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Saturday, April 04, 2020

Trump's Guilty Of Having Hope!


  1. Trumpworld is getting desperate ..lol

  2. TRUMP wants to do the right thing BUT he is relying on A LIB Dr Fuchi who has a Big pharma Agenda instead of putting out the HYDROCHLOROQUINE N ZPAK MEDS OUT for $20.

    1. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    2. Sure dude. We are to put more faith in the words of some internet wahoo pike you instead of someone who has been serving in the medical field,specifically on epidemics, for 30 years. See this is the problem with modern technology and the internet; idiots like you get to spout to poison the public conversation as if their statements should hold equal weight as an expert like Fauci.

    3. Your a clueless lib SOS.

    4. Fauci is not the the only specialist in this field nor is he the God of infectious diseases. It takes everyone in the field to study it and come forth with solutions. You are a ' put all my eggs in one basket' person!!

  3. He has Done FAR more than that crooked Obama !!! Already !! 2020

  4. There are so many doing so much to help, so many putting their lives on the line to help and how ANYBODY can dwell on the negative about Anybody or Anything is beyond me!! I can not imagine how President Trump has had ALL this negativeness for years now and this health situation going on now is not something I would want to be calling the shots on. How many could stand the pressure? He might not be perfect, but who is? But who would be strong enough? The big help tomorrow would be to join in prayer or reflection with everybody at noon, as Gov. Hogan suggested, Try It! You just might feel the love and strength we need to get through this....ALIVE!


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