from the race baiters. I wonder how many lynchers actually contact the police just before they set out to find a loose black to lynch? I'm still waiting for the rest of the story on the racist graffiti found on the campus of Salisbury University and the suspect that was turned over to the state's attorney's office for charging. Why is everyone in the media allow the state's attorney's office to simply sweep this under the carpet? The media and Salisbury's mayor certainly had a lot to say about it when it was first reported.


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