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Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Viewer Writes: ECI


I have been employed at ECI for almost two years. I am a female officer there. I love my line of work. I love my pay. I love my benefits. I HATE my male coworkers. They are constantly making sexual remarks to me. They are lazy, they fall asleep on the job putting us all in harms way! If I go to a superior I will face horrible backlash from my coworkers and the “superiors” will do absolutely nothing anyway. I am writing to you so hopefully you will post this and I can get some advice from your readers. Hopefully some who work there who can give me advice on what to do. I am far from a feminist. I do not hate men, but enough is enough. Where is the professionalism at?


  1. Take pics of them SLEEPING on the job. Record them sexually harassing you....if this is really happening. Then if your supervisors DONT respond, GO NATIONAL.

    1. DO NOT secretly record them with audio nor video. You will be arrested. Maryland’s laws are very strict, even if you are recording questionable behavior. Believe me, PLEASE.

  2. File an EEO complaint at the state or federal level.

  3. If you don’t put your concerns in writing, it never happened. Put it in writing, very detailed with witness information and accused information attached. Speak with an attorney or union rep first if you wish, I’d choose a private attorney over a union rep, because the union rep has the interests of all employees in the unit to consider (if you believe that they truly represent you, a lot of it is just political bs). If you get backlash, document it all and send to the appropriate in a way that you can prove you sent it. Expect a lawsuit in the long run and possibly your termination for speaking out. Do your job the best you can, because if you can show the relationship between your reporting of misconduct and your termination, you’ll have an unlawful termination lawsuit. These matters can be difficult, if your concerns fall on deaf ears, you’ll need to speak with a private attorney to protect yourself.

  4. This is indeed unfortunate, but my advise is to consult an attorney that is NOT from the shore. A competent and aggressive attorney will be able to help you put a stop to this and any/all future actions. However, do not tell a soul you are doing this - keep it to yourself, as many a career has been derailed by tipping off others (inadvertantly or accidentally).

    Kind Regards,


    1. I agree 100% with this. I had some civil issues that I needed an attorney for. My case was going the wrong direction. Then I started to see emails of my attorney talking to the other attorney asking him how sports activities his kids are going and how their new child was. I asked why he was so friendly. He stated they grew up together and went to college together. I dropped him, went to Easton got an attorney. Spent far more but he got things done in my favor. He told me off the record that Salisbury is a cesspool when it comes to the legal system. All the attorneys and judges know each other. They spend time together and constantly each lunch And dinner together. He said this is not the first time he saw a easy case from Salisbury turn into a nightmare because of the legal climate here.

  5. Unfortunately that is the how the men in uniform are these days... Most cops/security guards/prison guards even act this way!!!! Nothing can be done!!! Until they go and try to grab on you!!!! But hey remember, cops are hero's and they do no wrong!!! Remember???? So you lady are blowing smoke!!!! Remember cops don't break the law!!!! According to the ass cheek sucking cop lovers, it's your own fault for looking good to those men, and its your fault they harass you...

  6. As far as the sexual remarks. My advice is to ignore and consider the source. Any man who does that was surrounded by skank trashy women in their childhood whether it was their mother or grandmother. Whatever they were garbage and when it comes to trash like that the best to do is ignore and know you are above them and they aren't worthy of any reaction out of you. The falling asleep I would take your concerns to whoever the state Senator and delegate is in that district.

  7. Find another job. It won’t improve in that environment.

  8. 10 years on the job officer 2. I can tell you if a officer looks at female officer they will be written up or fired. Most male officers avoid speaking to a female unless absolutely necessary. Facts.

  9. 10:52...that was the most sound accurate advice that could be given. Female CO, follow that advice, that was from someone who has been there.

    1. Thank you 1126, I have been there and am still there. I have much documentation to support many things and it’s the only reason I’m still employed with my employer. I had an eye opener with the system and like wise, I believe the system has had an eye opener with someone who can support each and every single claim. The system supports itself, so when you go against the grain, you’ll drown if you don’t have your ducks in a row.

  10. Concerned RetireeMay 7, 2020 at 11:30 AM

    10:52 and 10:55 has given you good advice. Lawyers on the Shore usually do not represent you properly when it comes to the State.

    I have been retired from MDOC and it was like that when I started in 1984 and constantly got worst . I know that a lot of female CO's are taken the brunt of other Females violating regulations and the males do not know what professionalism is. They rely on their buddies in the Supervisor and Administration positions. These Higher positions of authority got where they are because of who they know and not by their knowledge or work ethics.

    Do your job the best you can and confide in very few. since you don't who to trust. If you plan on making a career of it you also need to leave the job at the last controlled exit and forget the job till you put on the uniform for the next shift.

    You have to be strong and expect retaliation. I experienced a lot of retaliation as a Union rep and I am a male.

  11. Concerned RetireeMay 7, 2020 at 11:37 AM

    I forgot to remind you to be on your P's & Q's because they will lie and set you up and attempt to break you. They will lie to justify their actions. I found out you have no friends working there. They will take what you say and do off work and spread their version in the Prison.

    Superiors and the State do not care for you as long as you show up for work.

    Your comments are so true

  12. Concerned RetireeMay 7, 2020 at 11:46 AM

    Remember you can not record or take pictures in the Prison. You will be fired for bringing in contraband. Keep a daily log in small notepad. Record who what where what was said and if you contacted anybody incase they deny it. Again who what where when and statements. Called CYA. Keep copies of everything at your home so you will always have 2 copies.

  13. Grin and bear it.

    Joe Biden

  14. When they talk trash stand your ground girl. Be more rude and vulgar if you gotta. They talk trash cause it's all they got lol

  15. Write a M.O.. Go on state computer, on xdrive is the EEO complaint form and all the information you need

  16. If filing a MOR with the eeo doesn't yield results, call the statewide eeo coordinator 410-767-3800. It WILL be confidential.

    Or dpscs eeo rep 410-585-3005


    1. Awwww poor snowflake TOUGHEN UP or Move on.

  17. Be prepared to name names. Go to your immediate supervisor and inform him of the incidents of sexual harassment and who is doing it. I'd also put what you said to that supervisor in writing. Then after your meeting with that supervisor, give him a copy of the letter which outlines what you had just told him. If things don't improve, go higher up and continue doing the same thing. If things don't change, hire an attorney, provide him/her with all the dates, times, and supervisors you met with, as well as the letters you provided each, and direct that attorney to file a sexual harassment suit against the state, Department of Corrections, the warden, each individual supervisor you spoke to, and all your co-workers that sexually harassed you. If you're smiling or going along as they are harassing you, you're part of the problem. Put anyone that harasses you on notice that their harassment is not appreciated, welcomed, and goes against policy and the law and if it continues you will take it higher. That should shut it down, but be prepared to be ignored. But that should be okay because I'm sure you don't want to associate with assholes any way.

  18. Retired Lieutenant CorrectionsMay 7, 2020 at 1:39 PM

    I began my C.O. career in 1982 in Jessup.Maryland ....as part of a Transition Team I coordinated, designed ,and opened up the East and West Compounds and in 1992 opened up the 420 Anbex...
    as inmates were brought in from the four corners of the State to fill ECI up.

    Like you Mam, you always have misfits to work with. As noted above you need to Document everything.Taking photos may get you in trouble though.

    Inmates will always make rude remarks, and some officers and Superiors are involved with inmates with Contraband, and other forms of rule violations.

    I took my concerns to the Maryland State Police , and a group of Waterloo Barracks detectives came down to investigate my claims.

    Merit was found on my Documented grievances , Correctional Officers were fired, the Assistant Warden eventually went to prison for 30 years......
    The Security Chief , at that time, was fired from State Service because of drug involvements with inmates and officers,
    other supervisor was demoted.

    Yes, I had satisfaction in my concerns and grievances being taken seriously, but

    I never was promoted past Lieutenant after my return to duty.

    As noted above.....you do not know who to trust, but if you are not going to file an EEO Complaint.....let it all go.

    The Administration at ECI will never change, even though new persons are placed in positions of power as others retire.

    By the way.....I was not the only one not promoted at ECI because we were vocal on inappropriate behaviors by Staff at ECI.

  19. I used to work at Wicomico County Jail and when we weren't doing count or supervised movement we were hooking up with the other female guards. Why not, boredom is a big thing in Jail even for us CO's. She should be flattered the guys want to get with her!

    1. I had the same experience there.

  20. Contact the justice department

  21. They take care of butt kissers there. Robert More first received a DWI and a year later charged with leaving the scene of a accident and running from a uniformed officer. I wonder why he ran? I assume he was drinking that day as well. Probably got the least amount of charges since he is in the club. He's still working and held in high regard.I have no doubt that this goes on and I feel sorry for the person involved here.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Awwww poor snowflake TOUGHEN UP or Move on.

    May 7, 2020 at 1:39 PM

    shut up stupid.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I used to work at Wicomico County Jail and when we weren't doing count or supervised movement we were hooking up with the other female guards. Why not, boredom is a big thing in Jail even for us CO's. She should be flattered the guys want to get with her!

    May 7, 2020 at 3:24 PM

    I'm glad such a PIG as you USED to work at a jail. You are not the type we need in those institutions.

  24. First thing tell them you don’t appreciate the comments, but remember you can’t carry on with some and not others, not saying you do. You can request a shift change or compound change by MOR and state why, they will listen.

  25. Do Yourself a BIG favor & QUIT !!! Take that GOOD Advice from me
    who put up with that HELLHOLE for 20 years & Retired from the damn
    SHHHT Hole !!!

    Life is Tooo Short & You did No Crime , so Don't do the TIme !!!!

    It Won't get Any better there, & it was FAR worse when I was there !!!

    Your just beating your head against the wall > Find a Better J O B !!!

    ECI = Everything is Corrupt Inside / DOC = Division of Corruption !!!

  26. Nobody wants the skanks !!! Only the inmates !!! LOL LOL


    Find a Better JOB !!!!

  28. ALL Prisons are CORRUPT !!! The Worst Criminals are the ones in Charge
    that run the damn place !!! FACT

    If you are an Honest officer (which is Rare) you are stuck between two
    Enemys > the Inmates & the Administration !!!! FACT

    They don't have Enough damn $$$$$$$ in the world > Period Fkkk em !!!

    Get a REAL J O B !!! Go in the Military if you value your life !!!!

  29. 60+ officers DIED there at ECI, from stress from a Corrupt Administration !!!

  30. Inmates could kill you every day you go in !!! Not Worth your Life for NO
    Damn JOB !!!!
    Govt cares more for their damn inmates than they do You !!! FACT

    Inmates Run the Prisons , not the guards !!! They just think they do !!!!

  31. The Govt covers ALL up !!!! So Nothing gets Fixed !!!! FACT

  32. Those so called Superiors are the Inferiors !!!! Idiots

  33. Be Glad the GREEN Regime is Gone !!!! Worse of the Worse !!!!

  34. Immediately report this to a Supervisor. Write a Matter of Record, meet with a supervisor. Have the supervisor sign the report and get a copy of it. Also at that time ask to file an EEO complaint on the computer. This will go directly to the EEO office and it will be confidential. You should also follow your chain of command. I can tell you those staff members who are harassing you will be dealt with. Do not be scared to speak up. There are several female supervisors who will assist you. Please file a complaint. No one should have to go to work and be harrased. Please speak up.

    Signed a concerned Supervisor at ECI

  35. To those that are making demeaning comments to this lady you are exactly part of the the problem. Mam you do not have to be harassed by co-workers. The sad fact is once you file the complaint be ready for the back lash. It sounds like you love your career choice. So do you run or fight that is a decision only you can make. Go on line and make a report directly to the Governor's Office. They have the power to make sure the rules are enforced. It has been hard recruiting Correctional Officers in Maryland. Largely because of the acts you describe and flat out criminal behavior by C.Os. The recent indictments at that facility speaks volumes as to what you are faced with. Document everything as many have stated. Contact an attorney away from the area that has experience in E.E.O.C. work. Just remember you are in a closed work environment and you have to rely on co-workers to have your back. If it becomes unsafe take leave for your own protection. If your case is legitimate you will get your leave back and monetary reward. You do not have to tolerate sexual harassment and unsafe working conditions due to those sleeping and just blatant violations of rules and regulations in place to prevent just this type of behavior. Good Luck.

  36. ECI should have been on the 'DIRTY JOBS SHOW " That's what it is !!!!

    Plenty of Bad jobs in America , & Prison is as LOW as you can go !!!
    Only thing Worse is going to WAR !!!!

  37. I filed many complaints while working there & learned that Govt covers for
    Govt !!! Fact
    EEOC / Whistle Blower / you name it > Nothing will be done except
    trying to get RID of YOU !!! Clear your self time & time again , that's it !!!

    The County joints are even Worse at Covering up , worked there too !!!
    I used to write up the Dirty so-called Supervisors all the time who Harrased
    me & many other officers !!! Nothing is ever done to them !!
    You may clear Your name after alot of work & time , but that is as far as it goes !! Good Luck because > You Will Need it !!! I Beat Them & are
    Proud of it & THANKFUL My Lord Jesus & God Protected Me Always !!!!

  38. Many Many officers who left ECI have Many True storys they could tell !!!
    They ALL can't be wrong !!! Yet Nothing got any better since 1987 !!!


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