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Friday, April 10, 2020

WHO: Criticism Of Our Coronavirus Response Is Probably Racist

The World Health Organization, unable to refute complaints about its response to the global coronavirus pandemic, built largely on its willingness to take Chinese government information at face value, is now calling its critics, particularly its Taiwanese critics, racists.

Taiwan, which has struggled with gaining international recognition and was all but cut out of the World Health Organization’s coronavirus response, has been particularly critical of the WHO, claiming that it tried repeatedly to warn the global health group that China was withholding, hiding, and even actively quashing vital information about the spread of COVID-19. Taiwan also says that its response to the coronavirus was better than China’s and that its data on the disease could help other countries — but that the data must be separate from China’s in order to visualize Taiwan’s results.

The WHO responded by locking Taiwan out completely, lumping its coronavirus-related data in with China’s, and, in one telling interview, WHO leadership even refused to acknowledge Taiwan’s independence — a clear sign that the WHO defers to Chinese officials.

After the United States joined in the campaign to question the WHO’s allegiance to the Chinese government, the group’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, resorted to claims that Taiwan is behind an international, decidedly racist campaign against the global health body and that the island nation is biased against Africans.




  2. A worthless bunch profiting off working taxpayers.

  3. But trying to kill the West isn’t ?

  4. Truth is never racist.

    And “racism” isn’t always true.

  5. WHO the joke of the world

  6. Doesn't matter the Virus is not.

  7. Bob Aswell....RealistApril 10, 2020 at 4:28 PM

    Joe, Bob Aswell on this end. I was surprised on Tuesday that the general population had gotten you to the point of eruption. Now you know why I'm like I am. Ignorance truly is a sad affliction. It grates on everyone's nerves and in no manner helps in any consideration of any problem.

    As to the focus of this writing, mostly I find when you have an accusation of 'racism' there is underlying subterfuge because; (1) The author of that fallacy has their backs against the wall because they realize they've been exposed for the incompetence they've exhibited in the past. Example, the head of the WHO.
    (2) Secondly, These people don't have the mental capacity to realize incompetence over time becomes self-evident. These people through politics draw huge salaries which pay back mediocre toilet valet favors which make sure political dirt they may or may not know stays hidden.

    I am a no nonsense person with no quarter for these low-lifes. I oppose these individuals on all grounds and they, not Trump, are the problem. They make more mess by just talking than all the people who make a stab at problems do and if they know how to pray they should thank God Bob isn't in charge because they'ed be relocating post-haste. As they claimed about Trump, 'Any place but here'.

    As far as racism, I say 'Get a life somewhere'. I see you all as poorly educated, unskilled even in oratory skills and no idea intellectually of the precept of maintaining silence when you aren't smart enough to relate your prowess in the game of life.

  8. The virus has no clue what discrimination is. It does love those with lifestyles that led to or caused health problems.

    1. Unless it was created in a lab

  9. Zionists always play the race card

  10. I ask how is this virus any worse than the regular flu or the swine flu


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