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Friday, May 08, 2020

Andrew McCarthy: Trump-Russia probe was baseless, newly disclosed memo confirms

Finally, three years coming, the Justice Department is showing a little more leg on the Rosenstein “scope” memo – the directive by which then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defined the parameters of the investigation he’d appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to conduct.

Of course, the games never end in the Trump-Russia probe, so there’s a hitch. The scope memo remains partially, tantalizingly redacted. Disclosure is limited to Rosenstein’s purported grounds for investigating four members of the Trump presidential campaign: Carter Page, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn.

But six lines of text, which appear to describe a fifth person, and the supposed basis for investigating that person, remain blacked out.



  1. Paul is rotting in prison for hiding money.

  2. and how long have we the people known this???


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