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Saturday, April 04, 2020

Weiner Timeline:’ How the FBI Gave Hillary Cover During the Election

[Judicial Watch] just released 180 pages of communications between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page that include Strzok’s “weiner timeline,” which shows a time gap of almost a month between the discovery of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails on the laptop of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner and the obtaining of a search warrant.

On November 3, 2016, Strzok sends an email to Page with a “weiner timeline.” The document shows that on September 28, 2016, the Assistant Director in Charge (ADIC) of the New York Office of the FBI reported “potential MYE-related material,” referring to Midyear Exam, which was the code name of the FBI’s Clinton email investigation. The timeline shows that not until October 30, almost a month after the discovery, was a search warrant for the emails obtained:



  1. Trump was impeached over a phone call about corruption with In DNC, several ambassadors, server and former Vice President. Just asking about a democrat got a president indicted... And now once again a investigation is being conducted by the same congress during a freakin pandemic.

  2. She's done and out of the picture. She is a very driven rich Grandma now. Peoples obsession with her is funny. Nixon and Reagan had a long civilian lives after their humiliations and Trump will too. They are all just people playing a game.

  3. We all know she has & still is covered for !!! Time to LOCK her up NOW !!!

  4. Keep up the good work, Judicial Watch and I'll keep sending you a monthly donation.

  5. The difference is Trump was held responsible for something he didn't do and went through months of an impeachment process and Hillary has still not been held accountable for actual charges with proof, she should be behind bars and her and Bill should loose everything including the Clinton Foundation from false campaign finances received. An the uranium deal she should be charged for as well as the murder of 4 Americans in Bengazi and you think the two comparisons are the same =========Hillary do the time for your actual crimes.

  6. Her Cover is "BLOWN" GOTCHA !!!!


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