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Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Maryland Mayor Jake Day

Jake Day is eating all this attention up. He loves it so much that he had to Pin his tweet to the Governor. A real hero doesn't do this job for the attention and glory like Jake is doing.


  1. If we are lucky, he will choose to stay in Africa. There are thousands of villages in Africa which could benefit from his expertise about traffic circles and bicycle lanes.

  2. Climbers climb. It's an old story and an old ladder.

  3. WTF Hogan could give two shots about salisbury. Day the old fat man in the governor's house played you like a fiddle. Your immature infatuation with self promotion is a hard to watch

  4. one good thing about him being gone, Liz will get her break from him. She needs to take the kids and run as far away as he can.

  5. Why is it that Everytime you see jack gay posing for a picture, she always has her hands on her hips. What's up with that ?

    1. It is his power stance. For real. Part of his confidence actually comes from that stance, which is unfortunate. It adds to his Superman Complex, which is an exaggerated sense of self.

  6. Exactly! Even the Bible says that! Matthew 6:1!

  7. Is his job going to be sh!tter cleaner? That might be the only thing he's suited for.

  8. Look, he will do anything to get away from that wife!

    1. Other way around he probably isn't getting it done he likes men

  9. 🍻 Here’s to hoping he decides to not come back😁

  10. Funny that Hogan can respond to Jake but won’t respond to restaurant owners.

    1. Yeah cuz they're as important as an elected officials..

  11. He’s a paper pusher and has never seen live fire ... He’s all hat

  12. He will probably throw himself a party, at the tax payers expense. Can you believe he paid city workers to get the folk festival ready. He paid employees to plant flowers. No joke. Bet that didn't get counted in the cost but hidden in the budget.

  13. us citizens are just as glad he is getting deployed and will be out of here for 10 months. We only need to deal with that Horatio Horn blower for a little longer.

  14. I didn't realize that they allowed little people in the army . Oh maybe he can shine shoes being that close to the ground . KP maybe , pots and pans for sure . Anyway I took my Jake Day this morning after 2 cups of coffee and I wiped with Hogan.

  15. A meaningless immature form of social media means more to this chump Jake Day than spending time with his daughters and trying to save his marriage.

    1. You are so on point. He could care less about his marriage. He sees his girls about an hour a day if that. As the wife abuse continues in front of them they will see his true colors.

  16. Please, do us all a favor and stay gone.

  17. You Jake butt kissers still don't get it his marriage failed #1 & #2 he and # 2 have had separate houses for years, it was a "SHAM" fake marriage so it would appear he was straight. You need to ask family members who will tell you, their church congregation knew all this, it is public knowledge. You were fooled get it? The attention man who loved the media was never straight with you guys, he lived 2 totally different lives.

    1. Tell us more????

    2. No more needed, that's plenty for me

  18. @10:43 I think he's made that pretty obvious with the endless attempt at promoting LGBT curriculum. The real giveaway is his constant drag queen fetish and need for "pageants". The trips he and then acting administrator Stevenson took to Washington DC or in reality "Dupont Circle" make alot more sense now. The real question is what church in salisbury is still calling itself a god fearing Christian Church allowing Day to indulge in such reckless behavior and be a part of their body?

  19. Sending a toy boy soldier overseas, must be a very low profile deployment. Ole Jake boy in live fire, he’d run for the hills first.

  20. Anonymous said...
    WTF Hogan could give two shots about salisbury. Day the old fat man in the governor's house played you like a fiddle. Your immature infatuation with self promotion is a hard to watch

    May 30, 2020 at 7:33 AM

    Definitely the statement of the day!

  21. Anonymous said...
    one good thing about him being gone, Liz will get her break from him. She needs to take the kids and run as far away as he can.

    May 30, 2020 at 7:42 AM

    She is just as worthless as he is. It's the kids who suffer.

  22. TheRealRay said...
    Why is it that Everytime you see jack gay posing for a picture, she always has her hands on her hips. What's up with that ?

    May 30, 2020 at 8:03 AM

    Because she is so cool. Wish I could be as cool as she.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Funny that Hogan can respond to Jake but won’t respond to restaurant owners.

    May 30, 2020 at 8:37 AM

    Excellent point.

  24. Anonymous said...
    He’s a paper pusher and has never seen live fire ... He’s all hat

    May 30, 2020 at 8:52 AM

    Not only has he not seen live fire, he also hates guns. He also called those veterans in Virginia Goobers. Those veterans who peacefully protested at the Virginia State House over the draconian gun laws.

    1. I remember that 8:23, thanks for bringing that back out

  25. Anonymous said...
    He will probably throw himself a party, at the tax payers expense. Can you believe he paid city workers to get the folk festival ready. He paid employees to plant flowers. No joke. Bet that didn't get counted in the cost but hidden in the budget.

    May 30, 2020 at 9:14 AM

    He paid city employees a paid vacation to North Carolina to visit their last Folk Festival. There was no reason to pay employees to go to North Carolina for 3 or 4 days when a festival is a festival. If you've seen one you've seen them all.

    Typical Democrat spending other peoples money.

    1. Other people's? YOUR tax dollars would be in YOUR pocket if it was YOURS lol

  26. Anonymous said...
    Is his job going to be sh!tter cleaner? That might be the only thing he's suited for.

    May 30, 2020 at 8:19 AM

    That's correct. She is going to be the Latrine Queen. It's a $hitty job but someone's got to do it.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Look, he will do anything to get away from that wife!

    May 30, 2020 at 8:35 AM

    Nope, he will do anything for attention. I trust her more than I do him.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Look, he will do anything to get away from that wife!

    May 30, 2020 at 8:35 AM

    This is Jake Day's second wife so apparently the problem is him.

  29. Anonymous said...
    🍻 Here’s to hoping he decides to not come back😁

    May 30, 2020 at 8:36 AM

    I will drink to that! 🍻🍻🍻

  30. Anonymous said...
    I didn't realize that they allowed little people in the army . Oh maybe he can shine shoes being that close to the ground . KP maybe , pots and pans for sure . Anyway I took my Jake Day this morning after 2 cups of coffee and I wiped with Hogan.

    May 30, 2020 at 9:23 AM

    Bwahahahahahahahaha!! I take a Jake every morning and wipe with a Hogan.

  31. Anonymous said...
    A meaningless immature form of social media means more to this chump Jake Day than spending time with his daughters and trying to save his marriage.

    May 30, 2020 at 9:40 AM

    You are right. I rode by the Government Office Building earlier in the week and saw his truck parked in his spot at 7 pm. At 7 pm I would be home with my precious children and not playing part-time mayor. He is a loser who doesn't deserve a family. Probably not his anyway. I've never seen a black haired father with blonde little girls.

    1. Imagine talking like this and calling someone ELSE a loser...wait you don't have to lol

      Shame on the mayor of a city to be working late. People are weird..

  32. Anonymous said...
    You Jake butt kissers still don't get it his marriage failed #1 & #2 he and # 2 have had separate houses for years, it was a "SHAM" fake marriage so it would appear he was straight. You need to ask family members who will tell you, their church congregation knew all this, it is public knowledge. You were fooled get it? The attention man who loved the media was never straight with you guys, he lived 2 totally different lives.

    May 30, 2020 at 10:43 AM

    I get it, but then again I'm not a butt kisser. The 'arrangement' sounds like the Obama 'arrangement' with 2 girls, doesn't it... Hmmmm.

    The guy in his life is Jordan Gilmore, his campaign treasurer. I have pictures. Wink, Wink.

  33. Anonymous said...
    How Masonic of you

    May 30, 2020 at 10:17 AM

    Huh? What does that mean? Who are you talking to?

  34. 2:40-You,you dog face pony soldier.

  35. If he’s out of the country it will be easier for mom and dad Day to get temporary custody of the kids.

  36. He is a great guy who has chosen to serve his country honorably! All those on here running him down have never served!! SALUTE!

    1. He is a self-serving,politically ruthless jerk. His military service is for the purpose of getting resume built up so he can run for president like his idol, the former mayor of South Bend.

    2. That's where you are wrong!! Served honorably IN USMC and Jake Day is a joke and insult to ALL if us that actually served in combat situation. Jake Day is a liar and white collar thief of taxpayers money. To volunteer for assignment in Africa proves he's nothing but a political wanna be. Jake you screwed up salisbury and your personal life and now you're running from the fallout.

  37. PX soldier and ass wiper to some real officer. Oh boy, get me a cup of joe, oh boy, get my laundry from quartermasters,oh boy,get me a jeep, oh boy, plant you lips here!!! Big Ranger, Ha. Ha.

  38. You crybabies never quit.

  39. I wonder if Day will dress up in his "peppermint Patty" drag apparel parading around doing his office work and getting coffee for his commanding officer!! Please forgive me I know my reference to his commanding FEMALE officer is considered white supremacists talk, LOL F*** all you bleeding heart liberal wingnuts

  40. Day's a dumb arse. Everything he does turns to crap. I remember the selling of the old firehouse fiasco and another loser idea of his with his idiotic "music venue". I had friends with a hugely successful business then who wanted to buy it for a place to park their trucks store supplies and use as an office. They got hosed out of it because it was never advertised properly. They were actually told when complained to a democrat politician that they didn't want to get mixed up in Sby anyway because it's basically the blind leading the blind. Anyway they bought a few counties away and now they tell me the other day they are up to almost 60 employees most getting $20 or more/hour and all getting benefits. Sby lost out on this because the voters are as dumb as rocks

  41. He is avoiding being called to Baltimore to control the demonstrators 😂😂😂


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