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Friday, April 03, 2020

WOW! Anti-Trump PBS Hack Yamiche Alcindor Says Covering Trump Is a “Team Sport” for Media “We Have Each Other’s Back”

She is as biased as she is stupid.

Far left PBS hack Yamiche Alcindor told MSNBC that covering President Trump in the White House is a “team sport” and they have each other’s back in their hatred of the president.

This comes to a surprise to no one.

The liberal White House media has been against this president and any outsider who threatens their leftist clique.



  1. Plainly obvious.

  2. So, they finally admit the truth. The end of responsible and informative journalism. These are hacks who are paid journalistic assassins; thanks Yamiche for clarifying your role.

  3. Her attempt to pose a question at
    Trump's Sunday presser demonstrated that she is stupid and inarticulate.
    She was trying to put together a gotcha question, but she could not pull it off.
    Other than those shortcomings she is just pain ill mannered.

  4. Don't stand for their TDS. I don't. Confront them EVERYTIME. I do !!!

  5. A liberal hack, a product of NYU and Georegetown U indoctrination. And we wonder why so many people don't want their taxes funding PBS?

  6. Everyone except Mr. Trump and Fox News is wrong.

  7. Scumbags all of them!


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