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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Viewer Writes: WTH? Conservatives Calling for Marshal Law? Scary Stuff! AND updated, Its now a financial Crisis 5_8_2020

Hi Joe

I want to thank you again for returning my email back in March. It was very concerning to see the facts you presented. Yet, I didn’t feel then and more so now, do not feel, that the “medical science” was the entire reason, method and implementation of this total economic shutdown.

As many of your blog followers have expressed, I am glad you and your blog are now providing a beacon of awareness in this dark time. Alternative facts, real science and truthful statistics, not from the MSM. Thank you again for taking the time, energy and to care enough about locals to provide news that rarely appears on or in any local MSM.

I am a Sussex County Delaware “Local”. For the past few weeks I have attend a number of ZOOM meetings with our Governor, Senator Coons and weekly with the Delaware small business caucus. The small businesses of Delaware are trying to convey to our Governor, “this is no longer just a medical crisis”. We are now in a financial crisis that was, is, and continues to be created by the Government. The government “the majority” elected is not listening to the citizens of this state. AND is NOT protecting the financial welfare (btw- I am not of the majority party) of the citizens of this state. My fear isn’t covid19, my much greater fear is the financial crisis, which will last far beyond covid19.

Joe, the LOCAL MSM, state and local reps, provides us with stats(some contrived) on COVID19, DAILY. A big in-our-face media chart.

What if there is a similar chart! THE FINACIAL CRISIS UDPATES!
Total current number receiving unemployment. Updated daily with new applications.
Total state government cost of unemployment payments. Updated daily.
Unemployment numbers by business groups. i.e. restaurants, hotels, salons, etc.
Updated daily
Total State lost tax revenue. Updated it daily.
Total loss of revenue to business owners, updated daily.
Businesses filing for Bankruptcies, By business type. Updated daily.

These are REAL numbers, NOT some funky medical coded agenda driven narrative.

The general public and MSM consumers, only see the Medical emergency and a majority of the uniformed still feel we need to endure this for the sake of ALL, with no end in sight. Its time the general population of our states KNOW the financial facts and the gravity of the financial situation our governments continue to place upon us. I appreciate that your blog is providing information readers can compare to MSM and make our own decisions.

I will leave the even greater Constitutional Crisis for another day.

Once your restaurant and bar are open, I look forward to bringing my family and meeting a fellow citizen, a patriot of live and local Delmarva.

Keep the faith



  1. A very scary reality— Those statistics you suggest would definitely open some eyes and force the politicians to start working for the people rather than whatever their agenda is.

  2. Write this down. It's martial law, not marshal law, not marshall law.

    1. Here we go again, just SMH

    2. Finally someone with intelligence.

  3. You are morons not to listen to this guy, they even have beef producers and poultry and pork saying they are being forced to kill off live stock so the govt can order and bring in meat from 3rd world countries with crappier meat and no regulations, so you could be eating rats claimed to be beef... There will be a food crisis here soon and when the broke people have nothing they will steal it... or fight people for it, they did it over stupid TP and paper towels...

  4. You idiot. You do realize "alternative facts" was a misnomer that the white house used as a synonym for "lies"?

  5. If you can't find tin foil at your local grocer, this person is the reason.

  6. 9:54 they were simply using "alternative spelling" lol

  7. Hey Roy, I don't mean to be rude but those facts are out there. Now if you mistrust every single news website and believe only POTUS then we have a much bigger issue you need to come to terms with...

    1. They are not being put out there like the sick and dead numbers they put out EVERY DAY. If the Health Dept. can put out sick and dead numbers, why can’t an economic group put out these numbers BY COUNTY? I don’t think Roy means the monthly or quarterly national jobs report the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT puts out. Those numbers don’t mean anything specific to the county and local politicians. He wants the story of the local businesses told.

  8. 10:15 welcome to Capitalism, first time?

  9. 10:15 it's almost like...wait for it...money is the most important thing to politicians and the American people don't matter!

  10. WTF is calling for martial law? That was implemented from day one. Only the dictators can determine what is essential to you and yours. "stay home" until I say is your curfew. Only takes a sweet talking authoritative call that threatens your license and permit to get you back in line like a paper tiger. If they were the least bit concerned about lives, jobs, spreading or the economy they'd be pumping out HCQ everywhere....instead its...stall.....stall....stalll!
    Theres not enough Patriotism for a last stand at the Alamo.

    1. Take my license I still know how to drive. Driven at least 50,000 miles years past will no license. It just made me a better driver with working headlights, taillights, and turn signals.

  11. Honestly, did you just use "alternative facts" in the same sentence as "truthful statistics" and "real science"?

  12. That explains it, he's from slower lower

  13. What part of testing, testing and testing do you not understand?

    1. How is testing going to make any difference? Everyone is going to be exposed.

  14. is this a planned shortcut? Hillary lost! Election scam failed, SO...Cat grabbing didnt work,Russia didnt wrk,ukraine didnt work, impeachment didnt work
    This is an attack from our own swamp government. The NWO traitors to our country.

  15. I will NEVER vote a Democrat into office as long as I live in Delaware. Obama, Hillary, and now Biden have been too much and now Carper and Coons need to go.

  16. Well something has to be done for those potential killers not wearing masks! You can have this deadly virus and spread it without knowing it, so you could be a killer! No mask, no entry into a store, office, restaurant, bar, anything with other people. If you violate it, arrest and thrown in a giant holding cell with many sick folks! Screw you!

    1. People wearing mask touch their face so much more then when they don't have a mask on.and the mask really doesn't work if you don't cover your eyes too.

  17. "...money is the most important thing to politicians..."

    Almost. The MOST important thing to politicians is raw, naked POWER. They want to be able to control you and your life from the moment you wake up until you fall asleep, from the day you are born until the day you die. Control over others is what gives them their jollies.

  18. We’ve all been exposed

  19. Martial Law. Where are the Patriots? Time to stop eating and do some acting!


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