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Friday, May 01, 2020

50 Democratic lawmakers call on Hogan to cancel rent and mortgage payments for Marylanders hurt by pandemic

Fifty Maryland lawmakers are calling on Gov. Larry Hogan to cancel rent and mortgage payments in the state for residents and businesses hurt by the coronavirus pandemic.

In a letter sent to Hogan Wednesday, the 50 Democratic lawmakers thanked the Republican governor for the actions he’s taken during the pandemic shutting down businesses and limiting gatherings, which they said have saved “countless” lives.

But they said they shutdown orders to slow the spread of the virus will cause “economic hardship on millions of Marylanders for months and years to come.”

"Bold action is necessary to mitigate this financial devastation,” states the letter, written by Del. Jheanelle Wilkins of Montgomery County and signed by 49 other state delegates. “We therefore urge you to implement aggressive housing relief measures, such as cancelling rent and mortgage payments for businesses and residents affected by COVID-19.”



  1. LARRY 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


  2. Are these people nuts??!

    Where do they think he would get the authority to do that??

    There is a contractual relationship between the renter and the landlord. Hogan has ZERO authority to alter that. None.

    1. Jake Day... soon to be Lt. GovenorMay 1, 2020 at 7:05 PM

      you will do this per my orders and directions

  3. Tell u what. I'm butt hurt I have to work for less than some are getting in unemployment benefits. Go ahead Hogmalley, jam it to us!

  4. I work in the home maintenance industry, self employed and not eligible for unemployment. My income has been drastically reduced due to the fact 95% of my work is in Ocean City repairing rental units. What relief can I expect from this? I will tell you, people like me have none! Zero,zilch! We don't qualify for 'forgivable employee's loans, unemployment or any other kind of relief. We self-employed handy people are totally screwed. To hear unemployed are getting $600 + benefit amount just makes me sick. I have worked 17 years doing this and this time of year is my major bread and butter! Gone with no relief from the federal or state government! I think I may have to go to cash only and skip paying all these taxes which are being given en away to people to do nothing just by saying " I am afraid of a virus"! Christ I would love to just collect the $600 per week till this over. But no we owner/operator handyman/ maintenance people are essential but can not collect anything!!

  5. Hogan the Horrible doesn't have the authority to cancel someones mortgage or rent payment.

    Horrible Hogan, how about cancelling state income and sales tax?

  6. Section 8 SalisburyMay 1, 2020 at 7:02 PM

    Dat rights

    I needs my money for wine

  7. YES! Screw the rich! No rent money for the rich landlords, yes!

  8. Boss Hog Hogan does not cancel contracts for anything. That is not in his power / authority unless he is proving himself to be a prodigy of HITLER the Communist Nazi. Hogan does that I have a $11,000 debt he will be mandated to eliminate me from paying. Hogan has to be equal to all peoples debt and not just the ones getting close to or more than $1000 a week unemployment or illegals or welfare bums.

  9. 5:51 Welcome to socialism, I told you it would be crap, but you all wanted it and now you got it, so quit complaining... Maybe if you took me and others seriously when we try to educate you so you can understand the severity of the situation, everyone wants to demonize people, talk down to people and think they know more about nothing and refuse to do their own research... This is what happens when you expect others do stand up for or with you and now it is too late... I kept warning everyone, but nooo I am just some dumb conspiracy theorist who happens to know things and is right all of the time...

    If you people could only even be gin to imagine the evil at play here, and how far and deep it goes... You people would commit suicide... Evil does evil stuff and it always will and if no one stands up to it, evil wins and this is what evil looks like...

    1. I NEVER wanted, how dare you to imply I wanted. What in my statement anywhere indicates I wanted socialism? All I am saying is it appears large corporations and those collecting unemployment are collecting large monies from the government while those with small businesses, 5 employees or less, owner/operators are being offered no kind of help of relief! We work 70 hours a week, 7 days a week! We are trying to just make a decent living working for ourselves and nothing during this crisis is being offered to help us out with our incomes being reduced by 80% +. We hire incidental workers when we need them because we don't need full time help. People like me do what we do because we enjoy the work and the freedoms of being your own boss. We are not out to be 'rich' but to make a decent living and there is no relief package for us! We pay taxes, buy our own insurance for health and the business, licensing fees, etc.

  10. Jheanelle Wilkins from Montgomery County and 49 of her fellow Democ-rats Can Pay For Everyone's Rent, not us the Taxpayers. Those slicksters in Annapolis are getting paid for doing nothing, so come on, Donate With Joy to your constituents.

  11. He will do anything for the Libs and the Media thinking they will support him in his next election.When this foolish person leaves Annapolis these same folks are going to beat him like a rented mule.

  12. No need to pay rent now, AOC said every renter should protest by not paying it. That having been said, you can tell the landlord Washington told us not to pay our rent.

  13. No one has to pay their rent, stores aren't paying and protests are popping up in every city against paying rent. Most states have passed emergency laws to forbid evictions during this pandemic, so why not? Every renter could use a break and when they get back to work then pay Octobers rent or Novembers when they get a paycheck. The land barons can afford it.


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