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Sunday, April 19, 2020


American Revolution begun
Launched this day in 1775 with the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the American Revolution was an effort by 13 British colonies in North America (with help from France, Spain, and the Netherlands) to win their independence.


  1. This is an instance where history should repeat itself!

  2. With the crap that politicians have and are doing today the war should continue on todays stage until the last damn one of them is exterminated. What a sweet World that would make. The greatest good would be a group of HONEST PEOPLE in charge with NO ulterior motives and Schumer and Pelosi would be in the lowest reaches of Hell.

  3. 9:58am, oh hell yes.

  4. The Revolution itself was bought and paid for by Elites. Average Americans at that time were still indentured just having gotten here. This notion that they took to battle with hunting muskets in their possession is a nostalgic Myth. We had Armory's and Militia beholding to a very few that understood the potential wealth and prosperity that the NEW world proffered meant leaving the old world behind and getting the Monarchy off our backs and once we did little has changed.....liberate the common give them a vote and just do whatever despite them. It's played out like a Biblical passion play. People eat it up in faith and do little else to change it.

  5. Whatever we do, no matter how good it is, there's somebody who wants to take it away. Freedom is at the top of the list.


  6. 12:07-- you're a complete idiot.

  7. What this country needs today is an awakening for all. The tree of Liberty needs to be watered every now and then with the blood of patriots.

  8. Another Revolution might be coming.

  9. Might??

    Another revolution is on the way and the clock is ticking.....it cannot be avoided.
    Just like Jefferson predicted over 200 years ago.

    He also told us what to look for and how to do it.

    Buy ammo.

  10. Are you now inciting armed revolution ?

  11. 2020 is the New one baby !!! Just getting started !!!


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