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Friday, April 10, 2020

Three More Prosecutors Needed For Wicomico Probes

SALISBURY – Officials in Wicomico County added three new positions within the Wicomico County State’s Attorney’s Office this week to provide additional resources for two separate investigations.

On Tuesday, the Wicomico County Council voted 6-1, with Councilman Bill McCain opposed, to amend the county’s classification and pay plan by adding two new prosecutor positions and one new special investigator position within the state’s attorney’s office as two separate investigations move forward that could impact pending and closed criminal cases.

“This office, under my tenure, has had minimal increases,” State’s Attorney Jamie Dykes said. “I do not make this ask lightly. I am a citizen of this county, and I understand the cost. Our times now are different than ever before.”

In February, the state’s attorney’s office began the process of providing disclosures in every criminal case that was charged by the Salisbury Police Department or that contained evidence that is or was being held in the custody of the police department from April 22, 1997 to Feb. 7, 2020 after determining evidence stored in the department’s property storage facilities may have been compromised.



  1. I call BS - same old song and dance in Wicomico - lie, cover it up, and appoint a committee to investigate. I can’t believe the people there put up with it

  2. Maybe attorney misconduct should receive attention for additional failure to meet ethical obligations. Just peel back the surface, you’ll be amazed.

  3. If the cases are due to the criminal negligence of this office to begin with why do they get new money. Adjust salaries and expenses to get done what needs to be done. People in the office knew sh#t was not right and kept their mouths shut. Deal with it now. Thank you Bill McCain for due diligence.

  4. Wonder where they will find the money,seems the city and county are broke because all these construction projects half done everywhere.

  5. Current prosecutors should have been doing this while courts have been closed all this time. That whole damn dept could have taken care of it.
    Looks like tax payers are on the hook for the sa's mistakes again...

  6. Not with my tax money. Deal with your corrupt police department, then the ATTY Gen office. Both have been mismanaged for years. Now you want the public to, once again, or is it STILL have to pay the bill. The cost of the good-ole-boy network is just too expensive to haul this old junk pile. Hiring more to be part of a broken system is not the answer - it just adds to it. Do your job and fire these incompetent personnel and start clean with new proven, competent personnel.

  7. Still no arrest in the SU race scheme

    1. That's because the leftist scumbags that run that "university" have no morals. Equal justice under the law unless the perpetrator is black.
      This has been an outrageous example of bias. Joe, please keep this issue on the front burner.

    2. Kirkland Hall? Has he been arrested? Maybe it wasn’t him?

    3. It wasn’t him.

  8. Total waste of money! This is real easy, don't sleep with the cops you work with. Also applies to one of our judges.

  9. Dykes is a sad D.A. for this county. Terrible spokeswoman who has to have Mcdermont to hold her hand thru everything.I think taxpayers would have been better off with Seth Mitchell as bad as I hate to admit it.There is MORE than enough help in that office and how about the city pitching in for their L.E. flunkies.

  10. SU President doesn't want the bad press of rushing to charge a black graffiti artist with apparent ties to UMES. He panders to the black students. Why do you think it is taking so long? Hoping people will forget by the time fall gets here.

  11. Ms. Dykes should speak for herself. Does she not have any allegiance to the tax paying citizens who took the time to cast a ballot for her? She is taking their hard earned money in a Covid-19 environment? These same citizens are funding her full salary and her $500,000 farm estate while losing their jobs. Non gov't employed people are really really struggling.

    Despite attempting to ride Beau H. Oglesby tailcoats, Bill the then Worcester County Acting DA was overwhelmingly voted out;he is a tax and spend liberal that never saw a budget -staff increase that he did not crave. Just last month, he was begging the County Council to approve minor marijuana laws, to be more stringent than MD State requirements, as if he had plenty of taxpayer money to handle the additional work but is seemingly out of taxpayer’s money to handle evidence room crimes. EFECTIVE tax rates will increase for the poor people who cannot afford to move out of Wicomico County. Since it is clear Bill is calling the shots he should move to Wicomico so he can be taxed to death instead of Worcester County where Ms. Heiser has prudently managed her budget.

    Thank you Bill McCain for watching out for the Wicomico taxpayers it took courage to go it alone, once the $$$ are in the DA budget it will never come back out. It would surely serve the community better to invest in three safety resource officers or teachers at the High Schools then 3 more at the DA office.

    VOTE for Heiser and Britt in 2022!

  12. Thank you Bill McCain!!

  13. Funny New Law To Look into Old Law Not Funny We Pay

  14. from 2 years ago...

    On staff now are 20 attorneys and 19 administrative employees. The annual budget is $3.8 million.

    Dykes said she attended a Lion’s Club meeting where a colleague told her there was a time in the mid-1980s when the State’s Attorney’s Office had only two full-time and one part-time prosecutors.

    “Now, 35 years later, we have 20 prosecutors. It has grown 10 times,” Dykes said.


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