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Thursday, May 14, 2020

AOC removed from union-backed progressive party ballot line in New York

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., was booted from the progressive union-backed Working Families Party (WFP) ballot line by a Queens judge, a blow to her potentially competitive Democratic primary fight.

The freshman lawmaker was removed from the primary ballot after receiving only 13 signatures from members of the progressive group that has dubbed itself the "Tea Party of the left" -- two short of what she needed to get on the ballot.

Now, she won’t be on the WFP ballot line in the November general election, either, said Martin O'Connor, attorney for AOC's Democrat opponent Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.

“AOC has hurt working people of the Bronx and Queens with her votes and creates disunity within our party," Caruso-Cabrera told the New York Daily News. "No wonder why pro-union forces don’t want her, and neither do our neighborhoods.”

Caruso-Cabrera said the leftist firebrand is out of touch with the needs of her blue-collar district.



  1. Would love to see her career short.

  2. Great news for a change!😜

  3. πŸ–•Her and Dems.

  4. They should send her back to the real time bar where she came from. Lawmaker my rear. Needs to be a bar back if they would even take her back...doubtful.

  5. Things are so bad for her that her own party wouldn't buy two more votes for her.

    What will she do when she becomes unemployed this November? Who will pay for her to remain onstage?

    1. What benefits will she receive as a one term congress person. Pension? Health care? Unemployment? Congress controls where taxpayer dollars go and they take care of their own. The fake news libs will pay her big bucks to appear on their shows even though no one is watching.

  6. What she'll do is go back to bar tending, and parking lot back seat counseling.

  7. Buh Bye AOC!

    Go write your book now.

  8. I think she’s Smok’in HOT

    1. May I suggest you schedule to see a eye guy. Even The First Lady would be unattractive if as nasty as this thang.

  9. Bill Clinton is still alive and may have a "job" for her.

  10. 1108 no way. Takes her a while to be made up and once she opens her mouth the ugly protrudes out instantly!

  11. the only pissy thing about this is that she will continue to get her pay and coverage... they should not be getting their pay after their term ever...


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